PostgreSQL 原始碼解讀(13)- 插入資料#12(PostgresMain)





/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 * PostgresMain
 *     postgres main loop -- all backends, interactive or otherwise start here
 * argc/argv are the command line arguments to be used.  (When being forked
 * by the postmaster, these are not the original argv array of the process.)
 * dbname is the name of the database to connect to, or NULL if the database
 * name should be extracted from the command line arguments or defaulted.
 * username is the PostgreSQL user name to be used for the session.
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
PostgresMain(int argc, char *argv[],
             const char *dbname,
             const char *username)
    int         firstchar;//臨時變數,讀取輸入的Command
    StringInfoData input_message;//字串增強結構體
    sigjmp_buf  local_sigjmp_buf;//系統變數
    volatile bool send_ready_for_query = true;//
    bool        disable_idle_in_transaction_timeout = false;

    /* Initialize startup process environment if necessary. */
    if (!IsUnderPostmaster//未初始化?initialized for the bootstrap/standalone case


     * Set default values for command-line options.
    if (!IsUnderPostmaster)
        InitializeGUCOptions();//初始化GUC引數,GUC=Grand Unified Configuration

     * Parse command-line options.
    process_postgres_switches(argc, argv, PGC_POSTMASTER, &dbname);//解析輸入引數

    /* Must have gotten a database name, or have a default (the username) */
    if (dbname == NULL)//輸入的dbname為空
        dbname = username;//設定為使用者名稱
        if (dbname == NULL)//如仍為空,報錯
                     errmsg("%s: no database nor user name specified",

    /* Acquire configuration parameters, unless inherited from postmaster */
    if (!IsUnderPostmaster)
        if (!SelectConfigFiles(userDoption, progname))//讀取配置檔案conf/hba檔案&定位資料目錄

     * Set up signal handlers and masks.
     * Note that postmaster blocked all signals before forking child process,
     * so there is no race condition whereby we might receive a signal before
     * we have set up the handler.
     * Also note: it's best not to use any signals that are SIG_IGNored in the
     * postmaster.  If such a signal arrives before we are able to change the
     * handler to non-SIG_IGN, it'll get dropped.  Instead, make a dummy
     * handler in the postmaster to reserve the signal. (Of course, this isn't
     * an issue for signals that are locally generated, such as SIGALRM and
     * SIGPIPE.)
    if (am_walsender)//wal sender程式?
    else//不是wal sender程式
        pqsignal(SIGHUP, PostgresSigHupHandler);    /* set flag to read config
                                                     * file */
        pqsignal(SIGINT, StatementCancelHandler);   /* cancel current query */
        pqsignal(SIGTERM, die); /* cancel current query and exit */

         * In a standalone backend, SIGQUIT can be generated from the keyboard
         * easily, while SIGTERM cannot, so we make both signals do die()
         * rather than quickdie().
        if (IsUnderPostmaster)
            pqsignal(SIGQUIT, quickdie);    /* hard crash time */
            pqsignal(SIGQUIT, die); /* cancel current query and exit */
        InitializeTimeouts();   /* establishes SIGALRM handler */

         * Ignore failure to write to frontend. Note: if frontend closes
         * connection, we will notice it and exit cleanly when control next
         * returns to outer loop.  This seems safer than forcing exit in the
         * midst of output during who-knows-what operation...
        pqsignal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);
        pqsignal(SIGUSR1, procsignal_sigusr1_handler);
        pqsignal(SIGUSR2, SIG_IGN);
        pqsignal(SIGFPE, FloatExceptionHandler);

         * Reset some signals that are accepted by postmaster but not by
         * backend
        pqsignal(SIGCHLD, SIG_DFL); /* system() requires this on some
                                     * platforms */

    pqinitmask();//Initialize BlockSig, UnBlockSig, and StartupBlockSig.

    if (IsUnderPostmaster)
        /* We allow SIGQUIT (quickdie) at all times */
        sigdelset(&BlockSig, SIGQUIT);

    PG_SETMASK(&BlockSig);      /* block everything except SIGQUIT */

    if (!IsUnderPostmaster)
         * Validate we have been given a reasonable-looking DataDir (if under
         * postmaster, assume postmaster did this already).

        /* Change into DataDir (if under postmaster, was done already) */

         * Create lockfile for data directory.
        CreateDataDirLockFile(false);//建立鎖定檔案,CreateLockFile(DIRECTORY_LOCK_FILE, amPostmaster, "", true, DataDir);

        /* read control file (error checking and contains config ) */
        LocalProcessControlFile(false);//Read the control file, set respective GUCs.

        /* Initialize MaxBackends (if under postmaster, was done already) */
        InitializeMaxBackends();//Initialize MaxBackends value from config options.

    /* Early initialization */

     * Create a per-backend PGPROC struct in shared memory, except in the
     * EXEC_BACKEND case where this was done in SubPostmasterMain. We must do
     * this before we can use LWLocks (and in the EXEC_BACKEND case we already
     * had to do some stuff with LWLocks).
// initialize a per-process data structure for this backend
    if (!IsUnderPostmaster)

    /* We need to allow SIGINT, etc during the initial transaction */

     * General initialization.
     * NOTE: if you are tempted to add code in this vicinity, consider putting
     * it inside InitPostgres() instead.  In particular, anything that
     * involves database access should be there, not here.
    InitPostgres(dbname, InvalidOid, username, InvalidOid, NULL, false);//Initialize POSTGRES

     * If the PostmasterContext is still around, recycle the space; we don't
     * need it anymore after InitPostgres completes.  Note this does not trash
     * *MyProcPort, because ConnCreate() allocated that space with malloc()
     * ... else we'd need to copy the Port data first.  Also, subsidiary data
     * such as the username isn't lost either; see ProcessStartupPacket().
    if (PostmasterContext)
        PostmasterContext = NULL;


     * Now all GUC states are fully set up.  Report them to client if
     * appropriate.
    BeginReportingGUCOptions();//Report GUC

     * Also set up handler to log session end; we have to wait till now to be
     * sure Log_disconnections has its final value.
    if (IsUnderPostmaster && Log_disconnections)
        on_proc_exit(log_disconnections, 0);//this function adds a callback function to the list of functions invoked by proc_exit()

    /* Perform initialization specific to a WAL sender process. */
    if (am_walsender)
        InitWalSender();//初始化 WAL sender process

     * process any libraries that should be preloaded at backend start (this
     * likewise can't be done until GUC settings are complete)

     * Send this backend's cancellation info to the frontend.
    if (whereToSendOutput == DestRemote)
        StringInfoData buf;

        pq_beginmessage(&buf, 'K');
        pq_sendint32(&buf, (int32) MyProcPid);
        pq_sendint32(&buf, (int32) MyCancelKey);
        /* Need not flush since ReadyForQuery will do it. */

    /* Welcome banner for standalone case */
    if (whereToSendOutput == DestDebug)
        printf("\nPostgreSQL stand-alone backend %s\n", PG_VERSION);

     * Create the memory context we will use in the main loop.
     * MessageContext is reset once per iteration of the main loop, ie, upon
     * completion of processing of each command message from the client.
    MessageContext = AllocSetContextCreate(TopMemoryContext,

     * Create memory context and buffer used for RowDescription messages. As
     * SendRowDescriptionMessage(), via exec_describe_statement_message(), is
     * frequently executed for ever single statement, we don't want to
     * allocate a separate buffer every time.
    //TODO 傳輸RowDescription messages?
    row_description_context = AllocSetContextCreate(TopMemoryContext,

     * Remember stand-alone backend startup time
    if (!IsUnderPostmaster)
        PgStartTime = GetCurrentTimestamp();//記錄啟動時間

     * POSTGRES main processing loop begins here
     * If an exception is encountered, processing resumes here so we abort the
     * current transaction and start a new one.
     * You might wonder why this isn't coded as an infinite loop around a
     * PG_TRY construct.  The reason is that this is the bottom of the
     * exception stack, and so with PG_TRY there would be no exception handler
     * in force at all during the CATCH part.  By leaving the outermost setjmp
     * always active, we have at least some chance of recovering from an error
     * during error recovery.  (If we get into an infinite loop thereby, it
     * will soon be stopped by overflow of elog.c's internal state stack.)
     * Note that we use sigsetjmp(..., 1), so that this function's signal mask
     * (to wit, UnBlockSig) will be restored when longjmp'ing to here.  This
     * is essential in case we longjmp'd out of a signal handler on a platform
     * where that leaves the signal blocked.  It's not redundant with the
     * unblock in AbortTransaction() because the latter is only called if we
     * were inside a transaction.

    if (sigsetjmp(local_sigjmp_buf, 1) != 0)//
         * NOTE: if you are tempted to add more code in this if-block,
         * consider the high probability that it should be in
         * AbortTransaction() instead.  The only stuff done directly here
         * should be stuff that is guaranteed to apply *only* for outer-level
         * error recovery, such as adjusting the FE/BE protocol status.

        /* Since not using PG_TRY, must reset error stack by hand */
        error_context_stack = NULL;

        /* Prevent interrupts while cleaning up */

         * Forget any pending QueryCancel request, since we're returning to
         * the idle loop anyway, and cancel any active timeout requests.  (In
         * future we might want to allow some timeout requests to survive, but
         * at minimum it'd be necessary to do reschedule_timeouts(), in case
         * we got here because of a query cancel interrupting the SIGALRM
         * interrupt handler.)  Note in particular that we must clear the
         * statement and lock timeout indicators, to prevent any future plain
         * query cancels from being misreported as timeouts in case we're
         * forgetting a timeout cancel.
        QueryCancelPending = false; /* second to avoid race condition */
        stmt_timeout_active = false;

        /* Not reading from the client anymore. */
        DoingCommandRead = false;

        /* Make sure libpq is in a good state */

        /* Report the error to the client and/or server log */

         * Make sure debug_query_string gets reset before we possibly clobber
         * the storage it points at.
        debug_query_string = NULL;

         * Abort the current transaction in order to recover.

        if (am_walsender)


         * We can't release replication slots inside AbortTransaction() as we
         * need to be able to start and abort transactions while having a slot
         * acquired. But we never need to hold them across top level errors,
         * so releasing here is fine. There's another cleanup in ProcKill()
         * ensuring we'll correctly cleanup on FATAL errors as well.
        if (MyReplicationSlot != NULL)

        /* We also want to cleanup temporary slots on error. */


         * Now return to normal top-level context and clear ErrorContext for
         * next time.

         * If we were handling an extended-query-protocol message, initiate
         * skip till next Sync.  This also causes us not to issue
         * ReadyForQuery (until we get Sync).
        if (doing_extended_query_message)
            ignore_till_sync = true;

        /* We don't have a transaction command open anymore */
        xact_started = false;

         * If an error occurred while we were reading a message from the
         * client, we have potentially lost track of where the previous
         * message ends and the next one begins.  Even though we have
         * otherwise recovered from the error, we cannot safely read any more
         * messages from the client, so there isn't much we can do with the
         * connection anymore.
        if (pq_is_reading_msg())
                     errmsg("terminating connection because protocol synchronization was lost")));

        /* Now we can allow interrupts again */

    /* We can now handle ereport(ERROR) */
    PG_exception_stack = &local_sigjmp_buf;

    if (!ignore_till_sync)
        send_ready_for_query = true;    /* initially, or after error */

     * Non-error queries loop here.

    for (;;)//主迴圈
         * At top of loop, reset extended-query-message flag, so that any
         * errors encountered in "idle" state don't provoke skip.
        doing_extended_query_message = false;

         * Release storage left over from prior query cycle, and create a new
         * query input buffer in the cleared MessageContext.


         * Also consider releasing our catalog snapshot if any, so that it's
         * not preventing advance of global xmin while we wait for the client.

         * (1) If we've reached idle state, tell the frontend we're ready for
         * a new query.
         * Note: this includes fflush()'ing the last of the prior output.
         * This is also a good time to send collected statistics to the
         * collector, and to update the PS stats display.  We avoid doing
         * those every time through the message loop because it'd slow down
         * processing of batched messages, and because we don't want to report
         * uncommitted updates (that confuses autovacuum).  The notification
         * processor wants a call too, if we are not in a transaction block.
        if (send_ready_for_query)//I am ready!
            if (IsAbortedTransactionBlockState())
                set_ps_display("idle in transaction (aborted)", false);
                pgstat_report_activity(STATE_IDLEINTRANSACTION_ABORTED, NULL);

                /* Start the idle-in-transaction timer */
                if (IdleInTransactionSessionTimeout > 0)
                    disable_idle_in_transaction_timeout = true;
            else if (IsTransactionOrTransactionBlock())
                set_ps_display("idle in transaction", false);
                pgstat_report_activity(STATE_IDLEINTRANSACTION, NULL);

                /* Start the idle-in-transaction timer */
                if (IdleInTransactionSessionTimeout > 0)
                    disable_idle_in_transaction_timeout = true;

                set_ps_display("idle", false);
                pgstat_report_activity(STATE_IDLE, NULL);

            send_ready_for_query = false;

         * (2) Allow asynchronous signals to be executed immediately if they
         * come in while we are waiting for client input. (This must be
         * conditional since we don't want, say, reads on behalf of COPY FROM
         * STDIN doing the same thing.)
        DoingCommandRead = true;

         * (3) read a command (loop blocks here)
        firstchar = ReadCommand(&input_message);//讀取命令

         * (4) disable async signal conditions again.
         * Query cancel is supposed to be a no-op when there is no query in
         * progress, so if a query cancel arrived while we were idle, just
         * reset QueryCancelPending. ProcessInterrupts() has that effect when
         * it's called when DoingCommandRead is set, so check for interrupts
         * before resetting DoingCommandRead.
        DoingCommandRead = false;

         * (5) turn off the idle-in-transaction timeout
        if (disable_idle_in_transaction_timeout)
            disable_timeout(IDLE_IN_TRANSACTION_SESSION_TIMEOUT, false);
            disable_idle_in_transaction_timeout = false;

         * (6) check for any other interesting events that happened while we
         * slept.
        if (ConfigReloadPending)
            ConfigReloadPending = false;

         * (7) process the command.  But ignore it if we're skipping till
         * Sync.
        if (ignore_till_sync && firstchar != EOF)

        switch (firstchar)
            case 'Q':           /* simple query */
                    const char *query_string;

                    /* Set statement_timestamp() */

                    query_string = pq_getmsgstring(&input_message);//SQL語句

                    if (am_walsender)
                        if (!exec_replication_command(query_string))

                    send_ready_for_query = true;

            case 'P':           /* parse */
                    const char *stmt_name;
                    const char *query_string;
                    int         numParams;
                    Oid        *paramTypes = NULL;


                    /* Set statement_timestamp() */

                    stmt_name = pq_getmsgstring(&input_message);
                    query_string = pq_getmsgstring(&input_message);
                    numParams = pq_getmsgint(&input_message, 2);
                    if (numParams > 0)
                        int         i;

                        paramTypes = (Oid *) palloc(numParams * sizeof(Oid));
                        for (i = 0; i < numParams; i++)
                            paramTypes[i] = pq_getmsgint(&input_message, 4);

                    exec_parse_message(query_string, stmt_name,
                                       paramTypes, numParams);

            case 'B':           /* bind */

                /* Set statement_timestamp() */

                 * this message is complex enough that it seems best to put
                 * the field extraction out-of-line

            case 'E':           /* execute */
                    const char *portal_name;
                    int         max_rows;


                    /* Set statement_timestamp() */

                    portal_name = pq_getmsgstring(&input_message);
                    max_rows = pq_getmsgint(&input_message, 4);

                    exec_execute_message(portal_name, max_rows);

            case 'F':           /* fastpath function call */

                /* Set statement_timestamp() */

                /* Report query to various monitoring facilities. */
                pgstat_report_activity(STATE_FASTPATH, NULL);
                set_ps_display("<FASTPATH>", false);

                /* start an xact for this function invocation */

                 * Note: we may at this point be inside an aborted
                 * transaction.  We can't throw error for that until we've
                 * finished reading the function-call message, so
                 * HandleFunctionRequest() must check for it after doing so.
                 * Be careful not to do anything that assumes we're inside a
                 * valid transaction here.

                /* switch back to message context */


                /* commit the function-invocation transaction */

                send_ready_for_query = true;

            case 'C':           /* close */
                    int         close_type;
                    const char *close_target;


                    close_type = pq_getmsgbyte(&input_message);
                    close_target = pq_getmsgstring(&input_message);

                    switch (close_type)
                        case 'S':
                            if (close_target[0] != '\0')
                                DropPreparedStatement(close_target, false);
                                /* special-case the unnamed statement */
                        case 'P':
                                Portal      portal;

                                portal = GetPortalByName(close_target);
                                if (PortalIsValid(portal))
                                    PortalDrop(portal, false);
                                     errmsg("invalid CLOSE message subtype %d",

                    if (whereToSendOutput == DestRemote)
                        pq_putemptymessage('3');    /* CloseComplete */

            case 'D':           /* describe */
                    int         describe_type;
                    const char *describe_target;


                    /* Set statement_timestamp() (needed for xact) */

                    describe_type = pq_getmsgbyte(&input_message);
                    describe_target = pq_getmsgstring(&input_message);

                    switch (describe_type)
                        case 'S':
                        case 'P':
                                     errmsg("invalid DESCRIBE message subtype %d",

            case 'H':           /* flush */
                if (whereToSendOutput == DestRemote)

            case 'S':           /* sync */
                send_ready_for_query = true;

                 * 'X' means that the frontend is closing down the socket. EOF
                 * means unexpected loss of frontend connection. Either way,
                 * perform normal shutdown.
            case 'X':
            case EOF:

                 * Reset whereToSendOutput to prevent ereport from attempting
                 * to send any more messages to client.
                if (whereToSendOutput == DestRemote)
                    whereToSendOutput = DestNone;

                 * NOTE: if you are tempted to add more code here, DON'T!
                 * Whatever you had in mind to do should be set up as an
                 * on_proc_exit or on_shmem_exit callback, instead. Otherwise
                 * it will fail to be called during other backend-shutdown
                 * scenarios.

            case 'd':           /* copy data */
            case 'c':           /* copy done */
            case 'f':           /* copy fail */

                 * Accept but ignore these messages, per protocol spec; we
                 * probably got here because a COPY failed, and the frontend
                 * is still sending data.

                         errmsg("invalid frontend message type %d",
    }                           /* end of input-reading loop */



  * StringInfoData holds information about an extensible string.
  *      data    is the current buffer for the string (allocated with palloc).
  *      len     is the current string length.  There is guaranteed to be
  *              a terminating '\0' at data[len], although this is not very
  *              useful when the string holds binary data rather than text.
  *      maxlen  is the allocated size in bytes of 'data', i.e. the maximum
  *              string size (including the terminating '\0' char) that we can
  *              currently store in 'data' without having to reallocate
  *              more space.  We must always have maxlen > len.
  *      cursor  is initialized to zero by makeStringInfo or initStringInfo,
  *              but is not otherwise touched by the stringinfo.c routines.
  *              Some routines use it to scan through a StringInfo.
 typedef struct StringInfoData
     char       *data;
     int         len;
     int         maxlen;
     int         cursor;
 } StringInfoData;
 typedef StringInfoData *StringInfo;


  #ifndef WIN32
 #define PG_SETMASK(mask)    sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, mask, NULL)
 /* Emulate POSIX sigset_t APIs on Windows */
 typedef int sigset_t;
 extern int  pqsigsetmask(int mask);
 #define PG_SETMASK(mask)        pqsigsetmask(*(mask))
 #define sigemptyset(set)        (*(set) = 0)
 #define sigfillset(set)         (*(set) = ~0)
 #define sigaddset(set, signum)  (*(set) |= (sigmask(signum)))
 #define sigdelset(set, signum)  (*(set) &= ~(sigmask(signum)))
 #endif                          /* WIN32 */


  * IsPostmasterEnvironment is true in a postmaster process and any postmaster
  * child process; it is false in a standalone process (bootstrap or
  * standalone backend).  IsUnderPostmaster is true in postmaster child
  * processes.  Note that "child process" includes all children, not only
  * regular backends.  These should be set correctly as early as possible
  * in the execution of a process, so that error handling will do the right
  * things if an error should occur during process initialization.
  * These are initialized for the bootstrap/standalone case.
 bool        IsPostmasterEnvironment = false;
 bool        IsUnderPostmaster = false;
 bool        IsBinaryUpgrade = false;
 bool IsBackgroundWorker = false;

 bool am_walsender = false; /* Am I a walsender process? */


  * Initialize the basic environment for a standalone process.
  * argv0 has to be suitable to find the program's executable.
 InitStandaloneProcess(const char *argv0)
     MyProcPid = getpid();       /* reset MyProcPid */
     MyStartTime = time(NULL);   /* set our start time in case we call elog */
     /* Initialize process-local latch support */
     MyLatch = &LocalLatchData;
     /* Compute paths, no postmaster to inherit from */
     if (my_exec_path[0] == '\0')
         if (find_my_exec(argv0, my_exec_path) < 0)
             elog(FATAL, "%s: could not locate my own executable path",
     if (pkglib_path[0] == '\0')
         get_pkglib_path(my_exec_path, pkglib_path);


  * Initialize GUC options during program startup.
  * Note that we cannot read the config file yet, since we have not yet
  * processed command-line switches.
     int         i;
      * Before log_line_prefix could possibly receive a nonempty setting, make
      * sure that timezone processing is minimally alive (see elog.c).
      * Build sorted array of all GUC variables.
      * Load all variables with their compiled-in defaults, and initialize
      * status fields as needed.
     for (i = 0; i < num_guc_variables; i++)
     guc_dirty = false;
     reporting_enabled = false;
      * Prevent any attempt to override the transaction modes from
      * non-interactive sources.
     SetConfigOption("transaction_isolation", "default",
                     PGC_POSTMASTER, PGC_S_OVERRIDE);
     SetConfigOption("transaction_read_only", "no",
                     PGC_POSTMASTER, PGC_S_OVERRIDE);
     SetConfigOption("transaction_deferrable", "no",
                     PGC_POSTMASTER, PGC_S_OVERRIDE);
      * For historical reasons, some GUC parameters can receive defaults from
      * environment variables.  Process those settings.


 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------
  * process_postgres_switches
  *     Parse command line arguments for PostgresMain
  * This is called twice, once for the "secure" options coming from the
  * postmaster or command line, and once for the "insecure" options coming
  * from the client's startup packet.  The latter have the same syntax but
  * may be restricted in what they can do.
  * argv[0] is ignored in either case (it's assumed to be the program name).
  * ctx is PGC_POSTMASTER for secure options, PGC_BACKEND for insecure options
  * coming from the client, or PGC_SU_BACKEND for insecure options coming from
  * a superuser client.
  * If a database name is present in the command line arguments, it's
  * returned into *dbname (this is allowed only if *dbname is initially NULL).
  * ----------------------------------------------------------------
 process_postgres_switches(int argc, char *argv[], GucContext ctx,
                           const char **dbname)
     bool        secure = (ctx == PGC_POSTMASTER);
     int         errs = 0;
     GucSource   gucsource;
     int         flag;
     if (secure)
         gucsource = PGC_S_ARGV; /* switches came from command line */
         /* Ignore the initial --single argument, if present */
         if (argc > 1 && strcmp(argv[1], "--single") == 0)
         gucsource = PGC_S_CLIENT;   /* switches came from client */
      * Turn this off because it's either printed to stderr and not the log
      * where we'd want it, or argv[0] is now "--single", which would make for
      * a weird error message.  We print our own error message below.
     opterr = 0;
      * Parse command-line options.  CAUTION: keep this in sync with
      * postmaster/postmaster.c (the option sets should not conflict) and with
      * the common help() function in main/main.c.
     while ((flag = getopt(argc, argv, "B:bc:C:D:d:EeFf:h:ijk:lN:nOo:Pp:r:S:sTt:v:W:-:")) != -1)
         switch (flag)
             case 'B':
                 SetConfigOption("shared_buffers", optarg, ctx, gucsource);
             case 'b':
                 /* Undocumented flag used for binary upgrades */
                 if (secure)
                     IsBinaryUpgrade = true;
             case 'C':
                 /* ignored for consistency with the postmaster */
             case 'D':
                 if (secure)
                     userDoption = strdup(optarg);
             case 'd':
                 set_debug_options(atoi(optarg), ctx, gucsource);
             case 'E':
                 if (secure)
                     EchoQuery = true;
             case 'e':
                 SetConfigOption("datestyle", "euro", ctx, gucsource);
             case 'F':
                 SetConfigOption("fsync", "false", ctx, gucsource);
             case 'f':
                 if (!set_plan_disabling_options(optarg, ctx, gucsource))
             case 'h':
                 SetConfigOption("listen_addresses", optarg, ctx, gucsource);
             case 'i':
                 SetConfigOption("listen_addresses", "*", ctx, gucsource);
             case 'j':
                 if (secure)
                     UseSemiNewlineNewline = true;
             case 'k':
                 SetConfigOption("unix_socket_directories", optarg, ctx, gucsource);
             case 'l':
                 SetConfigOption("ssl", "true", ctx, gucsource);
             case 'N':
                 SetConfigOption("max_connections", optarg, ctx, gucsource);
             case 'n':
                 /* ignored for consistency with postmaster */
             case 'O':
                 SetConfigOption("allow_system_table_mods", "true", ctx, gucsource);
             case 'o':
             case 'P':
                 SetConfigOption("ignore_system_indexes", "true", ctx, gucsource);
             case 'p':
                 SetConfigOption("port", optarg, ctx, gucsource);
             case 'r':
                 /* send output (stdout and stderr) to the given file */
                 if (secure)
                     strlcpy(OutputFileName, optarg, MAXPGPATH);
             case 'S':
                 SetConfigOption("work_mem", optarg, ctx, gucsource);
             case 's':
                 SetConfigOption("log_statement_stats", "true", ctx, gucsource);
             case 'T':
                 /* ignored for consistency with the postmaster */
             case 't':
                     const char *tmp = get_stats_option_name(optarg);
                     if (tmp)
                         SetConfigOption(tmp, "true", ctx, gucsource);
             case 'v':
                  * -v is no longer used in normal operation, since
                  * FrontendProtocol is already set before we get here. We keep
                  * the switch only for possible use in standalone operation,
                  * in case we ever support using normal FE/BE protocol with a
                  * standalone backend.
                 if (secure)
                     FrontendProtocol = (ProtocolVersion) atoi(optarg);
             case 'W':
                 SetConfigOption("post_auth_delay", optarg, ctx, gucsource);
             case 'c':
             case '-':
                     char       *name,
                     ParseLongOption(optarg, &name, &value);
                     if (!value)
                         if (flag == '-')
                                      errmsg("--%s requires a value",
                                      errmsg("-c %s requires a value",
                     SetConfigOption(name, value, ctx, gucsource);
                     if (value)
         if (errs)
      * Optional database name should be there only if *dbname is NULL.
     if (!errs && dbname && *dbname == NULL && argc - optind >= 1)
         *dbname = strdup(argv[optind++]);
     if (errs || argc != optind)
         if (errs)
             optind--;           /* complain about the previous argument */
         /* spell the error message a bit differently depending on context */
         if (IsUnderPostmaster)
                      errmsg("invalid command-line argument for server process: %s", argv[optind]),
                      errhint("Try \"%s --help\" for more information.", progname)));
                      errmsg("%s: invalid command-line argument: %s",
                             progname, argv[optind]),
                      errhint("Try \"%s --help\" for more information.", progname)));
      * Reset getopt(3) library so that it will work correctly in subprocesses
      * or when this function is called a second time with another array.
     optind = 1;
     optreset = 1;               /* some systems need this too */


  * Select the configuration files and data directory to be used, and
  * do the initial read of postgresql.conf.
  * This is called after processing command-line switches.
  *      userDoption is the -D switch value if any (NULL if unspecified).
  *      progname is just for use in error messages.
  * Returns true on success; on failure, prints a suitable error message
  * to stderr and returns false.
 SelectConfigFiles(const char *userDoption, const char *progname)
     char       *configdir;
     char       *fname;
     struct stat stat_buf;
     /* configdir is -D option, or $PGDATA if no -D */
     if (userDoption)
         configdir = make_absolute_path(userDoption);
         configdir = make_absolute_path(getenv("PGDATA"));
     if (configdir && stat(configdir, &stat_buf) != 0)
         write_stderr("%s: could not access directory \"%s\": %s\n",
         if (errno == ENOENT)
             write_stderr("Run initdb or pg_basebackup to initialize a PostgreSQL data directory.\n");
         return false;
      * Find the configuration file: if config_file was specified on the
      * command line, use it, else use configdir/postgresql.conf.  In any case
      * ensure the result is an absolute path, so that it will be interpreted
      * the same way by future backends.
     if (ConfigFileName)
         fname = make_absolute_path(ConfigFileName);
     else if (configdir)
         fname = guc_malloc(FATAL,
                            strlen(configdir) + strlen(CONFIG_FILENAME) + 2);
         sprintf(fname, "%s/%s", configdir, CONFIG_FILENAME);
         write_stderr("%s does not know where to find the server configuration file.\n"
                      "You must specify the --config-file or -D invocation "
                      "option or set the PGDATA environment variable.\n",
         return false;
      * Set the ConfigFileName GUC variable to its final value, ensuring that
      * it can't be overridden later.
     SetConfigOption("config_file", fname, PGC_POSTMASTER, PGC_S_OVERRIDE);
      * Now read the config file for the first time.
     if (stat(ConfigFileName, &stat_buf) != 0)
         write_stderr("%s: could not access the server configuration file \"%s\": %s\n",
                      progname, ConfigFileName, strerror(errno));
         return false;
      * Read the configuration file for the first time.  This time only the
      * data_directory parameter is picked up to determine the data directory,
      * so that we can read the PG_AUTOCONF_FILENAME file next time.
      * If the data_directory GUC variable has been set, use that as DataDir;
      * otherwise use configdir if set; else punt.
      * Note: SetDataDir will copy and absolute-ize its argument, so we don't
      * have to.
     if (data_directory)
     else if (configdir)
         write_stderr("%s does not know where to find the database system data.\n"
                      "This can be specified as \"data_directory\" in \"%s\", "
                      "or by the -D invocation option, or by the "
                      "PGDATA environment variable.\n",
                      progname, ConfigFileName);
         return false;
      * Reflect the final DataDir value back into the data_directory GUC var.
      * (If you are wondering why we don't just make them a single variable,
      * it's because the EXEC_BACKEND case needs DataDir to be transmitted to
      * child backends specially.  XXX is that still true?  Given that we now
      * chdir to DataDir, EXEC_BACKEND can read the config file without knowing
      * DataDir in advance.)
     SetConfigOption("data_directory", DataDir, PGC_POSTMASTER, PGC_S_OVERRIDE);
      * Now read the config file a second time, allowing any settings in the
      * PG_AUTOCONF_FILENAME file to take effect.  (This is pretty ugly, but
      * since we have to determine the DataDir before we can find the autoconf
      * file, the alternatives seem worse.)
      * If timezone_abbreviations wasn't set in the configuration file, install
      * the default value.  We do it this way because we can't safely install a
      * "real" value until my_exec_path is set, which may not have happened
      * when InitializeGUCOptions runs, so the bootstrap default value cannot
      * be the real desired default.
      * Figure out where pg_hba.conf is, and make sure the path is absolute.
     if (HbaFileName)
         fname = make_absolute_path(HbaFileName);
     else if (configdir)
         fname = guc_malloc(FATAL,
                            strlen(configdir) + strlen(HBA_FILENAME) + 2);
         sprintf(fname, "%s/%s", configdir, HBA_FILENAME);
         write_stderr("%s does not know where to find the \"hba\" configuration file.\n"
                      "This can be specified as \"hba_file\" in \"%s\", "
                      "or by the -D invocation option, or by the "
                      "PGDATA environment variable.\n",
                      progname, ConfigFileName);
         return false;
     SetConfigOption("hba_file", fname, PGC_POSTMASTER, PGC_S_OVERRIDE);
      * Likewise for pg_ident.conf.
     if (IdentFileName)
         fname = make_absolute_path(IdentFileName);
     else if (configdir)
         fname = guc_malloc(FATAL,
                            strlen(configdir) + strlen(IDENT_FILENAME) + 2);
         sprintf(fname, "%s/%s", configdir, IDENT_FILENAME);
         write_stderr("%s does not know where to find the \"ident\" configuration file.\n"
                      "This can be specified as \"ident_file\" in \"%s\", "
                      "or by the -D invocation option, or by the "
                      "PGDATA environment variable.\n",
                      progname, ConfigFileName);
         return false;
     SetConfigOption("ident_file", fname, PGC_POSTMASTER, PGC_S_OVERRIDE);
     return true;


  * Initialize BlockSig, UnBlockSig, and StartupBlockSig.
  * BlockSig is the set of signals to block when we are trying to block
  * signals.  This includes all signals we normally expect to get, but NOT
  * signals that should never be turned off.
  * StartupBlockSig is the set of signals to block during startup packet
  * collection; it's essentially BlockSig minus SIGTERM, SIGQUIT, SIGALRM.
  * UnBlockSig is the set of signals to block when we don't want to block
  * signals (is this ever nonzero??)
     /* First set all signals, then clear some. */
      * Unmark those signals that should never be blocked. Some of these signal
      * names don't exist on all platforms.  Most do, but might as well ifdef
      * them all for consistency...
 #ifdef SIGTRAP
     sigdelset(&BlockSig, SIGTRAP);
     sigdelset(&StartupBlockSig, SIGTRAP);
 #ifdef SIGABRT
     sigdelset(&BlockSig, SIGABRT);
     sigdelset(&StartupBlockSig, SIGABRT);
 #ifdef SIGILL
     sigdelset(&BlockSig, SIGILL);
     sigdelset(&StartupBlockSig, SIGILL);
 #ifdef SIGFPE
     sigdelset(&BlockSig, SIGFPE);
     sigdelset(&StartupBlockSig, SIGFPE);
 #ifdef SIGSEGV
     sigdelset(&BlockSig, SIGSEGV);
     sigdelset(&StartupBlockSig, SIGSEGV);
 #ifdef SIGBUS
     sigdelset(&BlockSig, SIGBUS);
     sigdelset(&StartupBlockSig, SIGBUS);
 #ifdef SIGSYS
     sigdelset(&BlockSig, SIGSYS);
     sigdelset(&StartupBlockSig, SIGSYS);
 #ifdef SIGCONT
     sigdelset(&BlockSig, SIGCONT);
     sigdelset(&StartupBlockSig, SIGCONT);
 /* Signals unique to startup */
 #ifdef SIGQUIT
     sigdelset(&StartupBlockSig, SIGQUIT);
 #ifdef SIGTERM
     sigdelset(&StartupBlockSig, SIGTERM);
 #ifdef SIGALRM
     sigdelset(&StartupBlockSig, SIGALRM);


  * Early initialization of a backend (either standalone or under postmaster).
  * This happens even before InitPostgres.
  * This is separate from InitPostgres because it is also called by auxiliary
  * processes, such as the background writer process, which may not call
  * InitPostgres at all.
      * Attach to shared memory and semaphores, and initialize our
      * input/output/debugging file descriptors.
     /* Do local initialization of file, storage and buffer managers */


  * InitProcess -- initialize a per-process data structure for this backend
     PGPROC     *volatile *procgloballist;
      * ProcGlobal should be set up already (if we are a backend, we inherit
      * this by fork() or EXEC_BACKEND mechanism from the postmaster).
     if (ProcGlobal == NULL)
         elog(PANIC, "proc header uninitialized");
     if (MyProc != NULL)
         elog(ERROR, "you already exist");
     /* Decide which list should supply our PGPROC. */
     if (IsAnyAutoVacuumProcess())
         procgloballist = &ProcGlobal->autovacFreeProcs;
     else if (IsBackgroundWorker)
         procgloballist = &ProcGlobal->bgworkerFreeProcs;
         procgloballist = &ProcGlobal->freeProcs;
      * Try to get a proc struct from the appropriate free list.  If this
      * fails, we must be out of PGPROC structures (not to mention semaphores).
      * While we are holding the ProcStructLock, also copy the current shared
      * estimate of spins_per_delay to local storage.
     MyProc = *procgloballist;
     if (MyProc != NULL)
         *procgloballist = (PGPROC *) MyProc->;
          * If we reach here, all the PGPROCs are in use.  This is one of the
          * possible places to detect "too many backends", so give the standard
          * error message.  XXX do we need to give a different failure message
          * in the autovacuum case?
                  errmsg("sorry, too many clients already")));
     MyPgXact = &ProcGlobal->allPgXact[MyProc->pgprocno];
      * Cross-check that the PGPROC is of the type we expect; if this were not
      * the case, it would get returned to the wrong list.
     Assert(MyProc->procgloballist == procgloballist);
      * Now that we have a PGPROC, mark ourselves as an active postmaster
      * child; this is so that the postmaster can detect it if we exit without
      * cleaning up.  (XXX autovac launcher currently doesn't participate in
      * this; it probably should.)
     if (IsUnderPostmaster && !IsAutoVacuumLauncherProcess())
      * Initialize all fields of MyProc, except for those previously
      * initialized by InitProcGlobal.
     MyProc->waitStatus = STATUS_OK;
     MyProc->lxid = InvalidLocalTransactionId;
     MyProc->fpVXIDLock = false;
     MyProc->fpLocalTransactionId = InvalidLocalTransactionId;
     MyPgXact->xid = InvalidTransactionId;
     MyPgXact->xmin = InvalidTransactionId;
     MyProc->pid = MyProcPid;
     /* backendId, databaseId and roleId will be filled in later */
     MyProc->backendId = InvalidBackendId;
     MyProc->databaseId = InvalidOid;
     MyProc->roleId = InvalidOid;
     MyProc->isBackgroundWorker = IsBackgroundWorker;
     MyPgXact->delayChkpt = false;
     MyPgXact->vacuumFlags = 0;
     /* NB -- autovac launcher intentionally does not set IS_AUTOVACUUM */
     if (IsAutoVacuumWorkerProcess())
         MyPgXact->vacuumFlags |= PROC_IS_AUTOVACUUM;
     MyProc->lwWaiting = false;
     MyProc->lwWaitMode = 0;
     MyProc->waitLock = NULL;
     MyProc->waitProcLock = NULL;
         int         i;
         /* Last process should have released all locks. */
         for (i = 0; i < NUM_LOCK_PARTITIONS; i++)
     MyProc->recoveryConflictPending = false;
     /* Initialize fields for sync rep */
     MyProc->waitLSN = 0;
     MyProc->syncRepState = SYNC_REP_NOT_WAITING;
     /* Initialize fields for group XID clearing. */
     MyProc->procArrayGroupMember = false;
     MyProc->procArrayGroupMemberXid = InvalidTransactionId;
     pg_atomic_init_u32(&MyProc->procArrayGroupNext, INVALID_PGPROCNO);
     /* Check that group locking fields are in a proper initial state. */
     Assert(MyProc->lockGroupLeader == NULL);
     /* Initialize wait event information. */
     MyProc->wait_event_info = 0;
     /* Initialize fields for group transaction status update. */
     MyProc->clogGroupMember = false;
     MyProc->clogGroupMemberXid = InvalidTransactionId;
     MyProc->clogGroupMemberXidStatus = TRANSACTION_STATUS_IN_PROGRESS;
     MyProc->clogGroupMemberPage = -1;
     MyProc->clogGroupMemberLsn = InvalidXLogRecPtr;
     pg_atomic_init_u32(&MyProc->clogGroupNext, INVALID_PGPROCNO);
      * Acquire ownership of the PGPROC's latch, so that we can use WaitLatch
      * on it.  That allows us to repoint the process latch, which so far
      * points to process local one, to the shared one.
      * We might be reusing a semaphore that belonged to a failed process. So
      * be careful and reinitialize its value here.  (This is not strictly
      * necessary anymore, but seems like a good idea for cleanliness.)
      * Arrange to clean up at backend exit.
     on_shmem_exit(ProcKill, 0);
      * Now that we have a PGPROC, we could try to acquire locks, so initialize
      * local state needed for LWLocks, and the deadlock checker.


 /* --------------------------------
  * InitPostgres
  *      Initialize POSTGRES.
  * The database can be specified by name, using the in_dbname parameter, or by
  * OID, using the dboid parameter.  In the latter case, the actual database
  * name can be returned to the caller in out_dbname.  If out_dbname isn't
  * NULL, it must point to a buffer of size NAMEDATALEN.
  * Similarly, the username can be passed by name, using the username parameter,
  * or by OID using the useroid parameter.
  * In bootstrap mode no parameters are used.  The autovacuum launcher process
  * doesn't use any parameters either, because it only goes far enough to be
  * able to read pg_database; it doesn't connect to any particular database.
  * In walsender mode only username is used.
  * As of PostgreSQL 8.2, we expect InitProcess() was already called, so we
  * already have a PGPROC struct ... but it's not completely filled in yet.
  * Note:
  *      Be very careful with the order of calls in the InitPostgres function.
  * --------------------------------
 InitPostgres(const char *in_dbname, Oid dboid, const char *username,
              Oid useroid, char *out_dbname, bool override_allow_connections)
     bool        bootstrap = IsBootstrapProcessingMode();
     bool        am_superuser;
     char       *fullpath;
     char        dbname[NAMEDATALEN];
     elog(DEBUG3, "InitPostgres");
      * Add my PGPROC struct to the ProcArray.
      * Once I have done this, I am visible to other backends!
      * Initialize my entry in the shared-invalidation manager's array of
      * per-backend data.
      * Sets up MyBackendId, a unique backend identifier.
     MyBackendId = InvalidBackendId;
     if (MyBackendId > MaxBackends || MyBackendId <= 0)
         elog(FATAL, "bad backend ID: %d", MyBackendId);
     /* Now that we have a BackendId, we can participate in ProcSignal */
      * Also set up timeout handlers needed for backend operation.  We need
      * these in every case except bootstrap.
     if (!bootstrap)
         RegisterTimeout(DEADLOCK_TIMEOUT, CheckDeadLockAlert);
         RegisterTimeout(STATEMENT_TIMEOUT, StatementTimeoutHandler);
         RegisterTimeout(LOCK_TIMEOUT, LockTimeoutHandler);
      * bufmgr needs another initialization call too
      * Initialize local process's access to XLOG.
     if (IsUnderPostmaster)
          * The postmaster already started the XLOG machinery, but we need to
          * call InitXLOGAccess(), if the system isn't in hot-standby mode.
          * This is handled by calling RecoveryInProgress and ignoring the
          * result.
         (void) RecoveryInProgress();
          * We are either a bootstrap process or a standalone backend. Either
          * way, start up the XLOG machinery, and register to have it closed
          * down at exit.
          * We don't yet have an aux-process resource owner, but StartupXLOG
          * and ShutdownXLOG will need one.  Hence, create said resource owner
          * (and register a callback to clean it up after ShutdownXLOG runs).
         /* Release (and warn about) any buffer pins leaked in StartupXLOG */
         /* Reset CurrentResourceOwner to nothing for the moment */
         CurrentResourceOwner = NULL;
         on_shmem_exit(ShutdownXLOG, 0);
      * Initialize the relation cache and the system catalog caches.  Note that
      * no catalog access happens here; we only set up the hashtable structure.
      * We must do this before starting a transaction because transaction abort
      * would try to touch these hashtables.
     /* Initialize portal manager */
     /* Initialize stats collection --- must happen before first xact */
     if (!bootstrap)
      * Load relcache entries for the shared system catalogs.  This must create
      * at least entries for pg_database and catalogs used for authentication.
      * Set up process-exit callback to do pre-shutdown cleanup.  This is the
      * first before_shmem_exit callback we register; thus, this will be the
      * last thing we do before low-level modules like the buffer manager begin
      * to close down.  We need to have this in place before we begin our first
      * transaction --- if we fail during the initialization transaction, as is
      * entirely possible, we need the AbortTransaction call to clean up.
     before_shmem_exit(ShutdownPostgres, 0);
     /* The autovacuum launcher is done here */
     if (IsAutoVacuumLauncherProcess())
         /* report this backend in the PgBackendStatus array */
      * Start a new transaction here before first access to db, and get a
      * snapshot.  We don't have a use for the snapshot itself, but we're
      * interested in the secondary effect that it sets RecentGlobalXmin. (This
      * is critical for anything that reads heap pages, because HOT may decide
      * to prune them even if the process doesn't attempt to modify any
      * tuples.)
     if (!bootstrap)
         /* statement_timestamp must be set for timeouts to work correctly */
          * transaction_isolation will have been set to the default by the
          * above.  If the default is "serializable", and we are in hot
          * standby, we will fail if we don't change it to something lower.
          * Fortunately, "read committed" is plenty good enough.
         XactIsoLevel = XACT_READ_COMMITTED;
         (void) GetTransactionSnapshot();
      * Perform client authentication if necessary, then figure out our
      * postgres user ID, and see if we are a superuser.
      * In standalone mode and in autovacuum worker processes, we use a fixed
      * ID, otherwise we figure it out from the authenticated user name.
     if (bootstrap || IsAutoVacuumWorkerProcess())
         am_superuser = true;
     else if (!IsUnderPostmaster)
         am_superuser = true;
         if (!ThereIsAtLeastOneRole())
                      errmsg("no roles are defined in this database system"),
                      errhint("You should immediately run CREATE USER \"%s\" SUPERUSER;.",
                              username != NULL ? username : "postgres")));
     else if (IsBackgroundWorker)
         if (username == NULL && !OidIsValid(useroid))
             am_superuser = true;
             InitializeSessionUserId(username, useroid);
             am_superuser = superuser();
         /* normal multiuser case */
         Assert(MyProcPort != NULL);
         InitializeSessionUserId(username, useroid);
         am_superuser = superuser();
      * If we're trying to shut down, only superusers can connect, and new
      * replication connections are not allowed.
     if ((!am_superuser || am_walsender) &&
         MyProcPort != NULL &&
         MyProcPort->canAcceptConnections == CAC_WAITBACKUP)
         if (am_walsender)
                      errmsg("new replication connections are not allowed during database shutdown")));
                      errmsg("must be superuser to connect during database shutdown")));
      * Binary upgrades only allowed super-user connections
     if (IsBinaryUpgrade && !am_superuser)
                  errmsg("must be superuser to connect in binary upgrade mode")));
      * The last few connection slots are reserved for superusers.  Although
      * replication connections currently require superuser privileges, we
      * don't allow them to consume the reserved slots, which are intended for
      * interactive use.
     if ((!am_superuser || am_walsender) &&
         ReservedBackends > 0 &&
                  errmsg("remaining connection slots are reserved for non-replication superuser connections")));
     /* Check replication permissions needed for walsender processes. */
     if (am_walsender)
         if (!superuser() && !has_rolreplication(GetUserId()))
                      errmsg("must be superuser or replication role to start walsender")));
      * If this is a plain walsender only supporting physical replication, we
      * don't want to connect to any particular database. Just finish the
      * backend startup by processing any options from the startup packet, and
      * we're done.
     if (am_walsender && !am_db_walsender)
         /* process any options passed in the startup packet */
         if (MyProcPort != NULL)
             process_startup_options(MyProcPort, am_superuser);
         /* Apply PostAuthDelay as soon as we've read all options */
         if (PostAuthDelay > 0)
             pg_usleep(PostAuthDelay * 1000000L);
         /* initialize client encoding */
         /* report this backend in the PgBackendStatus array */
         /* close the transaction we started above */
      * Set up the global variables holding database id and default tablespace.
      * But note we won't actually try to touch the database just yet.
      * We take a shortcut in the bootstrap case, otherwise we have to look up
      * the db's entry in pg_database.
     if (bootstrap)
         MyDatabaseId = TemplateDbOid;
         MyDatabaseTableSpace = DEFAULTTABLESPACE_OID;
     else if (in_dbname != NULL)
         HeapTuple   tuple;
         Form_pg_database dbform;
         tuple = GetDatabaseTuple(in_dbname);
         if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple))
                      errmsg("database \"%s\" does not exist", in_dbname)));
         dbform = (Form_pg_database) GETSTRUCT(tuple);
         MyDatabaseId = HeapTupleGetOid(tuple);
         MyDatabaseTableSpace = dbform->dattablespace;
         /* take database name from the caller, just for paranoia */
         strlcpy(dbname, in_dbname, sizeof(dbname));
     else if (OidIsValid(dboid))
         /* caller specified database by OID */
         HeapTuple   tuple;
         Form_pg_database dbform;
         tuple = GetDatabaseTupleByOid(dboid);
         if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple))
                      errmsg("database %u does not exist", dboid)));
         dbform = (Form_pg_database) GETSTRUCT(tuple);
         MyDatabaseId = HeapTupleGetOid(tuple);
         MyDatabaseTableSpace = dbform->dattablespace;
         Assert(MyDatabaseId == dboid);
         strlcpy(dbname, NameStr(dbform->datname), sizeof(dbname));
         /* pass the database name back to the caller */
         if (out_dbname)
             strcpy(out_dbname, dbname);
          * If this is a background worker not bound to any particular
          * database, we're done now.  Everything that follows only makes sense
          * if we are bound to a specific database.  We do need to close the
          * transaction we started before returning.
         if (!bootstrap)
      * Now, take a writer's lock on the database we are trying to connect to.
      * If there is a concurrently running DROP DATABASE on that database, this
      * will block us until it finishes (and has committed its update of
      * pg_database).
      * Note that the lock is not held long, only until the end of this startup
      * transaction.  This is OK since we will advertise our use of the
      * database in the ProcArray before dropping the lock (in fact, that's the
      * next thing to do).  Anyone trying a DROP DATABASE after this point will
      * see us in the array once they have the lock.  Ordering is important for
      * this because we don't want to advertise ourselves as being in this
      * database until we have the lock; otherwise we create what amounts to a
      * deadlock with CountOtherDBBackends().
      * Note: use of RowExclusiveLock here is reasonable because we envision
      * our session as being a concurrent writer of the database.  If we had a
      * way of declaring a session as being guaranteed-read-only, we could use
      * AccessShareLock for such sessions and thereby not conflict against
     if (!bootstrap)
         LockSharedObject(DatabaseRelationId, MyDatabaseId, 0,
      * Now we can mark our PGPROC entry with the database ID.
      * We assume this is an atomic store so no lock is needed; though actually
      * things would work fine even if it weren't atomic.  Anyone searching the
      * ProcArray for this database's ID should hold the database lock, so they
      * would not be executing concurrently with this store.  A process looking
      * for another database's ID could in theory see a chance match if it read
      * a partially-updated databaseId value; but as long as all such searches
      * wait and retry, as in CountOtherDBBackends(), they will certainly see
      * the correct value on their next try.
     MyProc->databaseId = MyDatabaseId;
      * We established a catalog snapshot while reading pg_authid and/or
      * pg_database; but until we have set up MyDatabaseId, we won't react to
      * incoming sinval messages for unshared catalogs, so we won't realize it
      * if the snapshot has been invalidated.  Assume it's no good anymore.
      * Recheck pg_database to make sure the target database hasn't gone away.
      * If there was a concurrent DROP DATABASE, this ensures we will die
      * cleanly without creating a mess.
     if (!bootstrap)
         HeapTuple   tuple;
         tuple = GetDatabaseTuple(dbname);
         if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple) ||
             MyDatabaseId != HeapTupleGetOid(tuple) ||
             MyDatabaseTableSpace != ((Form_pg_database) GETSTRUCT(tuple))->dattablespace)
                      errmsg("database \"%s\" does not exist", dbname),
                      errdetail("It seems to have just been dropped or renamed.")));
      * Now we should be able to access the database directory safely. Verify
      * it's there and looks reasonable.
     fullpath = GetDatabasePath(MyDatabaseId, MyDatabaseTableSpace);
     if (!bootstrap)
         if (access(fullpath, F_OK) == -1)
             if (errno == ENOENT)
                          errmsg("database \"%s\" does not exist",
                          errdetail("The database subdirectory \"%s\" is missing.",
                          errmsg("could not access directory \"%s\": %m",
      * It's now possible to do real access to the system catalogs.
      * Load relcache entries for the system catalogs.  This must create at
      * least the minimum set of "nailed-in" cache entries.
     /* set up ACL framework (so CheckMyDatabase can check permissions) */
      * Re-read the pg_database row for our database, check permissions and set
      * up database-specific GUC settings.  We can't do this until all the
      * database-access infrastructure is up.  (Also, it wants to know if the
      * user is a superuser, so the above stuff has to happen first.)
     if (!bootstrap)
         CheckMyDatabase(dbname, am_superuser, override_allow_connections);
      * Now process any command-line switches and any additional GUC variable
      * settings passed in the startup packet.   We couldn't do this before
      * because we didn't know if client is a superuser.
     if (MyProcPort != NULL)
         process_startup_options(MyProcPort, am_superuser);
     /* Process pg_db_role_setting options */
     process_settings(MyDatabaseId, GetSessionUserId());
     /* Apply PostAuthDelay as soon as we've read all options */
     if (PostAuthDelay > 0)
         pg_usleep(PostAuthDelay * 1000000L);
      * Initialize various default states that can't be set up until we've
      * selected the active user and gotten the right GUC settings.
     /* set default namespace search path */
     /* initialize client encoding */
     /* Initialize this backend's session state. */
     /* report this backend in the PgBackendStatus array */
     if (!bootstrap)
     /* close the transaction we started above */
     if (!bootstrap)



testdb=# -- 獲取pid
testdb=# select pg_backend_pid();
(1 row)
testdb=# -- 插入1行
testdb=# insert into t_insert values(23,'I am PostgresMain','I am PostgresMain','I am PostgresMain');
testdb=# -- 插入1行                         
insert into t_insert values(23,'I am PostgresMain','I am PostgresMain','I am PostgresMain');


[root@localhost ~]# gdb -p 1893
GNU gdb (GDB) Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.6.1-100.el7
Copyright (C) 2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
(gdb) b postgres.c:4013
Breakpoint 1 at 0x850d26: file postgres.c, line 4013.
(gdb) p input_message
$7 = {data = 0x1508ef0 "insert into t_insert values(23,'I am PostgresMain','I am PostgresMain','I am PostgresMain');", len = 93, maxlen = 1024, cursor = 0}
(gdb) n
4135            switch (firstchar)
4142                        SetCurrentStatementStartTimestamp();
(gdb) p firstchar
$8 = 81
(gdb) finish
Run till exit from #0  PostgresMain (argc=1, argv=0x1532aa8, dbname=0x1532990 "testdb", username=0x1532978 "xdb") at postgres.c:4020


[xdb@localhost ~]$ gdb postgres
(gdb) set follow-fork-mode child 
(gdb) start
Temporary breakpoint 1 at 0x6f1735: file main.c, line 62.
Starting program: /appdb/xdb/bin/postgres 
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
Using host libthread_db library "/lib64/".

Temporary breakpoint 1, main (argc=1, argv=0x7fffffffe538) at main.c:62
62      bool        do_check_root = true;
(gdb) b PostgresMain
Breakpoint 2 at 0x8507bb: file postgres.c, line 3631.
(gdb) del 1
No breakpoint number 1.
(gdb) attach 3028
Attaching to program: /appdb/xdb/bin/postgres, process 3028
[xdb@localhost ~]$ psql -d testdb
#finish 直至進入postmaster.c中的PostgresMain 
(gdb) finish
Run till exit from #0  ServerLoop () at postmaster.c:1704
[New process 3042]
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
Using host libthread_db library "/lib64/".
[Switching to Thread 0x7ffff7feb740 (LWP 3042)]

Breakpoint 2, PostgresMain (argc=1, argv=0xf28ac8, dbname=0xf289b0 "testdb", username=0xf28998 "xdb") at postgres.c:3631
3631        volatile bool send_ready_for_query = true;
(gdb) next
3632        bool        disable_idle_in_transaction_timeout = false;
3635        if (!IsUnderPostmaster)
(gdb) p IsUnderPostmaster
$3 = true
(gdb) p dbname
$4 = 0xf289b0 "testdb"
(gdb) p username
$5 = 0xf28998 "xdb"
3845        MessageContext = AllocSetContextCreate(TopMemoryContext,
3855        row_description_context = AllocSetContextCreate(TopMemoryContext,
3858        MemoryContextSwitchTo(row_description_context);
3859        initStringInfo(&row_description_buf);
3860        MemoryContextSwitchTo(TopMemoryContext);
3865        if (!IsUnderPostmaster)
3890        if (sigsetjmp(local_sigjmp_buf, 1) != 0)
(gdb) p *MessageContext
$6 = {type = T_AllocSetContext, isReset = true, allowInCritSection = false, methods = 0xb8c720 <AllocSetMethods>, parent = 0xef9b90, firstchild = 0x0, prevchild = 0xf74c80, nextchild = 0xfabb50, 
  name = 0xb4e87c "MessageContext", ident = 0x0, reset_cbs = 0x0}
(gdb) n
4090            DoingCommandRead = true;
4095            firstchar = ReadCommand(&input_message);

4106            CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS();
4107            DoingCommandRead = false;
(gdb) p firstchar
$8 = 81
(gdb) p input_message
$9 = {data = 0xeff010 "insert into t_insert values(24,'I am PostgresMain','I am PostgresMain','I am PostgresMain');", len = 93, maxlen = 1024, cursor = 0}
(gdb) n


1、資料結構:MessageContext :Top訊息記憶體上下文;

來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
