LiteIDE X33 釋出,Go 語言開發工具
Go 語言開發工具 LiteIDE X33 正式釋出。這個版本優化了編輯器功能,讀取檔案支援 codec 自動檢測,重新載入檔案使用 diff 方式進行優化,重新實現 Mark API 並增加了新的 Bookmarks 外掛;Go 語言檢視和大綱增加了 TodoList 顯示;修復了 GolangEdit 的 查詢使用 偶而無效錯誤, 程式碼查詢 guru (備份使用內建 oracle) 增加了 GOPATH 內查詢介面功能。除錯和查詢外掛也有所增強……。
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2017.11.2 Ver X33
- LiteIDE
- optimization editor plugin, load file check codec, reload file by diff
- add astview TodoList
- add new bookmarks plugin
- fix liteapp clean plugin order
- LiteApp
- filemanager auto reload file default YesToAll
- fix liteapp clean plugins reverse order
- fix #832, sidebar change action by combox
- fix folder sync editor same prefix error
- LiteEditor
- reload file use diff to keep state and mark
- load file check is binary and report
- load file check codec use libucd if utf8 decode failed.
- load file check decode error and report
- load file is readonly set editor widget readonly
- load and save file support utf8 bom
- add codec and lineend info on statusbar
- add copied text into the clipboard as HTML option
- add Solarized Dark color theme, thanks xgdgsc
- reimplemented editor mark api
- fix copy to clipboard tab escape
- GolangAst
- add TodoList for classview and outline
- fix #848, astwidget double clicked index check.
- GolangCode
- update pkglist to go1.9
- GolangEdit
- add stop source query action
- add source query action implement_GOPATH for GOPATH scope
- fix golang lexer parser folding end
- fix GolangHighlighter fold indent error set
- fix findUsage wordUnderCursor offset
- fix find usages findStart signal late
- GolangFmt
- load diff check modify current block text
- GolangCode
- fix update gopath process stop and wait
- LiteDebug
- fix cmd to native separator
- build target add -a build flag
- change debug targget name to target.debug (custom by LiteBuild)
- LiteBuild
- add custom debug name in build config
- LiteFind
- fix memory leak by GolangEdit GolangFileSearch
- fix findInFiles berore saveAllEditor
- fix FindEditor replace all
- Bookmarks
- new plugin for show open editors bookmarks and jump
- gotools
- update stdlib for go1.9.1
- astview add TodoList support
- 加微信實戰群請加微信(註明:實戰群):gocnio
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