- html結構
<div class="main-box" id="box1">
<div class="popup-box">
<div class="main-box" id="box2">
<div class="popup-box">
- css樣式
* {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
.main-box {
background: skyblue;
width: 100%;
height: 300px;
overflow: hidden;
.popup-box {
width: 100%;
.item {
width: 100%;
line-height: 40px;
text-align: center;
padding: 20px;
box-sizing: border-box;
text-align: center;
#box2 {
margin-top: 50px;
最外面的盒子設定overflow: hidden;中間盒子不設定高度,靠子盒子item撐起。
- js程式碼
function tDscroll(obj) {
this.key = true; //防止重複的請求
this.dom = obj.dom; //傳入的dom
this.fn = obj.fn; //回撥函式
this.outDom = this.dom.querySelector(".popup-box"); //獲取內容盒子
this.showHeight = dom.offsetHeight; //顯示的高度
this.actualHeight = this.outDom.offsetHeight; //獲取實際高度的內容
this.startY = 0; //起始點選位置
this.changedY = 0; //手指移動的距離
this.originY = 0; //偏移量
var that = this;
this.dom.addEventListener("touchstart",function (ev) {
this.dom.addEventListener("touchmove",function (ev) {
this.dom.addEventListener("touchend",function (ev) {
tDscroll.prototype.onStart = function (ev) {
this.startY = ev.targetTouches[0].clientY;
var tempArr = window.getComputedStyle(this.outDom).transform.split(",");
if (tempArr.length > 2) {
this.originY = parseInt(tempArr[tempArr.length - 1]) || 0;
tDscroll.prototype.onMove = function (ev) {
this.changedY = ev.touches[0].clientY - this.startY;
var changNum = (this.originY + this.changedY);
var scrollHeight = -changNum + this.showHeight;
if (changNum > 50)return;
if (scrollHeight > this.actualHeight + 50)return;
if (scrollHeight > this.actualHeight - 50 && this.key) {
this.outDom.style.cssText = "transform: translateY(" + changNum + "px);";
tDscroll.prototype.onEnd = function() {
if ((this.originY + this.changedY) > 50 ) {
this.outDom.style.cssText = "transform: translateY(0px);transition:all .3s";
if (-(this.originY + this.changedY) + this.showHeight > this.actualHeight + 50) {
this.outDom.style.cssText = "transform: translateY(-"+(this.actualHeight - this.showHeight)+"px);transition:all .3s";
var dom = document.querySelector("#box1"); //獲取dom
var dom2 = document.querySelector("#box2"); //獲取dom
var obj = {
dom : dom,
fn : add
var obj2 = {
dom : dom2,
fn : add
new tDscroll(obj);
new tDscroll(obj2);
var page = 0; //當前的頁數(模擬用)
// 模擬ajax
function add(outDom) {
var that = this;
this.key = false;
var str = "";
for (var i = 1;i < 11;i++) {
str+="<div class=`item`>"+(i+((page)*10))+"</div>"
setTimeout(function () {
var tips = outDom.querySelector(".tips"); //獲取提升
tips && outDom.removeChild(tips); //如果不是第一次 新增
str += "<div class=`tips`>載入更多</div>";
outDom.innerHTML += str;
that.actualHeight = outDom.offsetHeight;
that.key = true;