【破文標題】MP3 Encode/Decode Control 演算法分析
【破文作者】 daxia2002
【作者郵箱】 daxia2002@126.com
【使用工具】 Peid,Ollydbg,ida,ActiveX control test container,CoClassSyms
【破解平臺】 Win2000/XP
【軟體名稱】 MP3 Encode/Decode Control
【下載地址】 http://www.streamware-dev.com/products.html
【軟體簡介】MP3 Encode/Decode Control is an ActiveX control allowing you to add MP3 audio encoding and decoding(playing) ability into your C/C++ and Visual Basic applications. The control is fully documented and includes samples to get started easily.
1.Encodes audio to .MP3 files
2.Decodes MP3 audio
3.Supports ID3v1 and ID3v2 tags
4.Easy to understand ActiveX interface
5.Integration with other ActiveX components by Streamware Development
Adapted interface for easy understanding by VisualBasic and C/C++ developers
Can be used in any programming environment supporting ActiveX controls
6.Works in Win95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP environment
【破解宣告】 我是一隻小菜鳥,偶得一點心得,願與大家分享:)
工具簡介:1.ActiveX control test container:我想大家都應該知道吧,visual studio帶的專門測試控制元件功能的工具。
用Peid查殼,發現swdmp3.ocx控制元件無殼,為Visual C++語言編寫。
把CoClassSyms.exe 檔案複製到winnt\system32目錄下,在dos視窗環境下執行:CoClassSyms swdmp3.ocx,生成swdmp3.dbg同名的符號檔案。
ISwdAudioEncoder::Open 1000D3C0
ISwdAudioEncoder::OpenHandle 1000D940
ISwdAudioEncoder::SetInputFormat 1000DAE0
ISwdAudioEncoder::SetInputFormatWFX 1000DE00
ISwdAudioEncoder::SetOutputFormatVBR 1000E000
ISwdAudioEncoder::SetOutputFormatABR 1000E1E0
ISwdAudioEncoder::SetOutputFormatCBR 1000E3B0
ISwdAudioEncoder::Write 1000E720
ISwdAudioEncoder::Close 1000F420
ISwdAudioEncoder::Filename_get 10011030
ISwdAudioEncoder::AddExtension_get 10011060
ISwdAudioEncoder::AddExtension_put 10011090
ISwdAudioEncoder::TagData_get 100110B0
ISwdAudioEncoder::OverwritePrompt_get 100110D0
ISwdAudioEncoder::OverwritePrompt_put 10011100
ISwdAudioEncoder::LicenseNumber_get 10011120
ISwdAudioEncoder::LicenseNumber_put 100111A0
.text:100111A0 55 push ebp
.text:100111A1 8B EC mov ebp, esp
.text:100111A3 51 push ecx
.text:100111A4 53 push ebx
.text:100111A5 56 push esi
.text:100111A6 57 push edi
.text:100111A7 8B 7D 0C mov edi, [ebp+lpString] //edi指向輸入的許可證號
.text:100111AA 85 FF test edi, edi //判斷許可證號是否為空
.text:100111AC 74 25 jz short loc_100111D3 //為空跳走
.text:100111AE 57 push edi ; lpString //許可證號入C
.text:100111AF FF 15 7C A1 01 10 call ds:lstrlenW //測試許可證號unicode長度
.text:100111B5 8D 74 00 02 lea esi, [eax+eax+2]
.text:100111B9 8B C6 mov eax, esi
.text:100111BB 83 C0 03 add eax, 3
.text:100111BE 24 FC and al, 0FCh
.text:100111C0 E8 6B 1E 00 00 call __alloca_probe
.text:100111C5 8B C4 mov eax, esp
.text:100111C7 6A 00 push 0
.text:100111C9 56 push esi
.text:100111CA 57 push edi
.text:100111CB 50 push eax
.text:100111CC E8 EF 00 FF FF call sub_100012C0
.text:100111D1 8B F8 mov edi, eax
.text:100111D3 loc_100111D3: ; CODE XREF: ISwdAudioEncoder__LicenseNumber_put+Cj
.text:100111D3 8B 5D 08 mov ebx, [ebp+arg_0]
.text:100111D6 85 FF test edi, edi
.text:100111D8 8D B3 CC 00 00 00 lea esi, [ebx+0CCh]
.text:100111DE 75 04 jnz short loc_100111E4
.text:100111E0 33 C0 xor eax, eax
.text:100111E2 EB 07 jmp short loc_100111EB
.text:100111E4 ; ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
.text:100111E4 loc_100111E4: ; CODE XREF: ISwdAudioEncoder__LicenseNumber_put+3Ej
.text:100111E4 57 push edi ; lpString
.text:100111E5 FF 15 D0 A1 01 10 call ds:lstrlenA
.text:100111EB loc_100111EB: ; CODE XREF: ISwdAudioEncoder__LicenseNumber_put+42j
.text:100111EB 57 push edi
.text:100111EC 50 push eax
.text:100111ED 8B CE mov ecx, esi
.text:100111EF E8 DC BD FF FF call sub_1000CFD0
.text:100111F4 8B 06 mov eax, [esi]
.text:100111F6 68 F0 18 02 10 push offset String
.text:100111FB 50 push eax
.text:100111FC E8 5B 29 00 00 call __mbscmp
.text:10011201 83 C4 08 add esp, 8
.text:10011204 85 C0 test eax, eax
.text:10011206 75 0E jnz short loc_10011216
.text:10011208 loc_10011208: ; CODE XREF: ISwdAudioEncoder__LicenseNumber_put+310j
.text:10011208 33 C0 xor eax, eax
.text:1001120A 8D 65 F0 lea esp, [ebp-10h]
.text:1001120D 5F pop edi
.text:1001120E 5E pop esi
.text:1001120F 5B pop ebx
.text:10011210 8B E5 mov esp, ebp
.text:10011212 5D pop ebp
.text:10011213 C2 08 00 retn 8
.text:10011216 ; ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
.text:10011216 loc_10011216: ; CODE XREF: ISwdAudioEncoder__LicenseNumber_put+66j
.text:10011216 8B 06 mov eax, [esi]
.text:10011218 83 78 F8 18 cmp dword ptr [eax-8], 18h //比較許可證號的長度是否為24位
.text:1001121C 7D 38 jge short loc_10011256 //大於等於24跳轉到10011256,小於24位顯示下面的
“License number is wrong.”訊息框
.text:1001121E 8B 48 F8 mov ecx, [eax-8]
.text:10011221 85 C9 test ecx, ecx
.text:10011223 74 1C jz short loc_10011241
.text:10011225 8B 48 F4 mov ecx, [eax-0Ch]
.text:10011228 85 C9 test ecx, ecx
.text:1001122A 7C 09 jl short loc_10011235
.text:1001122C 8B CE mov ecx, esi
.text:1001122E E8 0D C1 FF FF call sub_1000D340
.text:10011233 EB 0C jmp short loc_10011241
.text:10011235 ; ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
.text:10011235 loc_10011235: ; CODE XREF: ISwdAudioEncoder__LicenseNumber_put+8Aj
.text:10011235 68 F0 18 02 10 push offset String
.text:1001123A 8B CE mov ecx, esi
.text:1001123C E8 3F 15 00 00 call sub_10012780
.text:10011241 loc_10011241: ; CODE XREF: ISwdAudioEncoder__LicenseNumber_put+83j
.text:10011241 ; ISwdAudioEncoder__LicenseNumber_put+93j
.text:10011241 8B 4B 50 mov ecx, [ebx+50h]
.text:10011244 6A 10 push 10h
.text:10011246 68 C8 E1 01 10 push offset aMp3EncoderCont ; "MP3 Encoder Control"
.text:1001124B 68 68 E8 01 10 push offset aLicenseNumberI ; "License number is wrong."
.text:10011250 51 push ecx
.text:10011251 E9 B1 02 00 00 jmp loc_10011507
.text:10011256 ; ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
.text:10011256 loc_10011256: ; CODE XREF: ISwdAudioEncoder__LicenseNumber_put+7Cj
.text:10011256 8B 16 mov edx, [esi] //edx指向許可證號
.text:10011258 B8 05 00 00 00 mov eax, 5 //eax=5
.text:1001125D 8B 4A F8 mov ecx, [edx-8] //ecx=許可證號的長度
.text:10011260 3B C8 cmp ecx, eax
.text:10011262 7D 02 jge short loc_10011266
.text:10011264 8B C1 mov eax, ecx
.text:10011266 loc_10011266: ; CODE XREF: ISwdAudioEncoder__LicenseNumber_put+C2j
.text:10011266 8B 0D 30 D0 01 10 mov ecx, off_1001D030
.text:1001126C 6A 00 push 0
.text:1001126E 6A 00 push 0
.text:10011270 8D 55 0C lea edx, [ebp+lpString]
.text:10011273 89 4D 0C mov [ebp+lpString], ecx
.text:10011276 50 push eax
.text:10011277 52 push edx
.text:10011278 8B CE mov ecx, esi
.text:1001127A E8 91 14 00 00 call sub_10012710 //取許可證號前5位
.text:1001127F 8D 45 0C lea eax, [ebp+lpString] //eax指向許可證號前5位
.text:10011282 8D 4D FC lea ecx, [ebp+var_4]
.text:10011285 50 push eax
.text:10011286 E8 85 12 00 00 call sub_10012510
.text:1001128B 8D 4D 0C lea ecx, [ebp+lpString]
.text:1001128E E8 1D BB FF FF call sub_1000CDB0
.text:10011293 8B 4D FC mov ecx, [ebp+var_4] //ecx指向許可證號前5位
.text:10011296 68 60 E8 01 10 push offset aMped ; "MPED-" //內定的5位固定字元
.text:1001129B 51 push ecx
.text:1001129C E8 BB 28 00 00 call __mbscmp //進行比較
.text:100112A1 8B 0D 34 D0 01 10 mov ecx, off_1001D034
.text:100112A7 83 C4 08 add esp, 8
.text:100112AA 8B 3D A8 A0 01 10 mov edi, ds:InterlockedDecrement
.text:100112B0 85 C0 test eax, eax //測試比較結果
.text:100112B2 8B 45 FC mov eax, [ebp+var_4]
.text:100112B5 0F 95 C3 setnz bl //置標誌為給bl
.text:100112B8 8D 50 F4 lea edx, [eax-0Ch]
.text:100112BB 3B D1 cmp edx, ecx
.text:100112BD 74 19 jz short loc_100112D8
.text:100112BF 83 C0 F4 add eax, 0FFFFFFF4h
.text:100112C2 50 push eax ; lpAddend
.text:100112C3 FF D7 call edi ; InterlockedDecrement
.text:100112C5 85 C0 test eax, eax
.text:100112C7 7F 0F jg short loc_100112D8
.text:100112C9 8B 45 FC mov eax, [ebp+var_4]
.text:100112CC 83 C0 F4 add eax, 0FFFFFFF4h
.text:100112CF 50 push eax
.text:100112D0 E8 5B 1C 00 00 call sub_10012F30
.text:100112D5 83 C4 04 add esp, 4
.text:100112D8 loc_100112D8: ; CODE XREF: ISwdAudioEncoder__LicenseNumber_put+11Dj
.text:100112D8 ; ISwdAudioEncoder__LicenseNumber_put+127j
.text:100112D8 8B 06 mov eax, [esi] //eax指向指向輸入的許可證號
.text:100112DA 84 DB test bl, bl //測試bl標誌位
.text:100112DC 74 3B jz short loc_10011319 //為0跳到10011319,否則位顯示下面的
“License number is wrong.”訊息框
.text:100112DE 8B 48 F8 mov ecx, [eax-8]
.text:100112E1 85 C9 test ecx, ecx
.text:100112E3 74 1C jz short loc_10011301
.text:100112E5 8B 48 F4 mov ecx, [eax-0Ch]
.text:100112E8 85 C9 test ecx, ecx
.text:100112EA 7C 09 jl short loc_100112F5
.text:100112EC 8B CE mov ecx, esi
.text:100112EE E8 4D C0 FF FF call sub_1000D340
.text:100112F3 EB 0C jmp short loc_10011301
.text:100112F5 ; ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
.text:100112F5 loc_100112F5: ; CODE XREF: ISwdAudioEncoder__LicenseNumber_put+14Aj
.text:100112F5 68 F0 18 02 10 push offset String
.text:100112FA 8B CE mov ecx, esi
.text:100112FC E8 7F 14 00 00 call sub_10012780
.text:10011301 loc_10011301: ; CODE XREF: ISwdAudioEncoder__LicenseNumber_put+143j
.text:10011301 ; ISwdAudioEncoder__LicenseNumber_put+153j
.text:10011301 8B 4D 08 mov ecx, [ebp+arg_0]
.text:10011304 6A 10 push 10h
.text:10011306 68 C8 E1 01 10 push offset aMp3EncoderCont ; "MP3 Encoder Control"
.text:1001130B 68 68 E8 01 10 push offset aLicenseNumberI ; "License number is wrong."
.text:10011310 8B 51 50 mov edx, [ecx+50h]
.text:10011313 52 push edx
.text:10011314 E9 EE 01 00 00 jmp loc_10011507
.text:10011319 ; ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
.text:10011319 loc_10011319: ; CODE XREF: ISwdAudioEncoder__LicenseNumber_put+13Cj
.text:10011319 8A 50 09 mov dl, [eax+9] //取輸入的許可證號的第10位
.text:1001131C B1 2D mov cl, 2Dh //cl='-'
.text:1001131E 3A D1 cmp dl, cl //比較許可證號的第10位是否等於'-'
.text:10011320 0F 85 A9 01 00 00 jnz loc_100114CF //不等跳走
.text:10011326 38 48 0E cmp [eax+0Eh], cl //相等繼續比較許可證號的第15位是否等於'-'
.text:10011329 0F 85 A0 01 00 00 jnz loc_100114CF //不等跳走
.text:1001132F 38 48 13 cmp [eax+13h], cl //相等繼續比較許可證號的第20位是否等於'-'
.text:10011332 0F 85 97 01 00 00 jnz loc_100114CF //不等跳走
.text:10011338 8B 0E mov ecx, [esi]
.text:1001133A B8 04 00 00 00 mov eax, 4
.text:1001133F 8B 49 F8 mov ecx, [ecx-8]
.text:10011342 83 F9 09 cmp ecx, 9
.text:10011345 7D 03 jge short loc_1001134A
.text:10011347 8D 41 FB lea eax, [ecx-5]
.text:1001134A loc_1001134A: ; CODE XREF: ISwdAudioEncoder__LicenseNumber_put+1A5j
.text:1001134A 83 F9 05 cmp ecx, 5
.text:1001134D 7D 02 jge short loc_10011351
.text:1001134F 33 C0 xor eax, eax
.text:10011351 loc_10011351: ; CODE XREF: ISwdAudioEncoder__LicenseNumber_put+1ADj
.text:10011351 8B 15 30 D0 01 10 mov edx, off_1001D030
.text:10011357 6A 00 push 0
.text:10011359 6A 05 push 5
.text:1001135B 50 push eax
.text:1001135C 8D 45 0C lea eax, [ebp+lpString]
.text:1001135F 8B CE mov ecx, esi
.text:10011361 50 push eax
.text:10011362 89 55 0C mov [ebp+lpString], edx
.text:10011365 E8 A6 13 00 00 call sub_10012710 //取輸入的許可證號的6至9位
.text:1001136A 8D 4D 0C lea ecx, [ebp+lpString] //ecx指向輸入的許可證號的6至9位
.text:1001136D 51 push ecx
.text:1001136E 8D 4D FC lea ecx, [ebp+var_4]
.text:10011371 E8 9A 11 00 00 call sub_10012510 //將許可證號的6至9位儲存到[0012ec78]
.text:10011376 8D 4D 0C lea ecx, [ebp+lpString]
.text:10011379 E8 32 BA FF FF call sub_1000CDB0
.text:1001137E 8B 55 FC mov edx, [ebp+var_4]
.text:10011381 52 push edx //edx指向輸入的許可證號的6至9位
.text:10011382 E8 99 01 00 00 call sub_10011520 //判斷許可證號的每一位是否在0-9,a-f,A-F之間
.text:10011387 8B 15 34 D0 01 10 mov edx, off_1001D034
.text:1001138D 66 A3 74 19 02 10 mov word ptr dword_10021974, ax //ax=許可證號的6至9位,儲存到10021974
.text:10011393 8B 45 FC mov eax, [ebp+var_4]
.text:10011396 83 C4 04 add esp, 4
.text:10011399 8D 48 F4 lea ecx, [eax-0Ch]
.text:1001139C 3B CA cmp ecx, edx
.text:1001139E 74 19 jz short loc_100113B9
.text:100113A0 83 C0 F4 add eax, 0FFFFFFF4h
.text:100113A3 50 push eax ; lpAddend
.text:100113A4 FF D7 call edi ; InterlockedDecrement
.text:100113A6 85 C0 test eax, eax
.text:100113A8 7F 0F jg short loc_100113B9
.text:100113AA 8B 55 FC mov edx, [ebp+var_4]
.text:100113AD 83 C2 F4 add edx, 0FFFFFFF4h
.text:100113B0 52 push edx
.text:100113B1 E8 7A 1B 00 00 call sub_10012F30
.text:100113B6 83 C4 04 add esp, 4
.text:100113B9 loc_100113B9: ; CODE XREF: ISwdAudioEncoder__LicenseNumber_put+1FEj
.text:100113B9 ; ISwdAudioEncoder__LicenseNumber_put+208j
.text:100113B9 8B 0E mov ecx, [esi]
.text:100113BB B8 04 00 00 00 mov eax, 4
.text:100113C0 8B 49 F8 mov ecx, [ecx-8]
.text:100113C3 83 F9 0E cmp ecx, 0Eh
.text:100113C6 7D 03 jge short loc_100113CB
.text:100113C8 8D 41 F6 lea eax, [ecx-0Ah]
.text:100113CB loc_100113CB: ; CODE XREF: ISwdAudioEncoder__LicenseNumber_put+226j
.text:100113CB 83 F9 0A cmp ecx, 0Ah
.text:100113CE 7D 02 jge short loc_100113D2
.text:100113D0 33 C0 xor eax, eax
.text:100113D2 loc_100113D2: ; CODE XREF: ISwdAudioEncoder__LicenseNumber_put+22Ej
.text:100113D2 8B 15 30 D0 01 10 mov edx, off_1001D030
.text:100113D8 6A 00 push 0
.text:100113DA 6A 0A push 0Ah
.text:100113DC 50 push eax
.text:100113DD 8D 45 0C lea eax, [ebp+lpString]
.text:100113E0 8B CE mov ecx, esi
.text:100113E2 50 push eax
.text:100113E3 89 55 0C mov [ebp+lpString], edx
.text:100113E6 E8 25 13 00 00 call sub_10012710 //取輸入的許可證號的11至14位
.text:100113EB 8D 4D 0C lea ecx, [ebp+lpString]
.text:100113EE 51 push ecx
.text:100113EF 8D 4D FC lea ecx, [ebp+var_4]
.text:100113F2 E8 19 11 00 00 call sub_10012510
.text:100113F7 8D 4D 0C lea ecx, [ebp+lpString]
.text:100113FA E8 B1 B9 FF FF call sub_1000CDB0
.text:100113FF 8B 55 FC mov edx, [ebp+var_4]
.text:10011402 52 push edx //edx指向輸入的許可證號的11至14位
.text:10011403 E8 18 01 00 00 call sub_10011520 //判斷許可證號的每一位是否在0-9,a-f,A-F之間
.text:10011408 83 C4 04 add esp, 4
.text:1001140B 8D 4D FC lea ecx, [ebp+var_4]
.text:1001140E 66 A3 76 19 02 10 mov word ptr dword_10021974+2, ax //ax=許可證號的11至14位,儲存到10021976
.text:10011414 E8 97 B9 FF FF call sub_1000CDB0
.text:10011419 6A 04 push 4
.text:1001141B 8D 45 0C lea eax, [ebp+lpString]
.text:1001141E 6A 0F push 0Fh
.text:10011420 50 push eax
.text:10011421 8B CE mov ecx, esi
.text:10011423 E8 D8 14 00 00 call sub_10012900 //取輸入的許可證號的16至19位
.text:10011428 8B 00 mov eax, [eax]
.text:1001142A 50 push eax //eax向輸入的許可證號的16至19位
.text:1001142B E8 F0 00 00 00 call sub_10011520 //判斷許可證號的每一位是否在0-9,a-f,A-F之間
.text:10011430 83 C4 04 add esp, 4
.text:10011433 8D 4D 0C lea ecx, [ebp+lpString]
.text:10011436 66 A3 78 19 02 10 mov word_10021978, ax //ax=許可證號的16至19位,儲存到10021978
.text:1001143C E8 6F B9 FF FF call sub_1000CDB0
.text:10011441 6A 04 push 4
.text:10011443 8D 4D 0C lea ecx, [ebp+lpString]
.text:10011446 6A 14 push 14h
.text:10011448 51 push ecx
.text:10011449 8B CE mov ecx, esi
.text:1001144B E8 B0 14 00 00 call sub_10012900 ///取輸入的許可證號的21至24位
.text:10011450 8B 00 mov eax, [eax]
.text:10011452 50 push eax //eax向輸入的許可證號的21至24位
.text:10011453 E8 C8 00 00 00 call sub_10011520 //判斷許可證號的每一位是否在0-9,a-f,A-F之間
.text:10011458 83 C4 04 add esp, 4
.text:1001145B 8D 4D 0C lea ecx, [ebp+lpString]
.text:1001145E 66 A3 7A 19 02 10 mov word_1002197A, ax //ax=許可證號的21至24位,儲存到1002197A
.text:10011464 E8 47 B9 FF FF call sub_1000CDB0 //下面對儲存的許可證號進行運算處理
.text:10011469 66 8B 15 7A 19 02+mov dx, word_1002197A //儲存許可證號的21至24位到dx
.text:10011470 8B 0D 74 19 02 10 mov ecx, dword_10021974 //10021974儲存許可證號的6至9位,10021976儲存許可證號的11至14位
.text:10011476 66 03 15 78 19 02+add dx, word_10021978 //dx=許可證號的21至24+許可證號的16至19位
.text:1001147D 8B 7D 08 mov edi, [ebp+arg_0]
.text:10011480 66 03 15 76 19 02+add dx, word ptr dword_10021974+2 //dx=許可證號的21至24+許可證號的16至19位+許可證號的11至14位
.text:10011487 03 D1 add edx, ecx //edx=許可證號的21至24+許可證號的16至19位+許可證號的11至14位+ecx
.text:10011489 F7 DA neg edx //edx取反
.text:1001148B 66 F7 DA neg dx //dx取反
.text:1001148E 1B D2 sbb edx, edx //edx=edx-edx-C(C為進位標誌)
.text:10011490 42 inc edx //edx=edx+1
.text:10011491 66 89 15 7C 19 02+mov word ptr dword_1002197C, dx //將dx儲存到1002197C
.text:10011498 A1 7C 19 02 10 mov eax, dword_1002197C //eax=dx
.text:1001149D 25 FF FF 00 00 and eax, 0FFFFh //與0FFFFh相與
.text:100114A2 89 87 D4 00 00 00 mov [edi+0D4h], eax //儲存結果
.text:100114A8 66 83 3D 7C 19 02+cmp word ptr dword_1002197C, 0 //與0比較
.text:100114B0 0F 85 52 FD FF FF jnz loc_10011208 //不為0跳轉到10011208,為0顯示"License number is wrong."資訊
.text:100114B6 8B CE mov ecx, esi
.text:100114B8 E8 33 11 00 00 call sub_100125F0
.text:100114BD 8B 4F 50 mov ecx, [edi+50h]
.text:100114C0 6A 10 push 10h
.text:100114C2 68 C8 E1 01 10 push offset aMp3EncoderCont ; "MP3 Encoder Control"
.text:100114C7 68 68 E8 01 10 push offset aLicenseNumberI ; "License number is wrong."
.text:100114CC 51 push ecx
.text:100114CD EB 38 jmp short loc_10011507
.text:100114CF ; ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
.text:100114CF loc_100114CF: ; CODE XREF: ISwdAudioEncoder__LicenseNumber_put+180j
.text:100114CF ; ISwdAudioEncoder__LicenseNumber_put+189j
.text:100114CF ; ISwdAudioEncoder__LicenseNumber_put+192j
.text:100114CF 8B 06 mov eax, [esi]
.text:100114D1 8B 48 F8 mov ecx, [eax-8]
.text:100114D4 85 C9 test ecx, ecx
.text:100114D6 74 1C jz short loc_100114F4
.text:100114D8 8B 48 F4 mov ecx, [eax-0Ch]
.text:100114DB 85 C9 test ecx, ecx
.text:100114DD 7C 09 jl short loc_100114E8
.text:100114DF 8B CE mov ecx, esi
.text:100114E1 E8 5A BE FF FF call sub_1000D340
.text:100114E6 EB 0C jmp short loc_100114F4
.text:100114E8 ; ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
.text:100114E8 loc_100114E8: ; CODE XREF: ISwdAudioEncoder__LicenseNumber_put+33Dj
.text:100114E8 68 F0 18 02 10 push offset String
.text:100114ED 8B CE mov ecx, esi
.text:100114EF E8 8C 12 00 00 call sub_10012780
.text:100114F4 loc_100114F4: ; CODE XREF: ISwdAudioEncoder__LicenseNumber_put+336j
.text:100114F4 ; ISwdAudioEncoder__LicenseNumber_put+346j
.text:100114F4 8B 55 08 mov edx, [ebp+arg_0]
.text:100114F7 6A 10 push 10h ; uType
.text:100114F9 68 C8 E1 01 10 push offset aMp3EncoderCont ; lpCaption
.text:100114FE 68 68 E8 01 10 push offset aLicenseNumberI ; lpText
.text:10011503 8B 42 50 mov eax, [edx+50h]
.text:10011506 50 push eax ; hWnd
.text:10011507 loc_10011507: ; CODE XREF: ISwdAudioEncoder__LicenseNumber_put+B1j
.text:10011507 ; ISwdAudioEncoder__LicenseNumber_put+174j
.text:10011507 ; ISwdAudioEncoder__LicenseNumber_put+32Dj
.text:10011507 FF 15 80 A2 01 10 call ds:MessageBoxA
.text:1001150D 8D 65 F0 lea esp, [ebp+var_10]
.text:10011510 B8 05 40 00 80 mov eax, 80004005h
.text:10011515 5F pop edi
.text:10011516 5E pop esi
.text:10011517 5B pop ebx
.text:10011518 8B E5 mov esp, ebp
.text:1001151A 5D pop ebp
.text:1001151B C2 08 00 retn 8
.text:1001151B ISwdAudioEncoder__LicenseNumber_put endp
讓我們開始啟動olldbg動態除錯,用olldbg載入ActiveX control test container後,F9執行,在ActiveX control test container中
選擇edit->new control,選擇mp3encoder class。切換到olldbg,ALT+E開啟模組視窗,選擇swdmp3.ocx,右鍵選擇"檢視名稱",型別為"檔案庫"的
切換到ActiveX control test container,選擇control->invoke methods,選擇LicenseNumber(PropPut),引數框輸入我們生成的註冊碼
MPED-5446-1AF5-56FC-39C9,點選"set value",再點選"invoke",中斷在10011A0,我們就可以開始跟蹤分析了。
第五組數值為X5,由最後往前推,要想註冊成功,edx=[1002197C]<>0,因為edx=edx-edx-C edx結果不是為0就為-1,如果edx=-1則inc edx後為0,
所以要edx=0,即C=0,進位標誌由最後neg dx決定,當dx=0時C=0,所以最終X3X2+X3+X4+X5低16位為0即可,只要X2+X3+X4+X5低16位為0即可,
所以(X2+X3+X4+X5)mod 10000h=0即可,讓X2+X3+X4+X5=10000h就滿足條件,最終的演算法就是X2+X3+X4+X5=10000h,是不是很簡單!
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim x2, x3, x4, x5 As Long
x2 = CLng((&H10000 - &H1000) * Rnd() + &H1000)
x3 = CLng((&H10000 - &H1000) * Rnd() + &H1000)
x4 = CLng((&H10000 - &H1000) * Rnd() + &H1000)
x5 = CLng(&H10000 - x2 - x3 - x4)
Loop Until Len(Hex$(x5)) = 4
Text1.Text = "MPED-" & Hex$(x2) & "-" & Hex$(x3) & "-" & Hex$(x4) & "-" & Hex$(x5)
End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim x2, x3, x4, x5 As Long
x2 = CLng((&H10000 - &H1000) * Rnd() + &H1000)
x3 = CLng((&H10000 - &H1000) * Rnd() + &H1000)
x4 = CLng((&H10000 - &H1000) * Rnd() + &H1000)
x5 = CLng(&H10000 - x2 - x3 - x4)
Loop Until Len(Hex$(x5)) = 4
Text1.Text = "MPED-" & Hex$(x2) & "-" & Hex$(x3) & "-" & Hex$(x4) & "-" & Hex$(x5)
End Sub
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