[英]《Swift與Cocoa框架開發》作者Paris Buttfield-Addison:你的程式設計生涯可以從Swift開始!(圖靈訪談)
Paris Buttfield-Addison是Secret Lab的聯合創始人、移動應用工程師,以及遊戲設計師。Secret Lab是一家遊戲開發公司,他們致力於使技術變得簡單又有趣。Paris擁有計算學博士學位,同時也是一位歷史學士。他之前作為產品經理為矽谷的Meebo公司工作,這家公司在2012年被Google收購。他撰寫了一系列關於iOS和遊戲開發的技術書,其中包括《學習Objective-C與Cocoa框架》,《iOS遊戲開發攻略》,《Swift與Cocoa框架開發》,以及《Unity移動遊戲開發》。
iTuring: As a bachelor of history, how did you become an iOS master and a game development expert?
In addition to studying medieval history, I also have several degrees in Computing (Honours degree, and a PhD). I find that the background in studying History helps to give me a different perspective on technology to many people, and I find history a lot of fun.
iTuring: After Swift 2.0, does Swift Development with Cocoa still stay relevant? Should it be renovated at some place?
Swift 2.0 has a number of syntactic changes, but the philosophy of the language remains the same. The book is still relevant, if a little out of date –– we’ll be releasing a changelog for the book, that outlines the differences between the code printed in the book, and what you would do with Swift 2.0 on our blog (http://secretlab.com.au/blog/) in the near future. We’re also working on a new book, called “Learning Swift”, which is brand new and covers Swift 2.0: http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920045946.do?code=WKIOS9
iTuring: In your opinion, what will open source of Swift change about its ecosystem and dynamics between iOS and Android?
I don’t think it changes much. The previous Apple developer language, Objective-C, was pretty obscure before iOS came around, and Swift has already had a big uptake. I think, if anything, open source Swift will mean that people might write their server software in Swift as well, which would result in a bigger, better community. I don’t think it says much between iOS and Android; Java is a very old, almost legacy language at this point, and Swift is modern. It would be cool if Google maybe updated their Android environment to a modern language like Swift –– in fact, Google already has a modern language (“Go”), but they don’t use it for Android… yet..!
iTuring: What does Swift integrate from other languages? What are the favorite features you like about Swift?
Swift learnt a lot from languages like Rust and Python. My favourite feature of Swift is how it tries to be inherently safe; it’s very difficult to make mistakes in Swift, because it enforces so much “good style”.
iTuring: Why hasn't Swift been employed by many companies in their production environment?
Because it’s new and in a state of change. With the release of Swift 2 I suspect (but can’t be sure) that Apple will change less, which will mean Swift is picked up by more mobile developers for their production apps. Things like bit code, where the App Store itself will compile and link apps for users who download/purchase them, mean that Swift is truly essential for future apps.
iTuring: Is it possible that Swift will take place of Objective-C completely in the future?
Yes, it already has for us! And it should for serious developers any time now. It’s an important step to take.
iTuring: What do you recommend a beginner to learn first, Objective-C or Swift?
Swift! There’s no need to learn Objective-C these days!
iTuring: In the process of learning programming languages, when is the best time to engage with masses of libraries and APIs? Is it necessary for a programmer to know every API he/she might use?
No! I don’t remember most of the APIs we use, I just look them up as I go. Learn the language before you learn the frameworks and APIs.
iTuring: Is it inevitable to learn C before moving on to Objective-C and Swift?
No! Learn Swift to begin, it’s a great, fun, easy, and safe language. Learn C later when you want to understand how things are working underneath.
iTuring: For a master of iOS development, what does his/her knowledge framework look like?
I do a lot of design as well –– building good mobile apps (or apps of any kind, these days) requires a good design sense! Learn design, and people respond to well in design.
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