使用events DUMP buffer cache中指定的資料塊
介紹了DUMP buffer cache中全部資料塊及指定RDBA的資料塊方法。
1.DUMP buffer cache中全部資料塊
ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS ‘immediate trace name buffers level n’;
1 buffer header
2 level 1 + block header
3 level 2 + block contents
4 level 1 + hash chain
5 level 2 + hash chain
6 level 3 + hash chain
8 level 4 + users/waiters
9 level 5 + users/waiters
10 level 6 + users/waiters
2.DUMP buffer cache中指定RDBA的資料塊方法
BYS@ bys3>select dbms_rowid.rowid_relative_fno(rowid) fileid,dbms_rowid.rowid_object(rowid) obj#,dbms_rowid.rowid_block_number(rowid) block#,deptno from dept;
---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
4 22327 251 10
4 22327 251 20
4 22327 251 40
4 22327 251 99
BYS@ bys3>select dbms_utility.make_data_block_address(4,251) from dual;
BYS@ bys3>alter session set events 'immediate trace name set_tsn_p1 level 5'; --這裡的5是表空間號加1得到的。也就是TS#+1。select ts#,name from v$tablespace;
Session altered.
BYS@ bys3>alter session set events 'immediate trace name buffer level
Session altered.
BYS@ bys3>select value from v$diag_info where name like 'De%';
[oracle@bys3 ~]$ cat /u01/diag/rdbms/bys3/bys3/trace/bys3_ora_21011.trc
Trace file /u01/diag/rdbms/bys3/bys3/trace/bys3_ora_21011.trc
Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
ORACLE_HOME = /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1
System name: Linux
Node name: bys3.bys.com
Release: 2.6.32-200.13.1.el5uek
Version: #1 SMP Wed Jul 27 20:21:26 EDT 2011
Machine: i686
Instance name: bys3
Redo thread mounted by this instance: 1
Oracle process number: 17
Unix process pid: 21011, image: oracle@bys3.bys.com (TNS V1-V3)
*** 2013-12-20 13:22:53.896
*** SESSION ID:(35.1461) 2013-12-20 13:22:53.896
*** CLIENT ID:() 2013-12-20 13:22:53.896
*** SERVICE NAME:(SYS$USERS) 2013-12-20 13:22:53.896
*** MODULE NAME:(SQL*Plus) 2013-12-20 13:22:53.896
*** ACTION NAME:() 2013-12-20 13:22:53.896
Dump of buffer cache at level 10 for tsn=4 rdba=16777467
BH (0x20ff065c) file#: 4 rdba: 0x010000fb (4/251) class: 1 ba: 0x20e1a000
set: 3 pool: 3 bsz: 8192 bsi: 0 sflg: 1 pwc: 0,0
dbwrid: 0 obj: 22327 objn: 22327 tsn: 4 afn: 4 hint: f
hash: [0x21be851c,0x2bbfddf4] lru: [0x21fe8100,0x21ff6c78]
lru-flags: hot_buffer
ckptq: [NULL] fileq: [NULL] objq: [0x21fe8118,0x246ea304] objaq: [0x21fe8120,0x246ea2fc]
st: XCURRENT md: NULL fpin: 'kdswh01: kdstgr' tch: 0
flags: only_sequential_access
LRBA: [0x0.0.0] LSCN: [0x0.0] HSCN: [0xffff.ffffffff] HSUB: [65535]
buffer tsn: 4 rdba: 0x010000fb (4/251)
scn: 0x0000.00359e7e seq: 0x01 flg: 0x04 tail: 0x9e7e0601
frmt: 0x02 chkval: 0x8cd6 type: 0x06=trans data
Hex dump of block: st=0, typ_found=1
Dump of memory from 0x20E1A000 to 0x20E1C000
20E1A000 0000A206 010000FB 00359E7E 04010000 [........~.5.....]
20E1A010 00008CD6 00000001 00005737 00359E7E [........7W..~.5.]
20E1A020 00000000 00320003 010000F8 00050008 [......2.........]
20E1A030 0000097B 00000000 00000000 0000A000 [{...............]
20E1A040 00359171 00000000 00000000 00000000 [q.5.............]
20E1A050 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 [................]
Repeat 1 times
20E1A070 00000000 00000000 00000000 00040100 [................]
20E1A080 001AFFFF 1F0E1F28 00001F0E 1F280004 [....(.........(.]
20E1A090 1F581F42 00001F70 00000000 00000000 [B.X.p...........]
20E1A0A0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 [................]
Repeat 495 times
20E1BFA0 00000000 0203002C 410A0BC1 554F4343 [....,......ACCOU]
20E1BFB0 4E49544E 454E0847 4F592057 002C4B52 [NTING.NEW YORK,.]
20E1BFC0 15C10203 53455208 43524145 41440648 [.....RESEARCH.DA]
20E1BFD0 53414C4C 0203002C 4F0A29C1 41524550 [LLAS,....).OPERA]
20E1BFE0 4E4F4954 4F420653 4E4F5453 0203002C [TIONS.BOSTON,...]
20E1BFF0 630664C1 61646568 6A62026E 9E7E0601 [.d.chedan.bj..~.]
Block header dump: 0x010000fb
Object id on Block? Y
seg/obj: 0x5737 csc: 0x00.359e7e itc: 3 flg: E typ: 1 - DATA
brn: 0 bdba: 0x10000f8 ver: 0x01 opc: 0
inc: 0 exflg: 0
Itl Xid Uba Flag Lck Scn/Fsc
0x01 0x0008.005.0000097b 0x00000000.0000.00 C-U- 0 scn 0x0000.00359171
0x02 0x0000.000.00000000 0x00000000.0000.00 ---- 0 fsc 0x0000.00000000
0x03 0x0000.000.00000000 0x00000000.0000.00 ---- 0 fsc 0x0000.00000000
bdba: 0x010000fb
data_block_dump,data header at 0x20e1a07c
tsiz: 0x1f80
hsiz: 0x1a
pbl: 0x20e1a07c
0xe:pti[0] nrow=4 offs=0
0x12:pri[0] offs=0x1f28
0x14:pri[1] offs=0x1f42
0x16:pri[2] offs=0x1f58
0x18:pri[3] offs=0x1f70
tab 0, row 0, @0x1f28
tl: 26 fb: --H-FL-- lb: 0x0 cc: 3
col 0: [ 2] c1 0b
col 1: [10] 41 43 43 4f 55 4e 54 49 4e 47
col 2: [ 8] 4e 45 57 20 59 4f 52 4b
tab 0, row 1, @0x1f42
tl: 22 fb: --H-FL-- lb: 0x0 cc: 3
col 0: [ 2] c1 15
col 1: [ 8] 52 45 53 45 41 52 43 48
col 2: [ 6] 44 41 4c 4c 41 53
tab 0, row 2, @0x1f58
tl: 24 fb: --H-FL-- lb: 0x0 cc: 3
col 0: [ 2] c1 29
col 1: [10] 4f 50 45 52 41 54 49 4f 4e 53
col 2: [ 6] 42 4f 53 54 4f 4e
tab 0, row 3, @0x1f70
tl: 16 fb: --H-FL-- lb: 0x0 cc: 3
col 0: [ 2] c1 64
col 1: [ 6] 63 68 65 64 61 6e
col 2: [ 2] 62 6a
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