A A ZERO SPACE --------- --------- --------- --------- 65 97 48 32 2.CHR 給出整數,返回對應的字元; SQL> select chr(54740) zhao,chr(65) chr65 from dual;
ZH C -- - 趙 A 3.CONCAT 連線兩個字串; SQL> select concat('010-','88888888')||'轉23' 高乾競電話 from dual; 高乾競電話 ---------------- 010-88888888轉23 4.INITCAP 返回字串並將字串的第一個字母變為大寫; SQL> select initcap('smith') upp from dual; UPP ----- Smith 5.INSTR(C1,C2,I,J) 在一個字串中搜尋指定的字元,返回發現指定的字元的位置; C1 被搜尋的字串 C2 希望搜尋的字串 I 搜尋的開始位置,預設為1 J 出現的位置,預設為1 SQL> select instr('oracle traning','ra',1,2) instring from dual;
INSTRING --------- 9 6.LENGTH 返回字串的長度; SQL> select name,length(name),addr,length(addr),sal,length(to_char(sal)) from gao.nchar_tst;
NAME LENGTH(NAME) ADDR LENGTH(ADDR) SAL LENGTH(TO_CHAR(SAL)) ------ ------------ ---------------- ------------ --------- -------------------- 高乾競 3 北京市海錠區 6 9999.99 7 7.LOWER 返回字串,並將所有的字元小寫 SQL> select lower('AaBbCcDd')AaBbCcDd from dual; AABBCCDD -------- aabbccdd 8.UPPER 返回字串,並將所有的字元大寫 SQL> select upper('AaBbCcDd') upper from dual;
UPPER -------- AABBCCDD 9.RPAD和LPAD(貼上字元) RPAD 在列的右邊貼上字元 LPAD 在列的左邊貼上字元 SQL> select lpad(rpad('gao',10,'*'),17,'*')from dual; LPAD(RPAD('GAO',1 ----------------- *******gao******* 不夠字元則用*來填滿 10.LTRIM和RTRIM LTRIM 刪除左邊出現的字串 RTRIM 刪除右邊出現的字串 SQL> select ltrim(rtrim(' gao qian jing ',' '),' ') from dual;
LTRIM(RTRIM(' ------------- gao qian jing 11.SUBSTR(string,start,count) 取子字串,從start開始,取count個 SQL> select substr('13088888888',3,8) from dual;
SUBSTR(' -------- 08888888 12.REPLACE('string','s1','s2') string 希望被替換的字元或變數 s1 被替換的字串 s2 要替換的字串 SQL> select replace('he love you','he','i') from dual;
REPLACE('H ---------- i love you 13.SOUNDEX 返回一個與給定的字串讀音相同的字串 SQL> create table table1(xm varchar(8)); SQL> insert into table1 values('weather'); SQL> insert into table1 values('wether'); SQL> insert into table1 values('gao');
SQL> select xm from table1 where soundex(xm)=soundex('weather'); XM -------- weather wether 14.TRIM('s' from 'string') LEADING 剪掉前面的字元 TRAILING 剪掉後面的字元 如果不指定,預設為空格符
15.ABS 返回指定值的絕對值 SQL> select abs(100),abs(-100) from dual; ABS(100) ABS(-100) --------- --------- 100 100 16.ACOS 給出反餘弦的值 SQL> select acos(-1) from dual;
ACOS(-1) --------- 3.1415927 17.ASIN 給出反正弦的值 SQL> select asin(0.5) from dual;
ASIN(0.5) --------- .52359878 18.ATAN 返回一個數字的反正切值 SQL> select atan(1) from dual;
ATAN(1) --------- .78539816 19.CEIL 返回大於或等於給出數字的最小整數 SQL> select ceil(3.1415927) from dual;
CEIL(3.1415927) --------------- 4 20.COS 返回一個給定數字的餘弦 SQL> select cos(-3.1415927) from dual;
COS(-3.1415927) --------------- -1 21.COSH 返回一個數字反餘弦值 SQL> select cosh(20) from dual;
COSH(20) --------- 242582598 22.EXP 返回一個數字e的n次方根 SQL> select exp(2),exp(1) from dual;
EXP(2) EXP(1) --------- --------- 7.3890561 2.7182818 23.FLOOR 對給定的數字取整數 SQL> select floor(2345.67) from dual;
FLOOR(2345.67) -------------- 2345 24.LN 返回一個數字的對數值 SQL> select ln(1),ln(2),ln(2.7182818) from dual;
LN(1) LN(2) LN(2.7182818) --------- --------- ------------- 0 .69314718 .99999999 25.LOG(n1,n2) 返回一個以n1為底n2的對數 SQL> select log(2,1),log(2,4) from dual;
LOG(2,1) LOG(2,4) --------- --------- 0 2 26.MOD(n1,n2) 返回一個n1除以n2的餘數 SQL> select mod(10,3),mod(3,3),mod(2,3) from dual;
MOD(10,3) MOD(3,3) MOD(2,3) --------- --------- --------- 1 0 2 27.POWER 返回n1的n2次方根 SQL> select power(2,10),power(3,3) from dual;
POWER(2,10) POWER(3,3) ----------- ---------- 1024 27 28.ROUND和TRUNC 按照指定的精度進行舍入 SQL> select round(55.5),round(-55.4),trunc(55.5),trunc(-55.5) from dual;
ROUND(55.5) ROUND(-55.4) TRUNC(55.5) TRUNC(-55.5) ----------- ------------ ----------- ------------ 56 -55 55 -55 29.SIGN 取數字n的符號,大於0返回1,小於0返回-1,等於0返回0 SQL> select sign(123),sign(-100),sign(0) from dual;
SIGN(123) SIGN(-100) SIGN(0) --------- ---------- --------- 1 -1 0 30.SIN 返回一個數字的正弦值 SQL> select sin(1.57079) from dual;
SIN(1.57079) ------------ 1 31.SIGH 返回雙曲正弦的值 SQL> select sin(20),sinh(20) from dual;
SIN(20) SINH(20) --------- --------- .91294525 242582598 32.SQRT 返回數字n的根 SQL> select sqrt(64),sqrt(10) from dual;
SQRT(64) SQRT(10) --------- --------- 8 3.1622777 33.TAN 返回數字的正切值 SQL> select tan(20),tan(10) from dual;
TAN(20) TAN(10) --------- --------- 2.2371609 .64836083 34.TANH 返回數字n的雙曲正切值 SQL> select tanh(20),tan(20) from dual;
TANH(20) TAN(20) --------- --------- 1 2.2371609 35.TRUNC 按照指定的精度擷取一個數 SQL> select trunc(124.1666,-2) trunc1,trunc(124.16666,2) from dual; TRUNC1 TRUNC(124.16666,2) --------- ------------------ 100 124.16 36.ADD_MONTHS 增加或減去月份 SQL> select to_char(add_months(to_date('199912','yyyymm'),2),'yyyymm') from dual; TO_CHA ------ 200002 SQL> select to_char(add_months(to_date('199912','yyyymm'),-2),'yyyymm') from dual; TO_CHA ------ 199910 37.LAST_DAY 返回日期的最後一天 SQL> select to_char(sysdate,'yyyy.mm.dd'),to_char((sysdate)+1,'yyyy.mm.dd') from dual;
TO_CHAR(SY TO_CHAR((S ---------- ---------- 2004.05.09 2004.05.10 SQL> select last_day(sysdate) from dual; LAST_DAY(S ---------- 31-5月 -04 38.MONTHS_BETWEEN(date2,date1) 給出date2-date1的月份 SQL> select months_between('19-12月-1999','19-3月-1999') mon_between from dual;
MON_BETWEEN ----------- 9 SQL>selectmonths_between(to_date('2000.05.20','yyyy.mm.dd'),to_date('2005.05.20','yyyy.mm.dd')) mon_betw from dual; MON_BETW --------- -60 39.NEW_TIME(date,'this','that') 給出在this時區=other時區的日期和時間 SQL> select to_char(sysdate,'yyyy.mm.dd hh24:mi:ss') bj_time,to_char(new_time 2 (sysdate,'PDT','GMT'),'yyyy.mm.dd hh24:mi:ss') los_angles from dual;
BJ_TIME LOS_ANGLES ------------------- ------------------- 2004.05.09 11:05:32 2004.05.09 18:05:32 40.NEXT_DAY(date,'day') 給出日期date和星期x之後計算下一個星期的日期 SQL> select next_day('18-5月-2001','星期五') next_day from dual;
NEXT_DAY ---------- 25-5月 -01 41.SYSDATE 用來得到系統的當前日期 SQL> select to_char(sysdate,'dd-mm-yyyy day') from dual; TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,' ----------------- 09-05-2004 星期日 trunc(date,fmt)按照給出的要求將日期截斷,如果fmt='mi'表示保留分,截斷秒 SQL> select to_char(trunc(sysdate,'hh'),'yyyy.mm.dd hh24:mi:ss') hh, 2 to_char(trunc(sysdate,'mi'),'yyyy.mm.dd hh24:mi:ss') hhmm from dual; HH HHMM ------------------- ------------------- 2004.05.09 11:00:00 2004.05.09 11:17:00 42.CHARTOROWID 將字元資料型別轉換為ROWID型別 SQL> select rowid,rowidtochar(rowid),ename from scott.emp; ROWID ROWIDTOCHAR(ROWID) ENAME ------------------ ------------------ ---------- AAAAfKAACAAAAEqAAA AAAAfKAACAAAAEqAAA SMITH AAAAfKAACAAAAEqAAB AAAAfKAACAAAAEqAAB ALLEN AAAAfKAACAAAAEqAAC AAAAfKAACAAAAEqAAC WARD AAAAfKAACAAAAEqAAD AAAAfKAACAAAAEqAAD JONES 43.CONVERT(c,dset,sset) 將源字串 sset從一個語言字符集轉換到另一個目的dset字符集 SQL> select convert('strutz','we8hp','f7dec') "conversion" from dual;
conver ------ strutz 44.HEXTORAW 將一個十六進位制構成的字串轉換為二進位制
45.RAWTOHEXT 將一個二進位制構成的字串轉換為十六進位制
46.ROWIDTOCHAR 將ROWID資料型別轉換為字元型別 47.TO_CHAR(date,'format') SQL> select to_char(sysdate,'yyyy/mm/dd hh24:mi:ss') from dual; TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'YY ------------------- 2004/05/09 21:14:41 48.TO_DATE(string,'format') 將字串轉化為ORACLE中的一個日期 49.TO_MULTI_BYTE 將字串中的單位元組字元轉化為多位元組字元 SQL> select to_multi_byte('高') from dual;
TO -- 高 50.TO_NUMBER 將給出的字元轉換為數字 SQL> select to_number('1999') year from dual;
YEAR --------- 1999 51.BFILENAME(dir,file) 指定一個外部二進位制檔案 SQL>insert into file_tb1 values(bfilename('lob_dir1','image1.gif'));
52.CONVERT('x','desc','source') 將x欄位或變數的源source轉換為desc SQL> select sid,serial#,username,decode(command, 2 0,'none', 3 2,'insert', 4 3, 5 'select', 6 6,'update', 7 7,'delete', 8 8,'drop', 9 'other') cmd from v$session where type!='background';
SID SERIAL# USERNAME CMD --------- --------- ------------------------------ ------ 1 1 none 2 1 none 3 1 none 4 1 none 5 1 none 6 1 none 7 1275 none 8 1275 none 9 20 GAO select 10 40 GAO none 53.DUMP(s,fmt,start,length) DUMP函式以fmt指定的內部數字格式返回一個VARCHAR2型別的值 SQL> col global_name for a30 SQL> col dump_string for a50 SQL> set lin 200 SQL> select global_name,dump(global_name,1017,8,5) dump_string from global_name;
GLOBAL_NAME DUMP_STRING ------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- ORACLE.WORLD Typ=1 Len=12 CharacterSet=ZHS16GBK: W,O,R,L,D 54.EMPTY_BLOB()和EMPTY_CLOB() 這兩個函式都是用來對大資料型別欄位進行初始化操作的函式
55.GREATEST 返回一組表示式中的最大值,即比較字元的編碼大小. SQL> select greatest('AA','AB','AC') from dual; GR -- AC SQL> select greatest('啊','安','天') from dual; GR -- 天 56.LEAST 返回一組表示式中的最小值 SQL> select least('啊','安','天') from dual;
LE -- 啊 57.UID 返回標識當前使用者的唯一整數 SQL> show user USER 為"GAO" SQL> select username,user_id from dba_users where user_id=uid;
USERNAME USER_ID ------------------------------ --------- GAO 25 58.USER 返回當前使用者的名字 SQL> select user from dual; USER ------------------------------ GAO 59.USEREVN 返回當前使用者環境的資訊,opt可以是: ENTRYID,SESSIONID,TERMINAL,ISDBA,LABLE,LANGUAGE,CLIENT_INFO,LANG,VSIZE ISDBA 檢視當前使用者是否是DBA如果是則返回true SQL> select userenv('isdba') from dual;
USEREN ------ FALSE SQL> select userenv('isdba') from dual; USEREN ------ TRUE SESSION 返回會話標誌 SQL> select userenv('sessionid') from dual; USERENV('SESSIONID') -------------------- 152 ENTRYID 返回會話人口標誌 SQL> select userenv('entryid') from dual; USERENV('ENTRYID') ------------------ 0 INSTANCE 返回當前INSTANCE的標誌 SQL> select userenv('instance') from dual; USERENV('INSTANCE') ------------------- 1 LANGUAGE 返回當前環境變數 SQL> select userenv('language') from dual; USERENV('LANGUAGE') ---------------------------------------------------- SIMPLIFIED CHINESE_CHINA.ZHS16GBK LANG 返回當前環境的語言的縮寫 SQL> select userenv('lang') from dual; USERENV('LANG') ---------------------------------------------------- ZHS TERMINAL 返回使用者的終端或機器的標誌 SQL> select userenv('terminal') from dual; USERENV('TERMINA ---------------- GAO VSIZE(X) 返回X的大小(位元組)數 SQL> select vsize(user),user from dual; VSIZE(USER) USER ----------- ------------------------------ 6 SYSTEM 60.AVG(DISTINCT|ALL) all表示對所有的值求平均值,distinct只對不同的值求平均值 SQLWKS> create table table3(xm varchar(8),sal number(7,2)); 語句已處理。 SQLWKS> insert into table3 values('gao',1111.11); SQLWKS> insert into table3 values('gao',1111.11); SQLWKS> insert into table3 values('zhu',5555.55); SQLWKS> commit; SQL> select avg(distinct sal) from gao.table3; AVG(DISTINCTSAL) ---------------- 3333.33 SQL> select avg(all sal) from gao.table3; AVG(ALLSAL) ----------- 2592.59 61.MAX(DISTINCT|ALL) 求最大值,ALL表示對所有的值求最大值,DISTINCT表示對不同的值求最大值,相同的只取一次 SQL> select max(distinct sal) from scott.emp;
MAX(DISTINCTSAL) ---------------- 5000 62.MIN(DISTINCT|ALL) 求最小值,ALL表示對所有的值求最小值,DISTINCT表示對不同的值求最小值,相同的只取一次 SQL> select min(all sal) from gao.table3;
MIN(ALLSAL) ----------- 1111.11 63.STDDEV(distinct|all) 求標準差,ALL表示對所有的值求標準差,DISTINCT表示只對不同的值求標準差 SQL> select stddev(sal) from scott.emp;
STDDEV(SAL) ----------- 1182.5032 SQL> select stddev(distinct sal) from scott.emp; STDDEV(DISTINCTSAL) ------------------- 1229.951 64.VARIANCE(DISTINCT|ALL) 求協方差 SQL> select variance(sal) from scott.emp; VARIANCE(SAL) ------------- 1398313.9 65.GROUP BY 主要用來對一組數進行統計 SQL> select deptno,count(*),sum(sal) from scott.emp group by deptno;
DEPTNO COUNT(*) SUM(SAL) --------- --------- --------- 10 3 8750 20 5 10875 30 6 9400 66.HAVING 對分組統計再加限制條件 SQL> select deptno,count(*),sum(sal) from scott.emp group by deptno having count(*)>=5; DEPTNO COUNT(*) SUM(SAL) --------- --------- --------- 20 5 10875 30 6 9400 SQL> select deptno,count(*),sum(sal) from scott.emp having count(*)>=5 group by deptno ; DEPTNO COUNT(*) SUM(SAL) --------- --------- --------- 20 5 10875 30 6 9400 67.ORDER BY 用於對查詢到的結果進行排序輸出 SQL> select deptno,ename,sal from scott.emp order by deptno,sal desc;
DEPTNO ENAME SAL --------- ---------- --------- 10 KING 5000 10 CLARK 2450 10 MILLER 1300 20 SCOTT 3000 20 FORD 3000 20 JONES 2975 20 ADAMS 1100 20 SMITH 800 30 BLAKE 2850 30 ALLEN 1600 30 TURNER 1500 30 WARD 1250 30 MARTIN 1250 30 JAMES 950 * SQL Group Function * s (num can be a column or ex
pression) (null values are ign * ored, default between distin
ct and all is all) ******************** *************** ****************************
**************** AVG([distinct or all] num) -- average value
COUNT(distinct or all] num) -- number of values
MAX([distinct or all ] num) -- maximum value
MAX([distinct or all] num) -- minimum value
STDDEV([distinct or all] num) -- standard devi ation
SUM([distinct or all ] num) -- sum of values
VARIANCE([distinct o r all] num) -- variance of v alues
******************************** *********************** ************************
* Miscellaneaous Functions : *
******************** *************** ****************************
**************** DECODE(expr, srch1, return1 [,srch2, return2...] , default]
-- if no search matches t he expression then the default is returned,
-- otherwise, the first search that match es will cause
-- the corres ponding return value to be r eturned
DUMP(column_name [,fmt [,start_p os [, length]]])
-- returns an column internal oracle format, used
for getting info about a -- format options : 8 = oc tal, 10 = decimel, 16 = hex, 17 = characters
-- return type codes : 1 = varchar2, 2 = n umber, 8 = long, 12 = date,
-- 23 = raw, 24 = long raw, 69 = rowid, 96 = char, 106 = mlslabel
GREATEST(expr [,expr2 [, expr3...]] -- returns the largest val ue of all expressions
LEAST(expr [,expr2 [, expr3...]] -- returns the smallest value of all expre ssions
NVL(expr1 ,expr2 -- if expr1 is not null, i t is returned, otherwise expr2 is returned
SQLCODE -- returns sql error code query, of last error. Can not be used directly in
-- value must be set to local variable fir st
SQLERRM -- returns sql in query, error message of last error
. Can not be used directly -- value must be set to lo cal variable first
UID -- returns the user id of the user you are logged on as
-- useful in s electing information from lo w level sys tables
USER -- returns the user name of the user you a re logged on as
USERENV('option') -- returns inf ormation about the user you are logged on as
-- ( all options not available in all Oracle versions)
VSIZE(expr) -- returns the number of b ytes used by the expression
-- useful in s electing information about t able space requirements
******************** *************** ****************************
**************** * SQL Date Functions (dt represe * nts oracle date and time)
* (functions return * an oracle date unless otherw
ise specified) ******************************** *********************** ************************
ADD_MONTHS(dt, num) -- adds num months to dt (num can be negative)
LAST_DAY(dt) -- last day of month in month containing dt
MONTHS_BETWEEN(dt1, dt2) -- retu dt2 rns fractional value of months between dt1,
NEW_TIME(dt, tz1, tz zone 2 2) -- dt = date in time zo
ne 1, returns date in time NEXT_DAY(dt, str) -- date etc..) of first (str) after dt (str = 'Monday',
SYSDATE -- present system date ROUND(dt [,fmt] -- roun ds dt as specified by format fmt
TRUNC(dt [,fmt] -- truncates dt as spe cified by format fmt
******************************** *********************** ************************
* Number Functions : *
******************************** *********************** ************************
ABS(num) -- absolute value of num
CEIL(num) -- smallest integer > or = num
COS(num) -- cosine(n um), num in radians
COSH(num) -- hyperbolic cosine(num)
EXP(num) -- e raised to the num powe r
FLOOR(num) -- largest integer < or = num
LN(num) -- natural logarithm of num
LOG(num2, num1) -- logarith m base num2 of num1
MOD(num2, num1) -- remainde r of num2 / num1
POWER(num2, num1) -- num2 raised to the num1 power
ROUND(num1 [,num2] -- num1 rou nded to num2 decimel places (default 0)
SIGN(num) -- sign of num * 1, 0 if num = 0
SIN(num) -- sin(num), num in radians
SINH(num) -- hyperbolic sine(num) SQRT(num) -- square root of num TAN(num) -- tangent( num), num in radians
TANH(num) -- hyperbolic tangent(num)
TRUNC(num1 [,num2] -- truncate num1 to num2 decimel places (default 0)
******************************** *********************** ************************ * String Functions, * String Result :
******************************** *********************** ************************
(num) -- ASCII character for num
CHR(num) -- ASCII character for n um
CONCAT(str1, str2) -- str1 concatenated with str2 (same as str1||str2)
INITCAP(str) -- capitalize first lett er of each word in str
LOWER(str) -- str w ith all letters in lowercase
LPAD(str1, num [,str2]) -- left spaces) pad str1 to length num with str2 (default
LTRIM(str [,set]) -- remove set from left side of str (default spaces)
NLS_INITCAP(str [,nl s_val]) -- same as initcap f or different languages
NLS_LOWER(str [,nls_ val]) -- same as lower for different languages
REPLACE(str1, str2 [,str3]) -- r eplaces str2 with str3 in str1
-- deletes str2 from str1 if str3 is omitted
RPAD(str1, num [,str (default spaces) 2]) -- right pad str1 to
length num with str2 RTRIM(str [,set]) spaces) -- remove set from
right side of str (default SOUNDEX(str) -- phonetic represen tation of str
SUBSTR(str, num2 [,n um1]) -- substring of str, starting with num2,
-- omitted) num1 characters (to end of str if num1 is
SUBSTRB(str, num2 [, bytes num1]) -- same as substr bu
t num1, num2 expressed in TRANSLATE(str, set1, set2) -- replaces set1 in str with set2
-- truncated if set2 is longer than set1, it will be
UPPER(str) -- str with all lett ers in uppercase
******************** *************** ****************************
**************** * String Functions, * Numeric Result :
******************************** *********************** ************************
ASCII(str) -- ASCII value of str
INSTR(str1, str2 [,num1 [,num2]] ) -- position of num2th occurrence of
-- str2 in str1, starting at num1
-- (num1, num2 default to 1)
INSTRB(str1, str2 [,num1 [num2]]
) -- same as instr, byte values for num1, num2 LENGTH(str) -- number of characters in str
LENGTHB(str) -- number of bytes in str
NLSSORT(str [,nls_val]) -- nls_val byte value of str
******************************** *********************** ************************
* SQL Conversion Functions *
******************************** *********************** ************************
CHARTOROWID(str) -- converts str to ROWID
CONVERT(str, chr_set2 [,chr_set1 ]) -- converts str to chr_set2
character set -- chr_set1
default is the datbase HEXTORAW(str) -- converts hex string va lue to internal raw values
RAWTOHEX(raw_val) -- convert s raw hex value to hex string value
ROWIDTOCHAR(rowid) -- converts rowid to 18 ch aracter string format
TO_CHAR(expr [,fmt]) fmt -- converts expr(date or n
umber) to format specified by TO_DATE(str [,fmt]) -- converts string to dat e
TO_MULTI_BYTE(str) -- convert s single byte string to multi byte string
TO_NUMBER(str [,fmt]) -- convert s str to a number formatted by fmt
TO_SINGLE_BYTE(str) -- converts multi byte st ring to single byte string
******************************** *********************** ************************
* SQL Date Formats *
******************** *************** ****************************
**************** BC, B.C. BC indicator AD, A.D. AD indicator CC, SCC Cent ury Code (SCC includes space or - sign)
YYYY, SYYYY 4 digit year (SY YYY includes space or - sign)
IYYY 4 digit ISO year Y,YYY 4 digit year with comma YYY, YY, or Y last 3, 2, or 1 digit of year
YEAR, SYEAR year spelled out (SYEAR includes space or - sign)
RR last 2 digits of year in prior or next century
Q quarter or year, 1 to 4 MM month - from 01 to 12 MONTH month spelled out MON month 3 letter abbreviation RM roman numeral for month WW week of year, 1 to 53 IW ISO week of year , 1 to 52 or 1 to 53
W week of month, 1 to 5 (week 1 begins 1st day of the month)
D day of week, 1 to 7 DD day of month, 1 to 31 DDD day of year, 1 to 366 DAY day of week spel led out, nine characters right padded
DY day abbreviation J # of days since Jan 1, 4712 BC
HH, HH12 hour of day, 1 to 12 HH24 hour of day, 0 to 23 MI minute of hour, 0 to 59 SS second of minute, 0 to 59 SSSSS seco nds past midnight, 0 to 8639 9
AM, A.M. am indicator PM, P.M. pm indicator any puctuation punc tuation between format items , as in 'DD/MM/YY'
any text text between format items TH conv erts 1 to '1st', 2 to '2nd', and so on
SP converts 1 to 'o ne', 2 to 'two', and so on
SPTH converts 1 to 'F IRST', 2 to 'SECOND', and so on
FX fill exact : uses exact pattern matching
FM fill mode : tog gles suppression of blanks in output