QTP關鍵字驅動框架 - RelevantCodes[1]One
Anshoo Arora最近釋出了一個QTP的關鍵字驅動框架,名為“RelevantCodes[1]One”
Parent | Child | Description | Event | Value
Browser Page | Image | name:=ThisImage | Click | ""
OO Architecture
Custom DOTNetFactory Form
Hierarchical Reporting
Product Version Settings
Single Block for Loading and Unloading Global Objects
Advanced Dictionary Object usage
Generic Structure (Currently supports Web & Standard Windows)
Simple Validations
Custom CheckPoints
Supports execution on multiple windows/browsers (see Test Case 002)
Simple Reporting
Data Sheet with Custom Macros (macros will not available for viewing)
Customized Test Execution
Supports multiple object descriptions
當前版本:0.1 Beta
1. Download, unzip and copy the RelevantCodes folder to your C:/ The folder structure should look exactly like:
C:/RelevantCodes/RelevantCodes[1]One/0.1/<Other Files & Folders>
2. In the folder "C:/RelevantCodes/RelevantCodes[1]One/0.1/Test Resources/Excel Tables", change the name of one of the tables to Data.xls. If you are using QTP 9.2 or below, rename Data92.xls. For versions 9.5 and higher, rename Data95+.xls.
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