2019-02-24 Taking Action
Good Sunday morning people! I am moving along with my plan that I set yesterday. The first thing I did was going to the gym and did both the cardio and the strength exercises. I enjoyed these a lot.
It has been a long time, about two months since I did serious cardio workout last time. here are some pictures of our neighborhood gym.

The air quality in my home town in China, and a bad cold I got were my reasons that I stopped exercising. Plus, I wasn't in my best mood due to my aging parents' health conditions.
Just as the author Seth Gillihan described in his book 《Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Made Simple》, I was in the brink of depression. And this had pushed me into a vicious cycle of feeling bad, so that I stopped doing what I loved to do, and then feeling worse.
Thanks God that I found this helpful book. I will take action to prevent this from happening to me again. Pretty soon I will go back to my parents again to help them. This time I will take proactive actions. No matter what happens next in life, I need to been strong and handle it like a man.
- 2019-02-24
- AT_arc175_a [ARC175A] Spoon Taking Problem 題解
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- action概念
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- patch_id,version, action ,status,action_time,description
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