Swift:Errors thrown from here are not handled because the enclosing catch is not exhaustive
在學習 Swift 錯誤處理的時候,官方給出的 do-catch
let favoriteSnacks = [
"Alice": "Chips",
"Bob": "Licorice",
"Eve": "Pretzels",
func buyFavoriteSnack(person: String, vendingMachine: VendingMachine) throws {
let snackName = favoriteSnacks[person] ?? "Candy Bar"
try vendingMachine.vend(itemNamed: snackName)
var vendingMachine = VendingMachine()
vendingMachine.coinsDeposited = 8
do {
try buyFavoriteSnack(person: "Alice", vendingMachine: vendingMachine)
} catch VendingMachineError.invalidSelection {
print("Invalid Selection.")
} catch VendingMachineError.outOfStock {
print("Out of Stock.")
} catch VendingMachineError.insufficientFunds(let coinsNeeded) {
print("Insufficient funds. Please insert an additional \(coinsNeeded) coins.")
// Prints "Insufficient funds. Please insert an additional 2 coins."
但是親自上手敲程式碼的時候,卻總是在 "do" 閉包中 try
"Errors thrown from here are not handled because the enclosing catch is not exhaustive"
大體意思是說這個 do-catch
是不完整的。這時候需要再加上一個空的 catch
語句用於關閉 catch。
do {
try buyFavoriteSnack(person: "Alice", vendingMachine: vendingMachine)
} catch VendingMachineError.invalidSelection {
print("Invalid Selection.")
} catch VendingMachineError.outOfStock {
print("Out of Stock.")
} catch VendingMachineError.insufficientFunds(let coinsNeeded) {
print("Insufficient funds. Please insert an additional \(coinsNeeded) coins.")
} catch { // 加入一個空的catch,用於關閉catch。否則會報錯:Errors thrown from here are not handled because the enclosing catch is not exhaustive
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