Unlucky because now anybody can shoot with their hot fix
And there's no changes between today and
yesterday when it comes to stats or badges, all are the same.Yeah. That's likely to be the issue. Assuming we receive the MyPlayer builder (they just said demonstration never confirmed exactly what it was likely to be) that's going to the very first thing I'm going to be anxious to check out.
They have 95s outside the gate and it is fucking awful dude. And what good is content if the game plays like buttocks, which it really does. I already pulled the 95 Bob Lanier and that shit is not good at all.If that's something, and you like power creep like that, then sure. I, however, can't mess with myteam BECAUSE they do things such as drop 95s week one and galaxy opals by week 3.
We have a good number of legends, with more coming tomorrow. Supserstars has been disappointing but there's an opportunity we get home rules to acquire a free one, and kickoff voucher should be good this year.Heat check cards are not valuable in any way, and madden has powerups for every elite in the game, and much more in depth team building and strategy, in addition to 2k always having the most toxic online metà of sports games.
The article was more of a point to demonstrate that 2k really pumps shit into their game. 2k releases promos on a weekly basis. Then there's the 11 legends. Then there's the superstar mvps.
2k is also complete trash the shooting is awful that the defense is laughable can't contest shots without foul calls The 85 Kobe can not even earn a layup if it's even slightly contested.And you can not even spam select and roll since the major man literally has no idea where to
go and when he does it right the ball either get stolen or you overlook the easy layup with 18% competition.
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