這個來自之前做的培訓,刪減了一些業務相關的,參考了很多資料(參考資料列表),謝謝前輩們,麼麼噠 ?
新領域的Web化思路也會給前端帶來技術革新和發展機遇,例如Web虛擬現實(Virtual Reality,VR)、物聯網(Physical Web,將物體連入網路的一種理念)Web化、機器學習和人工智慧等。
- Nothing will change or slow the usage or popularity of React for many years to come.
React在最近幾年裡還是會繼續廣泛應用,這個擋不住。 - GraphQL will replace a lot of REST API`s this year.
GraphQL 會漸漸取代 REST API,不過我感覺這個略微有些激進,只是多一種選擇而已。 - The web will continue to become more native-like with offline capabilities and seamless mobile experiences.
Web應用用起來會更像原生應用。 - HTML 5.3 is coming.
- Keep an eye on turbo, a blazing fast NPM client.
據說Turbo比NPM、Yarn之類的快5倍。 - Expect to learn and use CSS transforms 3d, CSS transitions, CSS flexbox, CSS filters, CSS grid
多使用CSS新特性。 -
JavaScript usage will continue to grow with no slowdown in sight.
Javascript用的人越來越多。 - Still waiting on Web Assembly to peak. This will likely require tooling.
Web Assembly 未來應該是趨勢,現在還是在路上。 - Universal/isomorphic JavaScript solutions continue to evolve e.g. next.js and Sapper.
同構的解決方案不斷髮展。 - Web components still lurk and wait for significant traction from developers.
Web元件越來越多。 - I believe the end is in sight for CSS pre-processors as PostCSS, CSSnext, and CSS in JS take over.
JS可能將會接管CSS前處理器。 - Older server centric application patterns show up again but with a new spin. The pendulum could start to swinging away from strick SPA applications. People will begin to pull back on the complexity of single page applications and return to things like pjax (A mix of SPA and Server-side Rendering. See https://stimulusjs.org).
有服務端渲染需求的只是前端專案的一部分,至於這個預測也不一定。 -
Progressive Web Applications hopefully will catch fire. If they don`t, I fear they never will. At least not in their current form.
其實以後的硬體過剩,大部分場景不需要什麼漸進了。 -
“Chatbots created on the basis of artificial intelligence and neural networks will continue to evolve helping to increase communication online. I wonder what it will lead to, but this is unconditional web development trends 2018”. Nods.
人工智慧聊天機器人估計要逆天了,Facebook的聊天機器人在聊天中還會發明自己的語言。 - Vue.js usage will likely overtake all Angular usage.
Vue超過Angular,這個我覺得應該沒啥問題。 - AR/AV, AI, and chat bots will continue to evolve and find their sweet spot.
- JavaScript Symbol and Generators will likely go unnoticed by most front-end developers.
這兩個特性確實出鏡率並不高。 - More developers will divorce themselves from plain JavaScript and try to marry another. But, just like in marital divorce one always takes most of the same problems with them to the greener grass and little actually changes. Preferences and values just get re-prioritized and history will repeat itself.
也就是很多人會嘗試TypeScript,就像之前嘗試 CoffeeScript 一樣,後來就不火了。 - Webpack 4 will happen, and be better, due to competition!
- Continued exploration for the ideal CSS solution for a tree of UI components will not cease.
- State management gets a reset and people start to simplify. Hopefully, this will be the year for solutions like mobx to shine.
順便提一下,Google 最近釋出了Project Stream技術, https://projectstream.google.com 可以在 Chrome 上面通過串流玩遊戲,這個技術壓根就不用安裝遊戲了,也不存在什麼相容性之類的,直接是遊戲畫面傳輸,如果這個技術普及,會對整個UI相關的行業產生重大影響,比如前端、遊戲、小程式之類的。