[Javascript] Class & Prototypes


Create a new User instance would create a new login function in memory each time?

class User {
  constructor(username) {
     this.username = username;
  login() {...}
const user1 = new User("johndoe");
const user2 = new User("jonedoe");



The only thing is added to the instance is usernameprop, the loginmethod will be added to prototype.

Which of the following statements are true?

class Dog {
    constructor(name) {
        this.name = name;
        this.wagTail = () => "Wagging tail!"
    bark() {
        return "Woof!

const dog1 = new Dog("Max");
const dog2 = new Dog("Spot");
dog1.wagTail() === dog2.wagTail()
dog1.wagTail === dg2.wagTail
dog1.bark === dog2.bark
Object.getPrototypeOf(dog1) === Object.getPrototypeOf(dog2)
dog1.constructor === dog2.constructor


 dog1.wagTail() === dog2.wagTail()                                // true
dog1.wagTail === dg2.wagTail                                     // false
dog1.bark === dog2.bark                                          // true
Object.getPrototypeOf(dog1) === Object.getPrototypeOf(dog2)      // true
dog1.constructor === dog2.constructor                            // true !

constructorare just the same functions for each instance, so it is equal.

It doesn't make sense to add wagTailto the constructor, it should be on the proptotype.


class Counter {
    constructor(initialCount = 0) {
        this.count = initialCount
    increment() { return this.count++ }

const counterOne = new Counter(1)
const counterTwo = Object.create(counterOne)

The Object.create() static method creates a new object, using an existing object as the prototype of the newly created object.

const counterTwo = Object.create(counterOne)

[Javascript] Class & Prototypes

At this mement, if you log out counterTwo, you will find that countis not exist on counterTwoitself, but exists on prototype.

[Javascript] Class & Prototypes

Now if you want to modify the property not exist on the object self, it will copy the property from the prototype


[Javascript] Class & Prototypes

[Javascript] Class & Prototypes


class Chameleon {
    constructor(color="green") {
        this.color = color
    static changeColor(newColor) {
        this.color = newColor
        return this.color

const freddie = new Chameleon("green")
freddie.changeColor("orange") // TypeError: static properties only exists on Class not on instances


class User {
    constructor(username) {
        this.username = username;
    login() {...}
const user = new User("johndoe")

Object.getPrototypeOf(user) === User.prototype; // true
user.prototype === User.protottype; // false
Object.getPrototypeOf(user) === Object.getPrototypeOf(User) // false
Object.getPrototypeOf(user) === User.prototype // false

[Javascript] Class & Prototypes

User.prototype // {login: f}
Object.getPrototypeOf(user) // {login: f}
Object.getPrototypeOf(User) // f () { [navtive code] }
user.prototype // undefined
