iOS小記--libtool: can't locate file for: -lPods-xxx
先說下我遇到的情況,需求是將一個包含cocoapods的framework打成混合的framework,這裡用到lipo -create,有很多優秀的部落格都提到了如何打包的問題,同時還提到了一種更加方便的方式,使用Aggregate(我的坑也就是這裡來的)。
- 坑
# Sets the target folders and the final framework product.
# 如果工程名稱和Framework的Target名稱不一樣的話,要自定義FMKNAME
# 例如: FMK_NAME = "MyFramework"
# Install dir will be the final output to the framework.
# The following line create it in the root folder of the current project.
# Working dir will be deleted after the framework creation.
# -configuration ${CONFIGURATION}
# Clean and Building both architectures.
# 適用於帶有.xcworkspace ,否則請檢視:(
xcodebuild -configuration "Release" -workspace "${FMK_NAME}".xcworkspace -scheme "${FMK_NAME}" -sdk iphoneos clean build CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR=${WRK_DIR}/Release-iphoneos
xcodebuild -configuration "Release" -workspace "${FMK_NAME}".xcworkspace -scheme "${FMK_NAME}" -sdk iphonesimulator clean build CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR=${WRK_DIR}/Release-iphonesimulator
# Cleaning the oldest.
if [ -d "${INSTALL_DIR}" ]
rm -rf "${INSTALL_DIR}"
mkdir -p "${INSTALL_DIR}"
cp -R "${DEVICE_DIR}/" "${INSTALL_DIR}/"
# Uses the Lipo Tool to merge both binary files (i386 + armv6/armv7) into one Universal final product.
lipo -create "${DEVICE_DIR}/${FMK_NAME}" "${SIMULATOR_DIR}/${FMK_NAME}" -output "${INSTALL_DIR}/${FMK_NAME}"
rm -r "${WRK_DIR}"
open "${INSTALL_DIR}"
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