subversion 安裝各種異常 之 SQLite
01) sqlite
sqlite 下載地址
解壓 unzip
github-sqlite sqlite 官網 上面有一段話
The amalgamation contains everything you need to integrate SQLite into a larger project. Just copy the amalgamation into your source directory and compile it along with the other C code files in your project.
02) subversion 編譯安裝完後一直報錯
./svn --version
./svn: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
解決辦法: 在ubuntu系統中 apt install subversion 先安裝一次subversion ,然後 sudo apt-get remove --purge subversion 解除安裝.現在編譯安裝的不會報錯,奇葩的問題
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