——————— 啟發與 sicp ——————-
java 實現:
package com.pycat.simple.ration;
import javafx.util.Pair;
* Created by cat on 2018/6/10.
* 有理數
public class Ration<K, V> extends Pair<K, V> {
* Creates a new pair
* @param key The key for this pair
* @param value The value to use for this pair
Ration(K key, V value) {
super(key, value);
public String toString() {
if (getValue() instanceof Integer) {
int v = (Integer) getValue();
return v == 1
? String.format("Ration(%s)", getKey())
: String.format("Ration(%s/%s)", getKey(), getValue());
} else if (getKey() == getValue()) {
return String.format("Ration(%s)", 1);
return String.format("Ration(%s/%s)", getKey(), getValue());
package com.pycat.simple.ration;
import com.pycat.simple.ration.Ration;
* Created by cat on 2018/6/10.
* 有理數操作
public class RationOperator {
private RationOperator() {
public static Ration<Integer, Integer> makeRation(int n, int d) {
if (d == 0) throw new ArithmeticException("denomination can't be zero.");
return new Ration<>(n / gcd(n, d), d / gcd(n, d));
public static int getNumber(Ration<Integer, Integer> ration) {
return ration.getKey();
public static int getDenominate(Ration<Integer, Integer> ration) {
return ration.getValue();
* 有理數相加
* @param x ration
* @param y ration
* @return x + y (其中 x,y 都是有理數)
public static Ration<Integer, Integer> add(Ration<Integer, Integer> x, Ration<Integer, Integer> y) {
int n = x.getKey() * y.getValue() + x.getValue() * y.getKey();
int d = x.getValue() * y.getValue();
return makeRation(n, d);
* 有理數相減
* @param x ration
* @param y ration
* @return x - y (其中 x,y 都是有理數)
public static Ration<Integer, Integer> minus(Ration<Integer, Integer> x, Ration<Integer, Integer> y) {
int n = x.getKey() * y.getValue() - x.getValue() * y.getKey();
int d = x.getValue() * y.getValue();
return makeRation(n, d);
* 有理數相乘
* @param x ration
* @param y ration
* @return x * y (其中 x,y 都是有理數)
public static Ration<Integer, Integer> multi(Ration<Integer, Integer> x, Ration<Integer, Integer> y) {
int n = x.getKey() * y.getKey();
int d = x.getValue() * y.getValue();
return makeRation(n, d);
* 有理數相除
* @param x ration
* @param y ration
* @return x / y (其中 x,y 都是有理數)
public static Ration<Integer, Integer> divide(Ration<Integer, Integer> x, Ration<Integer, Integer> y) {
return multi(x, makeRation(y.getValue(), y.getKey()));
* 第一步:任意給定兩個正整數;判斷它們是否都是偶數。若是,則用2約簡;若不是則執行第二步。
* 第二步:以較大的數減較小的數,接著把所得的差與較小的數比較,並以大數減小數。繼續這個操作,直到所得的減數和差相等為止。
* 則第一步中約掉的若干個2與第二步中等數的乘積就是所求的最大公約數。
* 其中所說的“等數”,就是最大公約數。求“等數”的辦法是“更相減損”法。所以更相減損法也叫等值演算法。
* @param n
* @param d
* @return
private static int gcd(int n, int d) {
int before = 1;
while (n % 2 == 0 && d % 2 == 0) {
n = n / 2;
d = d / 2;
before *= 2;
int r = 0;
int max;
int min;
max = Math.max(n, d);
min = Math.min(n, d);
n = max;
d = min;
while (r != d) {
r = n - d;
n = Math.max(r, d);
d = Math.min(r, d);
max = Math.max(n, d);
min = Math.min(n, d);
n = max;
d = min;
return r * before;
public static void main(String[] args) {
// System.out.println(gcd(6, 8));
Ration<Integer, Integer> a = RationOperator.makeRation(1, 2);
Ration<Integer, Integer> b = RationOperator.makeRation(1, 4);
System.out.println(String.format("%s + %s = %s", a, b, RationOperator.add(a, b)));
System.out.println(String.format("%s - %s = %s", a, b, RationOperator.minus(a, b)));
System.out.println(String.format("%s * %s = %s", a, b, RationOperator.multi(a, b)));
System.out.println(String.format("%s / %s = %s", a, b, RationOperator.divide(a, b)));
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