SSU- 397 Text Editor
簡單模擬題 連結串列還是用的不清楚
using namespace std;
const int maxn = 1000005;
int pos,now;
struct Node
char ch;
int pre,next;
int main()
char ch;
now = 0,pos = 0;
node[0].ch = ' '; node[0].pre = -1; node[0].next = -1;
while( 1 ){
ch = getchar();
if( ch == 'L' ){
if( node[now].pre != -1 )
now = node[now].pre;
else if( ch == 'R' ){
if( node[now].next != -1 )
now = node[now].next;
else if( ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z' ){
node[++pos].ch = ch;
if( node[now].next != -1 )
node[node[now].next].pre = pos;
node[pos].next = node[now].next; node[now].next = pos;
node[pos].pre = now;
now = pos;
now = node[0].next;
while(now != -1 ){
now = node[now].next;
return 0;
- AURIX TC397 SCU 之 Watchdog 看門狗
- ZROJ#397. 【18提高7】模仿遊戲(爆搜)遊戲
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