JSON Editor 中文文件
JSON Editor 中文文件
JSON Editor
JSON Editor 根據定義的JSON Schema 生成了一個Html 表單來對JSON進行編輯。它完整支援JSON Schema 的版本3和版本4,並且它整合了一些流行的CSS 框架,例如bootstrap, foundation, and jQueryUI等。
JSON Editor 生成的編輯器支援輸入框、下拉框、等幾乎所有的html5輸入元素
點選這裡檢視官網線上示例: http://jeremydorn.com/json-editor/
JSON Editor 不需要任何的依賴,僅僅需要一個現代瀏覽器支援即可。已在chrome 和firefox 測試通過。
下列內容不需要,但是如果配置的話,可以提升Json Editor 樣式和可用性
- 可相容的JS模版年引擎 (例如 Mustache, Underscore, Hogan, Handlebars, Swig, Markup, or EJS)
- 一個相容的CSS框架 (例如bootstrap 2/3, foundation 3/4/5, or jqueryui)
- 一個相容的圖示庫(例如bootstrap 2/3 glyphicons, foundation icons 2/3, jqueryui, or font awesome 3/4)
- SCEditor 一個所見即所得的html編輯工具
- EpicEditor 一個支援Markdown的編輯器
- Ace Editor 程式碼編輯器
- Select2 一個好看的下拉框元件
如果你學習Json Editor的用法,可以參看下面的例子
- 基礎用法 - http://rawgithub.com/jdorn/json-editor/master/examples/basic.html
- 高階用法 - http://rawgithub.com/jdorn/json-editor/master/examples/advanced.html
- 整合CSS框架的用法 - http://rawgithub.com/jdorn/json-editor/master/examples/css_integration.html
本文件包含了JSON Editor的詳細的用法,如果你想獲取更多的有用資訊,請訪問wiki
var element = document.getElementById('editor_holder');
var editor = new JSONEditor(element, options);
Options 可以在全域性統一設定,也可以在每個例項初始話的時候單獨設定
// 全域性統一設定
JSONEditor.defaults.options.theme = 'bootstrap2';
// 例項初始化的時候設定
var editor = new JSONEditor(element, {
theme: ‘bootstrap2’
下面是Json Editor 可用的一些選框
選項 | 描述 | 預設值 |
ajax | 如果設定為 true , JSON Editor 將會用$ref 擴充套件的URL去載入一個ajax請求. |
false |
disable_array_add | 如果設定 true , 陣列物件將不顯示增加按鈕. |
false |
disable_array_delete | 如果設定為 true , 陣列物件將不顯示刪除按鈕. |
false |
disable_array_reorder | 如果設定為 true , 陣列物件將不顯示“向上”、“向下”移動按鈕. |
false |
disable_collapse | 如果設定為 true , 物件和陣列不再顯示“摺疊”按鈕. |
false |
disable_edit_json | 如果設定為 true , 將隱藏 Edit JSON 按鈕. |
false |
disable_properties | 如果設定為 true , 將隱藏編輯屬性按鈕. |
false |
form_name_root | 編輯器中輸入框的name屬性的開頭部分,例如一個一個輸入框的name 是 `root[person][name]` 其中 "root" 就是這個值. | root |
iconlib | 編輯器使用的圖示庫. 可以在 CSS Integration 節點檢視更多資訊. | null |
no_additional_properties | 如果設定為 true , 物件將只能包含被定義在 properties 中屬性,設定為false 時,當有一個額外的不在properties 的屬性時,這個屬性為自動附加到物件中去. |
false |
refs | 包含Schema定義物件的一個URL. 它允許你事先定義好一個JSON Schema供其他地方呼叫. | {} |
required_by_default | If true , all schemas that don't explicitly set the required property will be required. |
false |
keep_oneof_values | 如果設定為 true ,當切換下拉框的時候它可以將oneOf 中的屬性拷貝到物件中去. |
true |
schema | 編輯器鎖需要的JSON Schema . 目前支援 版本 3 和版本 4 | {} |
show_errors | 是否顯示錯誤資訊,可用的值有interaction , change , always , and never . |
"interaction" |
startval | Seed the editor with an initial value. This should be valid against the editor's schema. | null |
template | 要使用的js 模板引擎. 在此節模板和變數有更多資訊 . | default |
theme | CSS 框架名. | html |
__*Note__ 如果 ajax
屬性被設定為 true
並且 JSON Editor 需要從擴充套件URL中獲取資料, API中的一些方法不會馬上被生效
請在呼叫程式碼前監聽 ready
editor.on('ready',function() {
// Now the api methods will be available
editor.setValue({name: "John Smith"});
var value = editor.getValue();
console.log(value.name) // Will log “John Smith”
Instead of getting/setting the value of the entire editor, you can also work on individual parts of the schema:
// Get a reference to a node within the editor
var name = editor.getEditor('root.name');
// getEditor
will return null if the path is invalid
if(name) {
name.setValue(“John Smith”);
When feasible, JSON Editor won't let users enter invalid data. This is done by
using input masks and intelligently enabling/disabling controls.
However, in some cases it is still possible to enter data that doesn't validate against the schema.
You can use the validate
method to check if the data is valid or not.
// Validate the editor's current value against the schema
var errors = editor.validate();
if(errors.length) {
// errors is an array of objects, each with a path
, property
, and message
// property
is the schema keyword that triggered the validation error (e.g. “minLength”)
// path
is a dot separated path into the JSON object (e.g. “root.path.to.field”)
else {
// It’s valid!
By default, this will do the validation with the editor's current value.
If you want to use a different value, you can pass it in as a parameter.
// Validate an arbitrary value against the editor's schema
var errors = editor.validate({
value: {
to: "test"
The change
event is fired whenever the editor's value changes.
editor.on('change',function() {
// Do something
You can also watch a specific field for changes:
editor.watch('path.to.field',function() {
// Do something
This lets you disable editing for the entire form or part of the form.
// Disable entire form
// Disable part of the form
// Enable entire form
// Enable part of the form
// Check if form is currently enabled
if(editor.isEnabled()) alert(“It’s editable!”);
This removes the editor HTML from the DOM and frees up resources.
JSON Editor 可以整合一些比較流行的CSS框架
- html (the default)
- bootstrap2
- bootstrap3
- foundation3
- foundation4
- foundation5
- jqueryui
預設皮膚是 html
, 使用這個選項的時候,沒有任何的class 和樣式.
通過修改變數 JSONEditor.defaults.options.theme
的值,可以改變預設的CSS 框架
JSONEditor.defaults.options.theme = 'foundation5';
var editor = new JSONEditor(element,{
schema: schema,
theme: 'jqueryui'
JSON Editor 支援流行的圖示庫.
- bootstrap2 (glyphicons)
- bootstrap3 (glyphicons)
- foundation2
- foundation3
- jqueryui
- fontawesome3
- fontawesome4
預設情況下沒有使用圖示庫,和設定CSS 皮膚一樣,你可以全域性設定或例項化的時候設定
// Set the global default
JSONEditor.defaults.options.iconlib = "bootstrap2";
// Set the icon lib during initialization
var editor = new JSONEditor(element,{
schema: schema,
iconlib: “fontawesome4”
JSON Schema Support
JSON Editor fully supports version 3 and 4 of the JSON Schema core and validation specifications.
Some of The hyper-schema specification is supported as well.
$ref and definitions
JSON Editor supports schema references to external URLs and local definitions. Here's an example showing both:
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"name": {
"title": "Full Name",
"$ref": "#/definitions/name"
"location": {
"$ref": "http://mydomain.com/geo.json"
"definitions": {
"name": {
"type": "string",
"minLength": 5
Local references must point to the definitions
object of the root node of the schema.
So, #/customkey/name
will throw an exception.
If loading an external url via Ajax, the url must either be on the same domain or return the correct HTTP cross domain headers.
If your URLs don't meet this requirement, you can pass in the references to JSON Editor during initialization (see Usage section above).
Self-referential $refs are supported. Check out examples/recursive.html
for usage examples.
hyper-schema links
The links
keyword from the hyper-schema specification can be used to add links to related documents.
JSON Editor will use the mediaType
property of the links to determine how best to display them.
Image, audio, and video links will display the media inline as well as providing a text link.
Here are a couple examples:
Simple text link
"title": "Blog Post Id",
"type": "integer",
"links": [
"rel": "comments",
"href": "/posts/{{self}}/comments/"
Show a video preview (using HTML5 video)
"title": "Video filename",
"type": "string",
"links": [
"href": "/videos/{{self}}.mp4",
"mediaType": "video/mp4"
The href
property is a template that gets re-evaluated every time the value changes.
The variable self
is always available. Look at the Dependencies section below for how to include other fields or use a custom template engine.
There is no way to specify property ordering in JSON Schema (although this may change in v5 of the spec).
JSON Editor introduces a new keyword propertyOrder
for this purpose. The default property order if unspecified is 1000. Properties with the same order will use normal JSON key ordering.
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"prop1": {
"type": "string"
"prop2": {
"type": "string",
"propertyOrder": 10
"prop3": {
"type": "string",
"propertyOrder": 1001
"prop4": {
"type": "string",
"propertyOrder": 1
In the above example schema, prop1
does not have an order specified, so it will default to 1000.
So, the final order of properties in the form (and in returned JSON data) will be:
- prop4 (order 1)
- prop2 (order 10)
- prop1 (order 1000)
- prop3 (order 1001)
The default behavior of JSON Editor is to include all object properties defined with the properties
To override this behaviour, you can use the keyword defaultProperties
to set which ones are included:
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"name": {"type": "string"},
"age": {"type": "integer"}
"defaultProperties": ["name"]
Now, only the name
property above will be included by default. You can use the "Object Properties" button
to add the "age" property back in.
JSON Editor supports many different formats for schemas of type string
. They will work with schemas of type integer
and number
as well, but some formats may produce weird results.
If the enum
property is specified, format
will be ignored.
JSON Editor uses HTML5 input types, so some of these may render as basic text input in older browsers:
- color
- date
- datetime
- datetime-local
- month
- number
- range
- tel
- text
- textarea
- time
- url
- week
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"color": {
"type": "string",
"format": "color"
In addition to the standard HTML input formats, JSON Editor can also integrate with several 3rd party specialized editors. These libraries are not included in JSON Editor and you must load them on the page yourself.
SCEditor provides WYSIWYG editing of HTML and BBCode. To use it, set the format to html
or bbcode
and set the wysiwyg
option to true
"type": "string",
"format": "html",
"options": {
"wysiwyg": true
You can configure SCEditor by setting configuration options in JSONEditor.plugins.sceditor
. Here's an example:
JSONEditor.plugins.sceditor.emoticonsEnabled = false;
EpicEditor is a simple Markdown editor with live preview. To use it, set the format to markdown
"type": "string",
"format": "markdown"
You can configure EpicEditor by setting configuration options in JSONEditor.plugins.epiceditor
. Here's an example:
JSONEditor.plugins.epiceditor.basePath = 'epiceditor';
Ace Editor is a syntax highlighting source code editor. You can use it by setting the format to any of the following:
- actionscript
- batchfile
- c
- c++
- cpp (alias for c++)
- coffee
- csharp
- css
- dart
- django
- ejs
- erlang
- golang
- handlebars
- haskell
- haxe
- html
- ini
- jade
- java
- javascript
- json
- less
- lisp
- lua
- makefile
- markdown
- matlab
- mysql
- objectivec
- pascal
- perl
- pgsql
- php
- python
- r
- ruby
- sass
- scala
- scss
- smarty
- sql
- stylus
- svg
- twig
- vbscript
- xml
- yaml
"type": "string",
"format": "yaml"
You can use the hyper-schema keyword media
instead of format
too if you prefer for formats with a mime type:
"type": "string",
"media": {
"type": "text/html"
You can override the default Ace theme by setting the JSONEditor.plugins.ace.theme
JSONEditor.plugins.ace.theme = 'twilight';
"type": "boolean",
"format": "checkbox"
預設的陣列編輯器會佔用比較大的螢幕空間. 使用 table
and tabs
選項可以針對任何陣列, 但是每次只能顯示陣列中的一項. 在每個陣列項的左邊會有一個頁籤開關.
下面是一個 table
"type": "array",
"format": "table",
"items": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string"
or checkbox
"type": "array",
"uniqueItems": true,
"items": {
"type": "string",
"enum": ["value1","value2"]
編輯器,否則的話會啟用select 編輯器
"type": "array",
"format": "select",
"uniqueItems": true,
"items": {
"type": "string",
"enum": ["value1","value2"]
This can make the editor much more compact, but at a cost of not guaranteeing child editor order.
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"name": { "type": "string" }
"format": "grid"
Editors can accept options which alter the behavior in some way.
- 摺疊disable_array_add
- 禁用增加按鈕disable_array_delete
- 禁用刪除按鈕disable_array_reorder
- 禁用移動on個按鈕disable_collapse
- 禁用摺疊disable_edit_json
- 禁用JSON編輯按鈕disable_properties
- 禁用屬性按鈕enum_titles
- 列舉標題,對應enum
屬性。當使用select 的時候,將顯示enum_titles的內容,但是值還是來自enumexpand_height
- If set to true, the input will auto expand/contract to fit the content. Works best with textareas.grid_columns
- Explicitly set the number of grid columns (1-12) for the editor if it's within an object using a grid layout.hidden
- 編輯器是否隱藏input_height
- 編輯器的高度input_width
- 編輯器的寬度remove_empty_properties
- 移除空的物件屬性
"type": "object",
"options": {
"collapsed": true
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string"
You can globally set the default options too if you want:
JSONEditor.defaults.editors.object.options.collapsed = true;
JSON Schema中 dependencies
選項 不能足夠靈活的處理一些例項,因此 JSON Editor 引入了一個複合的自定義關鍵詞來解決這個問題
第一步,修改Schema增加一個watch 屬性
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"first_name": {
"type": "string"
"last_name": {
"type": "string"
"full_name": {
"type": "string",
"watch": {
"fname": "first_name",
"lname": "last_name"
告訴JSON Editor 哪個欄位被更改了
關鍵詞 (fname
and lname
例子中) 是這個屬性的別名
兩個屬性的值 (first_name
and last_name
) 是一個屬性的路徑.(例如 "path.to.field").
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "object",
"id": "arr_item",
"properties": {
"first_name": {
"type": "string"
"last_name": {
"type": "string"
"full_name": {
"type": "string",
"watch": {
"fname": "arr_item.first_name",
"lname": "arr_item.last_name"
那現在 full_name
在每個陣列元素中將被 first_name
and last_name
的內容可能是類似這樣的格式fname [space] lname
- ejs
- handlebars
- hogan
- markup
- mustache
- swig
- underscore
你可以通過修改預設的配置項 JSONEditor.defaults.options.template
JSONEditor.defaults.options.template = 'handlebars';
var editor = new JSONEditor(element,{
schema: schema,
template: 'hogan'
這裡有一個使用了模板引擎的完整的 full_name
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"first_name": {
"type": "string"
"last_name": {
"type": "string"
"full_name": {
"type": "string",
"template": "{{fname}} {{lname}}",
"watch": {
"fname": "first_name",
"lname": "last_name"
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"possible_colors": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"primary_color": {
"type": "string"
首先,我們必須告訴 primary_color
"primary_color": {
"type": "string",
"watch": {
"colors": "possible_colors"
接下來,我們使用一個特殊的關鍵詞 enumSource
"primary_color": {
"type": "string",
"watch": {
"colors": "possible_colors"
"enumSource": "colors"
這是 enumSource
這個屬性支援更多的動作,例如 filtering, pulling from multiple sources, constant values 等等。
// An array of sources
"enumSource": [
// Constant values
// A watched field source
"source": "colors",
// Use a subset of the array
"slice": [2,5],
// Filter items with a template (if this renders to an empty string, it won't be included)
"filter": "{% if item !== 'black' %}1{% endif %}",
// Specify the display text for the enum option
"title": "{{item|upper}}",
// Specify the value property for the enum option
"value": "{{item|trim}}"
// Another constant value at the end of the list
"enumSource": [{
// A watched field source
"source": [
"value": 1,
"title": "One"
"value": 2,
"title": "Two"
"title": "{{item.title}}",
"value": "{{item.value}}"
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"possible_colors": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"text": {
"type": "string"
"primary_color": {
"type": "string",
"watch": {
"colors": "possible_colors"
"enumSource": [{
"source": "colors",
"value": "{{item.text}}"
在這個動作表單中,所有的模板選項都有一個item 和i 屬性。
item 指代的是陣列元素
i 是一個從0開始的序號
The title
keyword of a schema is used to add user friendly headers to the editing UI. Sometimes though, dynamic headers, which change based on other fields, are helpful.
Consider the example of an array of children. Without dynamic headers, the UI for the array elements would show Child 1
, Child 2
, etc..
It would be much nicer if the headers could be dynamic and incorporate information about the children, such as 1 - John (age 9)
, 2 - Sarah (age 11)
To accomplish this, use the headerTemplate
property. All of the watched variables are passed into this template, along with the static title title
(e.g. "Child"), the 0-based index i0
(e.g. "0" and "1"), the 1-based index i1
, and the field's value self
(e.g. {"name": "John", "age": 9}
"type": "array",
"title": "Children",
"items": {
"type": "object",
"title": "Child",
"headerTemplate": "{{ i1 }} - {{ self.name }} (age {{ self.age }})",
"properties": {
"name": { "type": "string" },
"age": { "type": "integer" }
Custom Template Engines
If one of the included template engines isn't sufficient,
you can use any custom template engine with a compile
method. For example:
var myengine = {
compile: function(template) {
// Compile should return a render function
return function(vars) {
// A real template engine would render the template here
var result = template;
return result;
// Set globally
JSONEditor.defaults.options.template = myengine;
// Set on a per-instance basis
var editor = new JSONEditor(element,{
schema: schema,
template: myengine
Language and String Customization
JSON Editor uses a translate function to generate strings in the UI. A default en
language mapping is provided.
You can easily override individual translations in the default language or create your own language mapping entirely.
// Override a specific translation
JSONEditor.defaults.languages.en.error_minLength =
"This better be at least {{0}} characters long or else!";
// Create your own language mapping
// Any keys not defined here will fall back to the “en” language
JSONEditor.defaults.languages.es = {
error_notset: “propiedad debe existir”
By default, all instances of JSON Editor will use the en
language. To override this default, set the JSONEditor.defaults.language
JSONEditor.defaults.language = "es";
Custom Editor Interfaces
JSON Editor contains editor interfaces for each of the primitive JSON types as well as a few other specialized ones.
You can add custom editors interfaces fairly easily. Look at any of the existing ones for an example.
JSON Editor uses resolver functions to determine which editor interface to use for a particular schema or subschema.
Let's say you make a custom location
editor for editing geo data. You can add a resolver function to use this custom editor when appropriate. For example:
// Add a resolver function to the beginning of the resolver list
// This will make it run before any other ones
JSONEditor.defaults.resolvers.unshift(function(schema) {
if(schema.type === "object" && schema.format === "location") {
return "location";
// If no valid editor is returned, the next resolver function will be used
The following schema will now use this custom editor for each of the array elements instead of the default object
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "object",
"format": "location",
"properties": {
"longitude": {
"type": "number"
"latitude": {
"type": "number"
- 用一個緊湊的方式去編輯
- 下拉框用單選按鈕來實現
- 字串的自動提示,類似列舉但是並不侷限於列舉
- 字串陣列使用tag 方式來實現會更好些
- 基於Canvas的圖片編輯器等
// 如果驗證通過返回一個空的陣列,驗證不通過則需要返回錯誤資訊
JSONEditor.defaults.custom_validators.push(function(schema, value, path) {
var errors = [];
if(schema.format==="date") {
if(!/^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$/.test(value)) {
// Errors must be an object with `path`, `property`, and `message`
path: path,
property: 'format',
message: 'Dates must be in the format "YYYY-MM-DD"'
return errors;
當jquery 載入到頁面的時候,你可以用jquery 的方式去載入外掛,如下
schema: {},
theme: 'bootstrap3'
.on('ready', function() {
// Get the value
var value = $(this).jsoneditor('value');
value.name = <span class="hljs-string">"John Smith"</span>; <span class="hljs-comment">// Set the value</span> $(<span class="hljs-keyword">this</span>).jsoneditor(<span class="hljs-string">'value'</span>,value);
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- Ocelot中文文件-流量控制
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