FaceTime是蘋果公司iOS和macOS(以前稱Mac OS X或OS X)內建的一款視訊通話軟體,透過Wi-Fi或者蜂窩資料接入網際網路,在兩個裝有FaceTime的裝置之間實現視訊通話。其要求通話雙方均具有裝有FaceTime的蘋果裝置,蘋果ID以及可接入網際網路的3G/4G/5G或者Wi-Fi網路。
一、Windows電腦上部署蘋果系統(Mac OS)來實現FaceTime的正常使用:
ID 匹配。否則你將無法使用App id啟用FaceTime應用 或 App id登入FaceTime應用後提示鑑定錯誤、無法登陸、無法撥打語音或影片等一系列的問題。*/
os問題最少,也較為穩定: 下載黑蘋果安裝映象 → 燒錄到隨身碟 → 調整配置檔案 → 格式化準備好的硬碟 → 重啟修改BIOS設定 →
使用隨身碟引導 → 安裝黑蘋果到目標硬碟 → 進入系統後除錯
2.映象恢復安裝蘋果系統,在Windows下使用映象恢復軟體安裝:下載恢復版映象 → 重啟修改BIOS設定 → 安裝映象恢復軟體 → 格式化準備好的硬碟 → 複製EFI檔案 → 執行映象恢復 → 新增UEFI啟動項 → 進入系統後除錯。
3.Windows下透過安裝Vmware虛擬機器,在Vmware虛擬機器下安裝Mac OS蘋果系統,透過特定工具以及技術洗白蘋果(安裝的蘋果系統都必須和你當前電腦的機型、CPU架構、主機板、顯示卡等硬體配套,並且與機型 ID 匹配。否則你將無法使用App id啟用FaceTime應用或App id登入FaceTime應用後提示鑑定錯誤、無法登陸、無法撥打等等問題。)
二、FaceTime啟用、無痕檢測指定的資料是否開通了Facetime(最新升級版本請參考博文首頁相關文章: https://www.cnblogs.com/ap16633/)
/* 注意:如果檢測手機號是不是FaceTime資料,那麼需要在手機號的字首 +國家程式碼即可,如果是檢測郵箱號是否開通FaceTime服務則不需要加任何字首,新老app id皆可登入FaceTime;FaceTime藍號篩選,語音撥打,影片撥打,全套部署100%不封APP ID,有償提供全套部署+檢測程式可聯絡紙飛機:@ap16633 */
1 facetime() 2 3 on facetime() 4 tell application "Finder" to activate 5 6 tell application "Finder" 7 set chosenfile to (choose file) 8 end tell 9 10 11 tell application "FaceTime" 12 tell application "FaceTime" to activate 13 14 set phoneData to read chosenfile 15 set cards to paragraphs of phoneData 16 repeat with phone in cards 17 18 set num to the length of phone 19 if (num > 0) then 20 my check_data(phone) 21 delay 1 22 end if 23 end repeat 24 25 end tell 26 end facetime 27 28 29 -- 檢測資料是否開通或啟用facetime 30 on check_data(phone) 31 tell application "System Events" 32 tell process "FaceTime" 33 --核心程式碼... 34 end tell 35 end tell 36 end check_data 37 38 39 -- 寫入檔案 40 on write_to_file(this_data, target_file, append_data, append_end) 41 try 42 set the target_file to the target_file as text 43 set the open_target_file to ¬ 44 open for access file target_file with write permission 45 46 if append_data is false then 47 set eof of the open_target_file to 0 48 write this_data to the open_target_file starting at eof 49 else if append_end is false then 50 try 51 set fp to open for access target_file 52 set myText to read fp 53 set eof of the open_target_file to 0 54 write this_data to the open_target_file starting at eof 55 write myText to the open_target_file starting at eof 56 on error 57 write this_data to the open_target_file starting at eof 58 end try 59 else 60 write this_data to the open_target_file starting at eof 61 end if 62 63 close access the open_target_file 64 return target_file 65 on error 66 try 67 close access file target_file 68 end try 69 return false 70 end try 71 end write_to_file 72 73 74 -- 獲取當前檔案的父資料夾路徑 75 on current_folder_path() 76 set UnixPath to POSIX path of ((path to me as text) & "::") 77 return UnixPath 78 end current_folder_path
(1)100%精準無痕檢測郵箱或手機號是否開通了FaceTime(單ID無限篩選,無需更換APP ID,檢測速度可定製調節,預設0.3秒一封,並且自動儲存檢測成功和失敗的結果,有意者可聯絡.)