You don't have write permissions for the /usr/bin directory.
⁃ carnetdeiMac:~ carnet$ sudo gem install xcodeproj
- ERROR: While executing gem ... (Gem::FilePermissionError)
You don't have write permissions for the /usr/bin directory.
- sudo ========== > sudo gem install -n /usr/local/bin xcodeproj
- 網站提示:You Don’t Have Permission To Access網站
- You don't know CSSCSS
- You don't know css(2)CSS
- /usr/bin/python與/usr/bin/env python的區別Python
- python中#!/usr/bin/python與#!/usr/bin/env python的區別Python
- /bin、/sbin、/usr/bin、/usr/sbin、/usr/local/sbin放置可執行檔案的區別
- PostgreSQL DBA(109) - pgAdmin(Don't do this:Don't use BETWEEN)SQL
- PostgreSQL DBA(117) - pgAdmin(Don't do this: Don't use serial)SQL
- PostgreSQL DBA(108) - pgAdmin(Don't do this:Don't use upper names)SQL
- PostgreSQL DBA(112) - pgAdmin(Don't do this:Don't use timestamptz(0))SQL
- PostgreSQL DBA(113) - pgAdmin(Don't do this:Don't use char(n))SQL
- PostgreSQL DBA(110) - pgAdmin(Don't do this: Don't use timestamp without tz)SQL
- PostgreSQL DBA(116) - pgAdmin(Don't do this:Don't use money&serial)SQL
- PostgreSQL DBA(115) - pgAdmin(Don't do this:Don't use varchar(n) by default)SQL
- PostgreSQL DBA(111) - pgAdmin(Don't do this:Don't use CURRENT_TIME)SQL
- /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lopenblas
- Do you wish to have better graphics?
- -bash: /usr/local/bin/pod: /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/2.0/usr/bin/ruby: b...Framework
- /usr/bin/expect的簡單使用
- 【jenkins】/usr/bin/env: php: No such file or directoryJenkinsPHP
- Php cli模式下執行報錯/usr/bin/php: /usr/local/lib/ no version information available (required by /usr/bin/php)PHP模式XMLORMAIUI
- You have new mail in /var/spool/mail/rootAI
- Third season twentieth episode,do you have a dollhouse?
- PostgreSQL DBA(106) - pgAdmin(Don't do this:NOT IN)SQL
- 啟動idea報Failed to load JVM DLL..jre\bin\jvm.dll,If you already have 32-bit JDK installedIdeaAIJVMJDK
- Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error codeError
- write /usr/include/openssl/cms.h: no space left on devicedev
- studio if you already have a 64-bit JDK installedJDK
- 如何解決"You have an error in your SQL syntax"ErrorSQL
- PostgreSQL DBA(104) - pgAdmin(Don't do this:Rule)SQL
- PostgreSQL DBA(103) - pgAdmin(Don't do this:Encoding)SQLEncoding
- Authentication is required to run /usr/bin/x-terminal-emulator as rootUI
- 啟動intellij時報錯Failed to load JVM DLL..jre\bin\jvm.dll,If you already have 32-bit JDK installedIntelliJAIJVMJDK
- [譯] Don’t call me, I’ll call you:使用 Redux-Saga 管理 React 應用中的非同步 action (上)ReduxReact非同步
- PostgreSQL DBA(107) - pgAdmin(Don't do this:NOT IN vs NOT EXISTS)SQL
- 一分鐘看懂頭部 shell #!/usr/bin 命令
- mac下/usr/local/bin No such file or directory問題解決Mac
- frepplectl解決報錯:bash: /usr/bin/frepplectl: Permission denied