本文作者 徐曉偉
極狐Gitlab Runner 信任例項域名證書,用於註冊註冊極狐 GitLab Runner。
參見 極狐gitlab-runner-host.md
解決方案是使用頒發給域名 gitlab.test.helm.xuxiaowei.cn 的證書,可以使用自己的域名去各大雲廠商免費申請,或者使用自己根據域名 gitlab.test.helm.xuxiaowei.cn 生成的證書
- 阿里雲SSL(https)證書免費申請
- 騰訊雲SSL(https)證書免費申請
- 華為雲SSL(https)證書免費申請
- 百度雲SSL(https)證書免費申請
方案1:重新配置極狐 GitLab,自動生成對應證書並自動配置,然後在極狐 GitLab runner 中信任證書
tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
- runners 部分
- 自簽名證書或自定義證書頒發機構
- ConfigMap
- 配置 Pod 使用 ConfigMap
- 在 極狐GitLab Runner 註冊時配置
引數並指向證書檔案 - 在配置檔案中增加
並指向配置檔案, 此方式本文不做介紹,可參考 gitlab-runner-kubernetes-host.md ,原理相同 - 將證書放在
, 由於篇幅限制,這裡只介紹這一種方式
- 在 極狐GitLab Runner 註冊時配置
由於 k8s 的 pod 可能隨時會被刪除(故障轉移、主動刪除等),所以直接在 pod 內部配置不是上策
k8s 中的 ConfigMap 可以掛載到 pod 內部,所以可以考慮在 ConfigMap 中配置證書,然後 pod 內部使用 ConfigMap 中的證書
- 瀏覽器訪問域名 https://gitlab.test.helm.xuxiaowei.cn
- 按照圖中操作,下載證書,上傳之伺服器,用於後期操作
# 下載證書 openssl s_client -showcerts -connect gitlab.test.helm.xuxiaowei.cn:443 -servername gitlab.test.helm.xuxiaowei.cn < /dev/null 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -outform PEM > gitlab.test.helm.xuxiaowei.cn.crt
將證書匯入到 k8s 中
# -n=gitlab-test:指定名稱空間 # create configmap etc-gitlab-runner-certs:建立 ConfigMap 名稱是 etc-gitlab-runner-certs # --from-file=gitlab.test.helm.xuxiaowei.cn.crt=gitlab.test.helm.xuxiaowei.cn.crt:配置來自檔案,檔名 gitlab.test.helm.xuxiaowei.cn.crt,放入 ConfigMap 中的鍵也是 gitlab.test.helm.xuxiaowei.cn.crt kubectl -n=gitlab-test create configmap etc-gitlab-runner-certs --from-file=gitlab.test.helm.xuxiaowei.cn.crt=gitlab.test.helm.xuxiaowei.cn.crt # 檢視 # kubectl -n=gitlab-test get configmap etc-gitlab-runner-certs -o yaml
匯出 helm 極狐GitLab 配置
helm -n gitlab-test get values my-gitlab > my-gitlab.yaml
修改 helm 極狐GitLab 配置
gitlab-runner: # 掛載卷名稱 volumeMounts: # 掛載到 pod 路徑(檔案/資料夾) # 此處是在容器內執行的 gitlab runner,由於許可權限制等原因, # 所以 配置檔案不是在 /etc/gitlab-runner/ 目錄下,而是 /home/gitlab-runner/.gitlab-runner/ - mountPath: /home/gitlab-runner/.gitlab-runner/certs name: etc-gitlab-runner-certs-volumes # 卷 volumes: # 卷型別 - configMap: items: # configMap 中的鍵 - key: gitlab.test.helm.xuxiaowei.cn.crt # 掛載的路徑 path: gitlab.test.helm.xuxiaowei.cn.crt name: etc-gitlab-runner-certs # 配置 ConfigMap 名稱 name: etc-gitlab-runner-certs-volumes
更新 helm 極狐GitLab 配置
helm upgrade -n gitlab-test --install my-gitlab gitlab/gitlab -f my-gitlab.yaml --timeout 600s --version 7.7.0
kubectl -n gitlab-test get deployments.apps my-gitlab-gitlab-runner -o yaml
apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: annotations: deployment.kubernetes.io/revision: "5" meta.helm.sh/release-name: my-gitlab meta.helm.sh/release-namespace: gitlab-test creationTimestamp: "2023-12-22T05:03:46Z" generation: 7 labels: app: my-gitlab-gitlab-runner app.kubernetes.io/managed-by: Helm chart: gitlab-runner-0.59.2 heritage: Helm release: my-gitlab name: my-gitlab-gitlab-runner namespace: gitlab-test resourceVersion: "30086" uid: 8c46c44a-5b67-44ae-90d0-008daa3fa388 spec: progressDeadlineSeconds: 600 replicas: 1 revisionHistoryLimit: 10 selector: matchLabels: app: my-gitlab-gitlab-runner strategy: rollingUpdate: maxSurge: 25% maxUnavailable: 25% type: RollingUpdate template: metadata: annotations: checksum/configmap: f35865354f043583d0903b0a8350830a486eb0e289d18271cf3f533e7d89c5f7 checksum/secrets: e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855 gitlab.com/prometheus_port: "9252" gitlab.com/prometheus_scrape: "true" creationTimestamp: null labels: app: my-gitlab-gitlab-runner chart: gitlab-runner-0.59.2 heritage: Helm release: my-gitlab spec: containers: - command: - /usr/bin/dumb-init - -- - /bin/bash - /configmaps/entrypoint env: - name: CI_SERVER_URL value: https://gitlab.test.helm.xuxiaowei.cn - name: RUNNER_EXECUTOR value: kubernetes - name: REGISTER_LOCKED value: "false" - name: RUNNER_TAG_LIST - name: KUBERNETES_NAMESPACE value: gitlab-test image: registry.gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-runner:alpine-v16.6.1 imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent livenessProbe: exec: command: - /bin/bash - /configmaps/check-live failureThreshold: 3 initialDelaySeconds: 60 periodSeconds: 10 successThreshold: 1 timeoutSeconds: 3 name: my-gitlab-gitlab-runner ports: - containerPort: 9252 name: metrics protocol: TCP readinessProbe: exec: command: - /usr/bin/pgrep - gitlab.*runner failureThreshold: 3 initialDelaySeconds: 10 periodSeconds: 10 successThreshold: 1 timeoutSeconds: 3 resources: {} securityContext: allowPrivilegeEscalation: false capabilities: drop: - ALL privileged: false readOnlyRootFilesystem: false runAsNonRoot: true terminationMessagePath: /dev/termination-log terminationMessagePolicy: File volumeMounts: - mountPath: /secrets name: projected-secrets - mountPath: /home/gitlab-runner/.gitlab-runner name: etc-gitlab-runner - mountPath: /configmaps name: configmaps - mountPath: /home/gitlab-runner/.gitlab-runner/certs name: etc-gitlab-runner-certs-volumes dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst hostAliases: - hostnames: - gitlab.test.helm.xuxiaowei.cn ip: restartPolicy: Always schedulerName: default-scheduler securityContext: fsGroup: 65533 runAsUser: 100 serviceAccount: my-gitlab-gitlab-runner serviceAccountName: my-gitlab-gitlab-runner terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 3600 volumes: - emptyDir: medium: Memory name: runner-secrets - emptyDir: medium: Memory name: etc-gitlab-runner - name: projected-secrets projected: defaultMode: 420 sources: - secret: name: my-gitlab-minio-secret - secret: items: - key: runner-registration-token path: runner-registration-token - key: runner-token path: runner-token name: my-gitlab-gitlab-runner-secret - configMap: defaultMode: 420 name: my-gitlab-gitlab-runner name: configmaps - configMap: defaultMode: 420 items: - key: gitlab.test.helm.xuxiaowei.cn.crt path: gitlab.test.helm.xuxiaowei.cn.crt name: etc-gitlab-runner-certs name: etc-gitlab-runner-certs-volumes status: availableReplicas: 1 conditions: - lastTransitionTime: "2023-12-22T07:43:25Z" lastUpdateTime: "2023-12-22T07:43:25Z" message: Deployment has minimum availability. reason: MinimumReplicasAvailable status: "True" type: Available - lastTransitionTime: "2023-12-22T05:03:46Z" lastUpdateTime: "2023-12-22T07:43:25Z" message: ReplicaSet "my-gitlab-gitlab-runner-597d6d8f7c" has successfully progressed. reason: NewReplicaSetAvailable status: "True" type: Progressing observedGeneration: 7 readyReplicas: 1 replicas: 1 updatedReplicas: 1
檢視 gitlab runner 日誌
[root@anolis-7-9 ~]# kubectl -n gitlab-test get pod | grep gitlab-runner my-gitlab-gitlab-runner-597d6d8f7c-8v466 1/1 Running 0 5m52s [root@anolis-7-9 ~]#
[root@anolis-7-9 ~]# kubectl -n gitlab-test logs -f my-gitlab-gitlab-runner-597d6d8f7c-8v466 Registration attempt 1 of 30 Runtime platform arch=amd64 os=linux pid=16 revision=f5da3c5a version=16.6.1 WARNING: Running in user-mode. WARNING: The user-mode requires you to manually start builds processing: WARNING: $ gitlab-runner run WARNING: Use sudo for system-mode: WARNING: $ sudo gitlab-runner... Created missing unique system ID system_id=r_3WsywNzJqRud Merging configuration from template file "/configmaps/config.template.toml" WARNING: Support for registration tokens and runner parameters in the 'register' command has been deprecated in GitLab Runner 15.6 and will be replaced with support for authentication tokens. For more information, see https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/runners/new_creation_workflow Registering runner... succeeded runner=BtGwLEwc Runner registered successfully. Feel free to start it, but if it's running already the config should be automatically reloaded! Configuration (with the authentication token) was saved in "/home/gitlab-runner/.gitlab-runner/config.toml" Runtime platform arch=amd64 os=linux pid=7 revision=f5da3c5a version=16.6.1 Starting multi-runner from /home/gitlab-runner/.gitlab-runner/config.toml... builds=0 max_builds=0 WARNING: Running in user-mode. WARNING: Use sudo for system-mode: WARNING: $ sudo gitlab-runner... There might be a problem with your config based on jsonschema annotations in common/config.go (experimental feature): jsonschema: '/runners/0/kubernetes/pull_policy' does not validate with https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-runner/common/config#/$ref/properties/runners/items/$ref/properties/kubernetes/$ref/properties/pull_policy/$ref/type: expected array, but got null Configuration loaded builds=0 max_builds=10 listen_address not defined, metrics & debug endpoints disabled builds=0 max_builds=10 [session_server].listen_address not defined, session endpoints disabled builds=0 max_builds=10 Initializing executor providers builds=0 max_builds=10 ^C [root@anolis-7-9 ~]#
管理員訪問 https://gitlab.test.helm.xuxiaowei.cn/admin/runners 可以看到 pod
已經註冊成了- 如果存在極狐 GitLab Runner Pod 被刪除(故障轉譯、手動刪除等等),這裡可能會存在不可用的 Runner
tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for ingress.local, not gitlab.test.helm.xuxiaowei.cn
- 證書屬於正規機構頒發的(如:上述各大雲廠商的證書),請看下方
- 如果是自己生成的證書(不受信任),請看下方
- 證書屬於正規機構頒發的(如:上述各大雲廠商的證書),請看下方
方案2:配置正規機構頒發的證書(如:上述各大雲廠商的證書),一般無需在 gitlab 配置信任證書,即可正常使用
- 要求證書與域名對應
- 將證書上傳至伺服器,解壓,使用證書檔案建立 k8s TLS Secret
- 修改 極狐GitLab 配置,使用 上述步驟建立的 k8s TLS Secret
異常情況:正規機構頒發的證書,在極狐 GitLab Runner 中依然無法正常使用,但是在瀏覽器中可以正常使用
- 原因是頒發機構的根證書不在極狐 GitLab Runner 的信任列表中,需要手動新增信任(例如:常見的 Windows 較低版本執行一些軟體時,也是無法執行,顯示證書無法識別,需要在 Windows 匯入軟體簽名所使用的證書鏈)