PostgreSQL 10 版本前表新增不帶預設值的列不需要重寫表,只需要更新資料字典,因此能瞬間執行。如果不帶預設值,則會填充空值。
如果新增的欄位帶預設值,則需要重寫表。表越大,執行時間越長。 重寫表會對錶加Access Exclusive鎖,期間整張表是無法訪問的。
如果是生產環境下給大表新增帶 Default 值的欄位可能影響比較大,通常先新增不帶 Default值的欄位,然後寫函式批次重新整理新增欄位的預設值。也可以在業務量較低的時候或者申請割接視窗停業務一次性完成帶DEFAUL值欄位的新增。除此之外,如果有必要,可以清理一下可能堵塞DDL的長事務或者後臺任務(例如暫時關閉這張表上的autovacuum)。
PostgreSQL 11 版本這方面進一步增強,表新增帶非空預設值的欄位不再需要重寫表,Release 中的說明如下:
Allow ALTER TABLE to add a column with a non-null default without a table rewrite
主要的實現方法是:在系統表 pg_catalog.pg_attribute 中新增了兩個欄位:atthasmissing 和 attmissingval。新增列的預設值會記錄到attmissingval,並且對應的atthasmissing會被設定為true。查詢時如果tuple中不包含對應的列,則會返回attmissingval的值。
但是如果表之後因為其他的操作導致表被重寫,例如vacuum full,則相應的atthasmissing和attmissingval屬性將會被清除。
postgres=# create table t(id int, name varchar(20)); CREATE TABLE postgres=# insert into t select generate_series(1,10),left(md5(random()::text),20); INSERT 0 10 postgres=# select attname, attmissingval, atthasmissing FROM pg_attribute WHERE attnum > 0 and attrelid = 't'::regclass; attname | attmissingval | atthasmissing ---------+---------------+--------------- id | | f name | | f (2 rows) postgres=# alter table t add column test_default int default 1; ALTER TABLE postgres=# alter table t add column test_nodefault int; ALTER TABLE postgres=# select attname, attmissingval, atthasmissing FROM pg_attribute WHERE attnum > 0 and attrelid = 't'::regclass; attname | attmissingval | atthasmissing ----------------+---------------+--------------- id | | f name | | f test_default | {1} | t test_nodefault | | f (4 rows)
刪除一個列時,並不會重建表(逐行掃表重寫),而是將pg_attribute中對應的列的attname欄位修改為… pg.dropped.idx… ,attisdropped標記為true,查詢時會跳過該列。因此, 刪除列操作可以很快完成。
postgres=# \d t Table "public.t" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default ----------------+-----------------------+-----------+----------+--------- id | integer | | | name | character varying(20) | | | test_default | integer | | | 1 test_nodefault | integer | | | postgres=# select attname, attmissingval, atthasmissing FROM pg_attribute WHERE attnum > 0 and attrelid = 't'::regclass; attname | attmissingval | atthasmissing ----------------+---------------+--------------- id | | f name | | f test_default | {1} | t test_nodefault | | f (4 rows) postgres=# alter table t drop column test_nodefault; ALTER TABLE postgres=# select attname, attmissingval, atthasmissing FROM pg_attribute WHERE attnum > 0 and attrelid = 't'::regclass; attname | attmissingval | atthasmissing ------------------------------+---------------+--------------- id | | f name | | f test_default | {1} | t | | f (4 rows)
但是drop後的列,pg_attribute裡的……… pg.dropped.idx… 記錄不會因為做了vacuum full而被移除,這一點和11版本增加帶預設值的列不同。
postgres=# select attname, attmissingval, atthasmissing FROM pg_attribute WHERE attnum > 0 and attrelid = 't'::regclass; attname | attmissingval | atthasmissing ------------------------------+---------------+--------------- id | | f name | | f test_default | {1} | t | | f (4 rows) postgres=# vacuum full t; VACUUM postgres=# select attname, attmissingval, atthasmissing FROM pg_attribute WHERE attnum > 0 and attrelid = 't'::regclass; attname | attmissingval | atthasmissing ------------------------------+---------------+--------------- id | | f name | | f test_default | | f | | f (4 rows)
2.vacuum full對刪除欄位的影響
不過做過了vacuum full 操作已經把這列對應的資料清理掉了,即使透過更新系統表讓列恢復,資料也不能恢復了。(vacuum不會導致列資料恢復不了)
如下是沒做vacuum full和做過了vacuum full的列恢復情況。可以看到未做vacuum full的列可以正常恢復,但是做過了vacuum full的列雖然可以恢復,但是列原來儲存的資料已經不存在了,用NULL填充。
(1)刪除欄位後未做vacuum full
//建立測試表 postgres=# create table t(id int, name varchar(20)); CREATE TABLE postgres=# insert into t select generate_series(1,10),left(md5(random()::text),20); INSERT 0 10 postgres=# select * from t; id | name ----+---------------------- 1 | bcbd19340969fda7c9c4 2 | a9f514a971eae3937def 3 | 20d53f04cce29b1e2984 4 | 912dd222955487de27a7 5 | 5b18d6e2c9b22d34884f 6 | 4c7db5a43de739511864 7 | b2f1b83e98bdfdce8bce 8 | 1fe69e2bec216de50f29 9 | 689ecc14d87ae81fc0d1 10 | 0ba176b240d0875da3e8 (10 rows)
postgres=# select attrelid,attname,atttypid,attnum,attisdropped FROM pg_attribute WHERE attnum > 0 and attrelid = 't'::regclass; attrelid | attname | atttypid | attnum | attisdropped ----------+---------+----------+--------+-------------- 16395 | id | 23 | 1 | f 16395 | name | 1043 | 2 | f (2 rows) postgres=# select * from pg_type where oid=1043; oid | typname | typnamespace | typowner | typlen | typbyval | typtype | typcategory | typispreferred | typisdefined | typdelim | typrelid | typsubscript | typelem | typarray | typinput | typoutput | typreceive | typsend | typmodin | typmodout | typanalyze | typalign | typstorage | typnotnul l | typbasetype | typtypmod | typndims | typcollation | typdefaultbin | typdefault | typacl ------+---------+--------------+----------+--------+----------+---------+-------------+----------------+--------------+----------+----------+--------------+- --------+----------+-----------+------------+-------------+-------------+-----------------+------------------+------------+----------+------------+---------- --+-------------+-----------+----------+--------------+---------------+------------+-------- 1043 | varchar | 11 | 10 | -1 | f | b | S | f | t | , | 0 | - | 0 | 1015 | varcharin | varcharout | varcharrecv | varcharsend | varchartypmodin | varchartypmodout | - | i | x | f | 0 | -1 | 0 | 100 | | | (1 row) //刪除列 postgres=# alter table t drop column name; ALTER TABLE postgres=# select * from t; id ---- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10 rows) postgres=# select attrelid,attname,atttypid,attnum,attisdropped FROM pg_attribute WHERE attnum > 0 and attrelid = 't'::regclass; attrelid | attname | atttypid | attnum | attisdropped ----------+------------------------------+----------+--------+-------------- 16395 | id | 23 | 1 | f 16395 | | 0 | 2 | t (2 rows) //更新系統表,恢復刪除的列 postgres=# update pg_attribute set attname='name',atttypid=1043,attisdropped='f' where attrelid='t'::regclass and attnum=2; UPDATE 1 postgres=# select attrelid,attname,atttypid,attnum,attisdropped FROM pg_attribute WHERE attnum > 0 and attrelid = 't'::regclass; attrelid | attname | atttypid | attnum | attisdropped ----------+---------+----------+--------+-------------- 16395 | id | 23 | 1 | f 16395 | name | 1043 | 2 | f (2 rows) postgres=# select * from t; id | name ----+---------------------- 1 | bcbd19340969fda7c9c4 2 | a9f514a971eae3937def 3 | 20d53f04cce29b1e2984 4 | 912dd222955487de27a7 5 | 5b18d6e2c9b22d34884f 6 | 4c7db5a43de739511864 7 | b2f1b83e98bdfdce8bce 8 | 1fe69e2bec216de50f29 9 | 689ecc14d87ae81fc0d1 10 | 0ba176b240d0875da3e8 (10 rows)
(2)刪除欄位後做過vacuum full
//刪除列 postgres=# alter table t drop column name; ALTER TABLE postgres=# select attrelid,attname,atttypid,attnum,attisdropped FROM pg_attribute WHERE attnum > 0 and attrelid = 't'::regclass; attrelid | attname | atttypid | attnum | attisdropped ----------+------------------------------+----------+--------+-------------- 16395 | id | 23 | 1 | f 16395 | | 0 | 2 | t (2 rows)
可以看到做過了vacuum full後,對應的pg_attribute裡的這條已經刪除的列的資訊依舊沒有清理掉。
postgres=# vacuum full t; VACUUM postgres=# select attrelid,attname,atttypid,attnum,attisdropped FROM pg_attribute WHERE attnum > 0 and attrelid = 't'::regclass; attrelid | attname | atttypid | attnum | attisdropped ----------+------------------------------+----------+--------+-------------- 16395 | id | 23 | 1 | f 16395 | | 0 | 2 | t (2 rows)
//恢復資料 postgres=# update pg_attribute set attname='name',atttypid=1043,attisdropped='f' where attrelid='t'::regclass and attnum=2; UPDATE 1 postgres=# select * from pg_type where oid=1043; oid | typname | typnamespace | typowner | typlen | typbyval | typtype | typcategory | typispreferred | typisdefined | typdelim | typrelid | typsubscript | typelem | typarray | typinput | typoutput | typreceive | typsend | typmodin | typmodout | typanalyze | typalign | typstorage | typnotnul l | typbasetype | typtypmod | typndims | typcollation | typdefaultbin | typdefault | typacl ------+---------+--------------+----------+--------+----------+---------+-------------+----------------+--------------+----------+----------+--------------+- --------+----------+-----------+------------+-------------+-------------+-----------------+------------------+------------+----------+------------+---------- --+-------------+-----------+----------+--------------+---------------+------------+-------- 1043 | varchar | 11 | 10 | -1 | f | b | S | f | t | , | 0 | - | 0 | 1015 | varcharin | varcharout | varcharrecv | varcharsend | varchartypmodin | varchartypmodout | - | i | x | f | 0 | -1 | 0 | 100 | | | (1 row) //做過了vacuum full的列雖然可以恢復,但是列原來儲存的資料已經不存在了,用NULL填充 postgres=# select * from t; id | name ----+------ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | (10 rows)
如果DDL操作未能及時獲取表的排他鎖(例如有其他長事務持有了表的共享鎖), 則DDL的排他鎖已進入等待佇列, 會堵塞其他該表的一切DML和查詢操作。
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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