Important note: by default, NCL maps the vector direction into the underlying coordinate space. This works well when drawing vectors on a map projection, but for vertical plots where the two coordinate axes have different units that have very different numerical spacing between the coordinate values, it leads to distortion. If you are seeing this issue, try setting the resource vcMapDirection to False. This resource now defaults to False for this function in NCL V6.2.0.
Vectors are represented using a standard wind barb glyph, composed of a shaft parallel to the vector direction, and pennants and/or ticks spaced at even intervals along the shaft starting at the end nearest the direction from which the flow is coming. (For the purposes of the vcPositionMode resource, this end is the "tail" of the wind barb.) If the velocity is less than 2.5 in magnitude, a circle is drawn instead of the barbed shaft. Otherwise half ticks represent 5 units of magnitude, full ticks represent 10 units, and pennants represent 50 units. By convention, the units usually represent knots. The pennants are drawn using a filled polygon, while the ticks, the shaft, and the calm circle are all rendered with polylines. Unlike the other glyph styles, wind barbs maintain a basically uniform length for all magnitudes. Resources prefixed by vcWindBarb... have an effect when vcGlyphStyle is set to this value.----
意為風速低於2.5個單位,WindBarb畫圓圈,5個單位畫短風向杆,10個單位畫長風向杆,50個單位畫三角旗。其中約定,一個單位表示一節(1 knot)。
由上可知,NCL中,短風向杆:長風向杆:三角旗表示的風速比為 5節:10節:50節,即1:2:10
vcWindBarbScaleFactorFThis resource sets the factor by which the vector magnitudes as calculated by the wind barb drawing routines are to be scaled. It can be used to convert vector data given in other units into the conventional units used with wind barbs, which is knots. Note that this scale factor resource is entirely independent of the vcMagnitudeScaleFactorF and vcMagnitudeScaleValueF resources which influence numerical strings in annotations associated with VectorPlot. This resource has an effect only when vcGlyphStyle is set to
`vcWindBarbScaleFactorF` 資源設定用於風羽繪製例程計算的向量大小的縮放因子。它可用於將其他單位的向量資料轉換為風羽常用的單位(節)。請注意,該縮放因子資源與 `vcMagnitudeScaleFactorF` 和 `vcMagnitudeScaleValueF` 資源完全獨立,後者影響與 VectorPlot 相關的數值註釋。本資源僅在 `vcGlyphStyle` 設定為 WindBarb 時生效。
需要說明的是,只需要保證我們的2m/s對應NCL識別的數值2、4m/s對應NCL識別的數值10,20m/s對應NCL識別的數值50就可以。NCL畫風向量圖不考慮單位,只看字面上的數值大小。所以這個係數,應當為兩者數值的比,即數字相除(忽略單位,僅需要比較數字大小),vcWindBarbScaleFactorF=5 (節)/2(m/s) 在短風向杆情況下 = 10 (節)/4(m/s) 在長風向杆情況下=50(節)/20(m/s) 在三角旗情況下=2.5
上述屬性針對與ncl的vector相關函式,如gsn_csm_vetror, wrf_vector之類。而這些函式也有一個缺陷,就是必須要求為風向量為二維陣列,無法繪製站點風向量資料。
For example, since by convention the feather end of a wind barb points in the direction where the wind is coming from, to draw a wind barb that indicates a wind coming from the north at 20 knots with tip at (0.,0.), you would make the call:
wmbarb(wks,0.,0.,0.,20.)To shift the direction of how the wind barbs are drawn by 180 degrees, set the control parameter WDF to 1.
To set parameters to control the appearance of a wind barb, such as its size, color, and so forth, use the wmsetp procedure. To retrieve parameter values, use the function wmgetp.
如,對於實際風速為15m/s的正北風,繪圖命令為 wmbarb(wks, 0.5, 0.5, 0, 15*(2.5))