git add <file>:告訴Git,把“檔案”新增到“倉庫”
git commit -m <file>:告訴Git,把“檔案”提交到“倉庫”
git status:檢視倉庫當前的狀態【修改資訊】
YYwhdeMacBook-Pro:GITWORKSPACE yywh$ touch readme.txt
YYwhdeMacBook-Pro:GITWORKSPACE yywh$ git add readme.txt #將檔案從工作區加到暫存區
YYwhdeMacBook-Pro:GITWORKSPACE yywh$ git commit -m "+ one flie" #將暫存區檔案加到分支
[master (root-commit) 59dcbd5] + one flie
1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 readme.txt
YYwhdeMacBook-Pro:GITWORKSPACE yywh$ git status #檢視版本庫/倉庫當前狀態
On branch master
nothing to commit, working tree clean
(1)先git add
-> 第一次修改,然後git commit;再
git add
-> 第二次修改,然後git commit!
(2)先git add
-> 第一次修改,再git add
-> 第二次修改,最後一起git commit
git diff <file>:檢視檔案修改前後差異,顯示的格式是Unix通用的diff格式
YYwhdeMacBook-Pro:GITWORKSPACE yywh$ cat readme.txt
YYwhdeMacBook-Pro:GITWORKSPACE yywh$ vim readme.txt
YYwhdeMacBook-Pro:GITWORKSPACE yywh$ cat readme.txt
git maybe better than svn
I just want to try another version management
YYwecashdeMacBook-Pro:GITWORKSPACE yywecash$ git add readme.txt
YYwecashdeMacBook-Pro:GITWORKSPACE yywecash$ git commit -m "modify readme.txt"
[master c8c2c16] modify readme.txt
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)
YYwecashdeMacBook-Pro:GITWORKSPACE yywecash$ git status
On branch master
nothing to commit, working tree clean
YYwhdeMacBook-Pro:GITWORKSPACE yywh$ git diff readme.txt #檢視工作區檔案修改前後差異
diff --git a/readme.txt b/readme.txt
index e69de29..85487de 100644
--- a/readme.txt
+++ b/readme.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+git maybe better than svn
+I just want to try another version management
git log:顯示從最近到最遠的提交日誌
git log –pretty=oneline:顯示簡版提交日誌
YYwhdeMacBook-Pro:GITWORKSPACE yywh$ git log #顯示全部提交日誌記錄
commit c8c2c16de9f8065a4f2945db947bef39d23a024e (HEAD -> master)
Author: Yu Yg <>
Date: Sat Jul 28 23:07:16 2018 +0800
modify readme.txt
commit 59dcbd5dd97eb47518942b3b97bdb4f3ebd08447
Author: Yu Yg <>
Date: Sat Jul 28 22:02:35 2018 +0800
+ one flie
YYwhdeMacBook-Pro:GITWORKSPACE yywh$ git log --pretty=oneline #顯示簡版提交記錄
c8c2c16de9f8065a4f2945db947bef39d23a024e (HEAD -> master) modify readme.txt
59dcbd5dd97eb47518942b3b97bdb4f3ebd08447 + one flie
git reset –hard HEAD^:版本回退
git reset –hard [+commitid]:找回剛被刪掉的提交id是commitid的版本
YYwhdeMacBook-Pro:GITWORKSPACE yywh$ git reset --hard HEAD^ #回退版本
HEAD is now at 59dcbd5 + one flie
YYwhdeMacBook-Pro:GITWORKSPACE yywh$ git log --pretty=oneline
59dcbd5dd97eb47518942b3b97bdb4f3ebd08447 (HEAD -> master) + one flie
YYwhdeMacBook-Pro:GITWORKSPACE yywh$ git reset --hard c8c2c16 #找回回退版本
HEAD is now at c8c2c16 modify readme.txt
YYwhdeMacBook-Pro:GITWORKSPACE yywh$ git log --pretty=oneline
c8c2c16de9f8065a4f2945db947bef39d23a024e (HEAD -> master) modify readme.txt
59dcbd5dd97eb47518942b3b97bdb4f3ebd08447 + one flie
git reflog:記錄每一次命令
YYwhdeMacBook-Pro:GITWORKSPACE yywh$ git reflog #
c8c2c16 (HEAD -> master) HEAD@{0}: reset: moving to c8c2c16
59dcbd5 HEAD@{1}: reset: moving to HEAD^
c8c2c16 (HEAD -> master) HEAD@{2}: commit: modify readme.txt
59dcbd5 HEAD@{3}: commit (initial): + one flie
git diff HEAD -- readme.txt:檢視工作區和版本庫裡面最新版本的區別
YYwhdeMacBook-Pro:GITWORKSPACE yywh$ cat readme.txt
git maybe better than svn
I just want to try another version management
YYwhdeMacBook-Pro:GITWORKSPACE yywh$ vim readme.txt
YYwhdeMacBook-Pro:GITWORKSPACE yywh$ cat readme.txt
git maybe better than svn
I just want to try another version management
I just want to tey the diff function of git!!!
YYwhdeMacBook-Pro:GITWORKSPACE yywh$ git diff HEAD -- readme.txt #檢視工作區和版本庫的檔案差異
diff --git a/readme.txt b/readme.txt
index 85487de..f95a964 100644
--- a/readme.txt
+++ b/readme.txt
@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
git maybe better than svn
I just want to try another version management
+I just want to tey the diff function of git!!!
git checkout -- <file>:檔案沒新增暫存區,在工作區修改錯了,撤回修改
git reset HEAD <flie>+git checkout -- <file>:工作區修改錯,然後將錯的新增到暫存區,撤回修改
YYwhdeMacBook-Pro:GITWORKSPACE yywh$ touch testwrong.txt
YYwhdeMacBook-Pro:GITWORKSPACE yywh$ ls
readme.txt testwrong.txt
YYwhdeMacBook-Pro:GITWORKSPACE yywh$ cat testwrong.txt
YYwhdeMacBook-Pro:GITWORKSPACE yywh$ vim testwrong.txt
YYwhdeMacBook-Pro:GITWORKSPACE yywh$ cat testwrong.txt
git may be stupid,haha...
YYwhdeMacBook-Pro:GITWORKSPACE yywh$ git add testwrong.txt
YYwhdeMacBook-Pro:GITWORKSPACE yywh$ git commit -m "+wrong example" #將檔案提交到版本庫
[master 981b076] +wrong example
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
create mode 100644 testwrong.txt
YYwhdeMacBook-Pro:GITWORKSPACE yywh$ vim testwrong.txt #工作區修改檔案
YYwhdeMacBook-Pro:GITWORKSPACE yywh$ cat testwrong.txt
git may be stupid,haha...
Is git really better than svn?
YYwhdeMacBook-Pro:GITWORKSPACE yywh$ git diff HEAD -- testwrong.txt
diff --git a/testwrong.txt b/testwrong.txt
index 29c3afa..4798cf4 100644
--- a/testwrong.txt
+++ b/testwrong.txt
@@ -1 +1,2 @@
git may be stupid,haha...
+Is git really better than svn?
YYwhdeMacBook-Pro:GITWORKSPACE yywh$ git checkout -- testwrong.txt #撤銷工作區修改
YYwhdeMacBook-Pro:GITWORKSPACE yywh$ git diff HEAD -- testwrong.txt
YYwhdeMacBook-Pro:GITWORKSPACE yywh$ touch testwrong.txt
YYwhdeMacBook-Pro:GITWORKSPACE yywh$ vim testwrong.txt
YYwhdeMacBook-Pro:GITWORKSPACE yywh$ cat testwrong.txt
git may be stupid,haha...
YYwhdeMacBook-Pro:GITWORKSPACE yywh$ git add testwrong.txt
YYwhdeMacBook-Pro:GITWORKSPACE yywh$ git commit -m "+wrong example"
[master 981b076] +wrong example
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
create mode 100644 testwrong.txt
YYwhdeMacBook-Pro:GITWORKSPACE yywh$ vim testwrong.txt
YYwhdeMacBook-Pro:GITWORKSPACE yywh$ cat testwrong.txt
git may be stupid,haha...
a wrong change add to temporary area
YYwhdeMacBook-Pro:GITWORKSPACE yywh$ git add testwrong.txt #將修改提交到暫存區
YYwhdeMacBook-Pro:GITWORKSPACE yywh$ git diff HEAD -- testwrong.txt
diff --git a/testwrong.txt b/testwrong.txt
index 29c3afa..29b546a 100644
--- a/testwrong.txt
+++ b/testwrong.txt
@@ -1 +1,2 @@
git may be stupid,haha...
+a wrong change add to temporary area
YYwhdeMacBook-Pro:GITWORKSPACE yywh$ git reset HEAD testwrong.txt #丟棄提交到暫存區的修改,退回到工作區
Unstaged changes after reset:
M readme.txt
M testwrong.txt
YYwhdeMacBook-Pro:GITWORKSPACE yywh$ git checkout -- testwrong.txt #將工作區修改丟棄
YYwhdeMacBook-Pro:GITWORKSPACE yywh$ git diff HEAD -- testwrong.txt
git checkout <file>:用“版本庫裡的版本”替換“工作區的版本”,無論工作區是修改還是刪除,都可以“一鍵還原”
git rm <file>:將檔案從版本庫中刪除
YYwhdeMacBook-Pro:GITWORKSPACE yywh$ ls
readme.txt testwrong.txt
YYwhdeMacBook-Pro:GITWORKSPACE yywh$ rm testwrong.txt
YYwhdeMacBook-Pro:GITWORKSPACE yywh$ ls
YYwhdeMacBook-Pro:GITWORKSPACE yywh$ git checkout testwrong.txt #用版本庫恢復本地刪除的檔案
YYwhdeMacBook-Pro:GITWORKSPACE yywh$ ls
readme.txt testwrong.txt
YYwhdeMacBook-Pro:GITWORKSPACE yywh$ git rm testwrong.txt #刪除版本庫裡的檔案
rm 'testwrong.txt'
YYwhdeMacBook-Pro:GITWORKSPACE yywh$ ls
- git操作之二:git restoreGitREST
- Git處理二進位制檔案Git
- python 檔案操作(二) 替換性修改檔案內容Python
- 檔案操作(二進位制拷貝)
- 『現學現忘』Git基礎 — 19、在Git中進行忽略檔案操作Git
- Git基本命令 -- 基本工作流程 + 檔案相關操作Git
- git操作---將staged狀態檔案回退到modified狀態Git
- 檔案操作
- 第二章 檔案和目錄操作命令
- Git操作檔案的時候手賤了,怎麼恢復?Git
- Git修改配置檔案Git
- Git——刪除檔案Git
- Git配置配置檔案Git
- Git上傳檔案Git
- C檔案與檔案的操作
- lua檔案操作
- 檔案IO操作
- 2.8檔案操作
- Python操作檔案Python
- 檔案操作(下)
- Go檔案操作Go
- 05 檔案操作
- linux 檔案操作Linux
- git新建一個檔案Git
- Git刪除指定檔案Git
- 用 Git 來共享檔案Git
- git編輯配置檔案Git
- Linux----12 檔案與檔案操作Linux
- 第二章:前端視角——NodeJS檔案操作fs(1)前端NodeJS
- git的gitignore檔案排除資料夾和檔案Git
- python_檔案操作Python
- pandas操作csv檔案
- 1.4.0 Python檔案操作Python
- Python 檔案操作(一)Python
- 10.檔案操作
- python 操作整理檔案Python
- bcftools操作vcf檔案
- Java 檔案 IO 操作Java