

  Smart contracts are a new technology that can only be achieved through blockchain.Smart contracts are digitized,stored in the blockchain,and enforced using encrypted code to enforce the protocol.The combination of smart contracts and blockchain is widely regarded as a milestone upgrade in the blockchain world.The birth of Ethereum,the first platform that combines blockchain and smart contract technology,is believed to have ushered in the era of"blockchain 2.0".



 關於區塊鏈專案技術開發唯 : MrsFu123 ,代幣發行、 dapp 智慧合約開發、鏈遊開發、 單雙幣質押、 多鏈錢包開發 NFT 盲盒遊戲、公鏈、鏈上游戲開發


  Uniswap 博餅、  交易所開發、量化合約開發、 合約對沖、 互助遊戲開發、 Nft 數字藏品開發、眾籌互助開發、元宇宙開發、 swap 開發、 DAO 智慧合約、


  夾子合約、  鏈上合約開發、 ido 開發、商城開發等,開發過各種各樣的系統模式,更有多種模式、制度、案例、後臺等,成熟技術團隊,歡迎實體參考。


  pragma solidity^0.8.0;




  contract Monkey is AccessControlEnumerable,CRC721Enumerable,Initializable{

  using Strings for uint256;

  string private _name;

  string private _symbol;

  string private _uri;

  mapping(uint256=>uint256)public tokenFeatureCode;

  bytes32 public constant MINTER_ROLE=keccak256("MINTER_ROLE");

  constructor()public ERC721("",""){}

  function initialize(string memory name,string memory symbol,string memory uri)public initializer{







  function name()public view virtual override returns(string memory){

  return _name;


  function symbol()public view virtual override returns(string memory){

  return _symbol;


  function setURI(string memory newuri)public virtual{

  require(hasRole(DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE,_msgSender()),"Monkey:must have admin role to set URI");



  function _baseURI()internal view virtual override returns(string memory){

  return _uri;


  function tokenURI(uint256 tokenId)public view virtual override(ERC721)returns(string memory){

  require(_exists(tokenId),"Monkey:nonexistent token");

  string memory baseURI=_baseURI();

  return bytes(baseURI).length>0?string(abi.encodePacked(baseURI,tokenId.toString(),".json")):"";


  function mint(address to,uint256 tokenId)public virtual{

  require(hasRole(MINTER_ROLE,_msgSender()),"Monkey:must have minter role to mint");



來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/69956839/viewspace-2947222/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
