

  It can be divided into single-currency wallet,multi-currency wallet and all-currency wallet

  Single currency wallet:As the name implies,it is a blockchain wallet that only serves a single blockchain digital asset.Because it usually only supports a single blockchain main chain platform,it is also called the main chain wallet,which is generally developed by the project party or community.

  Multi-currency wallet:a wallet that supports multiple blockchain digital assets.Multiple blockchain digital assets can be a blockchain main chain and tokens set around the main chain protocol,or different digital assets on multiple blockchain main chains.

  All-currency wallet:a blockchain wallet that supports all types of blockchain main chain digital assets and token assets.

  public DeterministicSeed(byte[]entropy,String passphrase,long creationTimeSeconds){詳情及方案:MrsFu123





  public static byte[]toSeed(List<String>words,String passphrase){

  checkNotNull(passphrase,"A null passphrase is not allowed.");

  //To create binary seed from mnemonic,we use PBKDF2 function

  //with mnemonic sentence(in UTF-8)used as a password and

  //string"mnemonic"+passphrase(again in UTF-8)used as a

  //salt.Iteration count is set to 4096 and HMAC-SHA512 is

  //used as a pseudo-random function.Desired length of the

  //derived key is 512 bits(=64 bytes).

  //將助記詞連線起來,以空格作為分隔符。pass格式:"aa bb cc dd..."

  String pass=Utils.SPACE_JOINER.join(words);

  String salt="mnemonic"+passphrase;

  final Stopwatch watch=Stopwatch.createStarted();




  log.info("PBKDF2 took{}",watch);

  return seed;


來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/69956839/viewspace-2937214/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
