Online, in the "new retail" ecosystem, it shoulders important functions such as information collection, collation, feedback and decision-making between merchants and consumers. At the same time, it also undertakes payment, communication and other channel functions.
It is the main position of retail digital transformation and plays an important role in optimising the transaction process. I35系統7O98軟體O7I8 At present, one of the main goals of many commercial enterprises in implementing the "new retail" strategy is to provide customers with new shopping methods that can get rid of the constraints of specific time,
space and form as much as possible, so as to achieve consistent prices, services and benefits under different purchase channels and payment methods, and then It can meet customers' various needs such as purchase, socialisation, leisure, entertainment, etc. throughout the consumption process, and the achievement of the above goals mainly depends on the innovation of the enterprise's online business model and technology application.
Offline is the basic platform to support the "new retail" ecosystem and plays an important role in optimising the experience process. Most of the measures taken by merchants to improve the consumer shopping experience rely on it to promote its implementation.
In the future "new retail" era, offline physical stores will be given more consumption experience functions. For users, offline is far more realistic and vivid than online. The four-in-one offline platform of product + service + scene + experience will present consumers with a new shopping picture of "product personalisation, fine service, diversified scenes, and contentised experience".
There is no doubt that the future mainstream retail model represented bynew retail" will definitely put the factor of "people" at the core and key position. The operation of goods is only a surface, and the operation of "people" based on the provision of goods and services that meet the needs of consumers is the essence, while the consumption demand of users is constantly escalating, especially consumption.
Experience requirements mainly rely on the construction of offline platforms. Through the upgrading and transformation of offline platforms, the traditional retail single and isolated flat sales method is embedded in multi-dimensional and three-dimensional user consumption scenarios, and the construction of a retail ecosystem with real life scenes as the entrance to experience is bound to become a focus and breakthrough in the reform of "new retail". Offline physical stores Value will also usher in a new round of revaluation.
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