--slave-exec-mode=mode 這個引數預設是strict模式,可以設定成IDEMPOTENT,進入冪等複製模式
官方檔案中描述,這種模式能抑制duplicate-key and no-key-found errors;
inline int idempotent_error_code(int err_code) { int ret= 0; switch (err_code) { case 0: ret= 1; break; /* The following list of "idempotent" errors means that an error from the list might happen because of idempotent (more than once) applying of a binlog file. Notice, that binlog has a ddl operation its second applying may cause case HA_ERR_TABLE_DEF_CHANGED: case HA_ERR_CANNOT_ADD_FOREIGN: which are not included into to the list. Note that HA_ERR_RECORD_DELETED is not in the list since do_exec_row() should not return that error code. */ case HA_ERR_RECORD_CHANGED: case HA_ERR_KEY_NOT_FOUND: case HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE: case HA_ERR_FOUND_DUPP_KEY: case HA_ERR_FOUND_DUPP_UNIQUE: case HA_ERR_FOREIGN_DUPLICATE_KEY: case HA_ERR_NO_REFERENCED_ROW: case HA_ERR_ROW_IS_REFERENCED: ret= 1; break; default: ret= 0; break; } return (ret); }
int Rows_log_event::handle_idempotent_and_ignored_errors(Relay_log_info const *rli, int *err) { int error= *err; if (error) { int actual_error= convert_handler_error(error, thd, m_table); bool idempotent_error= (idempotent_error_code(error) && (rbr_exec_mode == RBR_EXEC_MODE_IDEMPOTENT)); bool ignored_error= (idempotent_error == 0 ? ignored_error_code(actual_error) : 0); if (idempotent_error || ignored_error) { loglevel ll; if (idempotent_error) ll= WARNING_LEVEL; else ll= INFORMATION_LEVEL; slave_rows_error_report(ll, error, rli, thd, m_table, get_type_str(), const_cast<Relay_log_info*>(rli)->get_rpl_log_name(), (ulong) common_header->log_pos); thd->get_stmt_da()->reset_condition_info(thd); clear_all_errors(thd, const_cast<Relay_log_info*>(rli)); *err= 0; if (idempotent_error == 0) return ignored_error; } } return *err; }
Rows_log_event::do_scan_and_update(Relay_log_info const *rli)
if ((error= do_apply_row(rli))) { if (handle_idempotent_and_ignored_errors(rli, &error)) goto close_table; do_post_row_operations(rli, error); }
在找不到記錄的時候也進行處理 case HA_ERR_KEY_NOT_FOUND: /* If the slave exec mode is idempotent or the error is skipped error, then don't break */ if (handle_idempotent_and_ignored_errors(rli, &error)) goto close_table; idempotent_errors++; continue;
int Write_rows_log_event::do_exec_row(const Relay_log_info *const rli) { DBUG_ASSERT(m_table != NULL); int error= write_row(rli, rbr_exec_mode == RBR_EXEC_MODE_IDEMPOTENT); if (error && !thd->is_error()) { DBUG_ASSERT(0); my_error(ER_UNKNOWN_ERROR, MYF(0)); } return error; }
設定了這個引數,rbr_exec_mode == RBR_EXEC_MODE_IDEMPOTENT,覆蓋的引數會設定成true,這樣重複的主鍵, 會被覆蓋
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