並行解壓縮檔案,除了 zip 庫本身,這裡的關鍵庫是rayon。Rayon 為我們提供了諸如並行迭代器之類的東西,以最小的麻煩線上程池中分配任務。
mkdir ripunzip; cd ripunzip cargo init cargo add clap --features=derive cargo add rayon cargo add zip cargo add anyhow cargo run --release |
#[derive(Clone)] struct CloneableFile { file: Arc<Mutex<File>>, pos: u64, // TODO determine and store this once instead of per cloneable file file_length: Option<u64>, } impl CloneableFile { fn new(file: File) -> Self { Self { file: Arc::new(Mutex::new(file)), pos: 0u64, file_length: None, } } } impl CloneableFile { fn ascertain_file_length(&mut self) -> u64 { match self.file_length { Some(file_length) => file_length, None => { let len = self.file.lock().unwrap().metadata().unwrap().len(); self.file_length = Some(len); len } } } } impl Read for CloneableFile { fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> std::io::Result<usize> { let mut underlying_file = self.file.lock().expect("Unable to get underlying file"); // TODO share an object which knows current position to avoid unnecessary // seeks underlying_file.seek(SeekFrom::Start(self.pos))?; let read_result = underlying_file.read(buf); if let Ok(bytes_read) = read_result { // TODO, once stabilised, use checked_add_signed self.pos += bytes_read as u64; } read_result } } impl Seek for CloneableFile { fn seek(&mut self, pos: SeekFrom) -> std::io::Result<u64> { let new_pos = match pos { SeekFrom::Start(pos) => pos, SeekFrom::End(offset_from_end) => { let file_len = self.ascertain_file_length(); // TODO, once stabilised, use checked_add_signed file_len - (-offset_from_end as u64) } // TODO, once stabilised, use checked_add_signed SeekFrom::Current(offset_from_pos) => { if offset_from_pos == 0 { self.pos } else if offset_from_pos > 0 { self.pos + (offset_from_pos as u64) } else { self.pos - ((-offset_from_pos) as u64) } } }; self.pos = new_pos; Ok(new_pos) } } |
fn main() -> Result<()> { let args = Args::parse(); let zipfile = File::open(args.zipfile)?; let zipfile = CloneableFile::new(zipfile); let zip = zip::ZipArchive::new(zipfile)?; let file_count = zip.len(); println!("Zip has {} files", file_count); (0..file_count).into_par_iter().for_each(|i| { let mut myzip = zip.clone(); let mut file = myzip.by_index(i).expect("Unable to get file from zip"); if file.is_dir() { return; } let out_file = file.enclosed_name().unwrap(); println!("Filename: {}", out_file.display()); if let Some(parent) = out_file.parent() { create_dir_all(parent).unwrap_or_else(|err| { panic!( "Unable to create parent directories for {}: {}", out_file.display(), err ) }); } let mut out_file = File::create(out_file).unwrap(); std::io::copy(&mut file, &mut out_file).unwrap(); }); Ok(()) } |
對於一個 (2.5GB) Mac ASAN 構建,速度差異很大…
unzip: real 1m10.807s user 0m55.483s sys 0m6.637s ripunzip: real 0m13.193s user 0m39.767s sys 0m43.872s |
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