--SQL2008查詢某資料庫中的列是否存在某個值 create proc spFind_Column_In_DB ( @type int,--型別:1為文字型別、2為數值型別 @str nvarchar(100)--需要搜尋的名字 ) as --建立臨時表存放結果 create table #tbl(PK int identity primary key ,tbl sysname,col sysname) declare @tbl nvarchar(300),@col sysname,@sql nvarchar(1000) if @type=1 begin declare curTable cursor fast_forward for select '['+SCHEMA_NAME(SCHEMA_ID)+'].['+o.name+']' tableName,'['+c.name+']' columnName from sys.columns c inner join sys.objects o on c.object_id=o.object_id where o.type_desc='user_table' and user_type_id in (167,175,231,239,35,99) end else begin declare curTable cursor fast_forward for select '['+SCHEMA_NAME(SCHEMA_ID)+'].['+o.name+']' tableName,'['+c.name+']' columnName from sys.columns c inner join sys.objects o on c.object_id=o.object_id where o.type_desc='user_table' and user_type_id in (56,48,52,59,60,62,106,108,122) end open curtable fetch next from curtable into @tbl,@col while @@FETCH_STATUS=0 begin set @sql='if exists (select * from '+@tbl+' where ' if @type=1 begin set @sql += @col + ' like ''%'+@str +'%'')' end else begin set @sql +=@col + ' in ('+@str+'))' end set @sql += ' INSERT #TBL(tbl,col) VALUES('''+@tbl+''','''+@col+''')' --print @sql exec (@sql) fetch next from curtable into @tbl,@col end close curtable deallocate curtable select * from #tbl --使用例子,查詢庫中存在aaa這個值的列: exec spFind_Column_In_DB 1,'aaa'
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