Spark Streaming 生產、消費流程梳理
Driver基於block info資訊建立HDFSBackedBlockRDDs;
基於BlockManagerMaster的block location資訊進行排程;
ReceivedBlockHandler將block儲存在記憶體(blockManager) + WAL中(無冗餘);
Reciever將這個blockInfo傳輸透過trackerEndpoint 傳輸至driver;
Driver基於block info資訊建立HDFSBackedBlockRDDs(此處也有變更);
基於BlockManagerMaster的block location資訊進行排程;
/** Store block and report it to driver */ def pushAndReportBlock( receivedBlock: ReceivedBlock, metadataOption: Option[Any], blockIdOption: Option[StreamBlockId] ) { // 構造blockId val blockId = blockIdOption.getOrElse(nextBlockId) val time = System.currentTimeMillis // 呼叫下述receivedBlockHandler的storeBlock方法,將block儲存至blockManager和wal val blockStoreResult = receivedBlockHandler.storeBlock(blockId, receivedBlock) logDebug(s"Pushed block $blockId in ${(System.currentTimeMillis - time)} ms") val numRecords = blockStoreResult.numRecords // 根據block資訊構造blockInfo val blockInfo = ReceivedBlockInfo(streamId, numRecords, metadataOption, blockStoreResult) // 傳輸該blockInfo至driver測的trackerEndpoint trackerEndpoint.askWithRetry[Boolean](AddBlock(blockInfo)) logDebug(s"Reported block $blockId") }
/** * This implementation stores the block into the block manager as well as a write ahead log. * It does this in parallel, using Scala Futures, and returns only after the block has * been stored in both places. */ // 基於Scala Future特質,可以並行地將RecivedBlock儲存到blockManager和HDFS def storeBlock(blockId: StreamBlockId, block: ReceivedBlock): ReceivedBlockStoreResult = { var numRecords = Option.empty[Long] // Serialize the block so that it can be inserted into both // 第一步、序列化block val serializedBlock = block match { case ArrayBufferBlock(arrayBuffer) => numRecords = Some(arrayBuffer.size.toLong) serializerManager.dataSerialize(blockId, arrayBuffer.iterator) case IteratorBlock(iterator) => val countIterator = new CountingIterator(iterator) val serializedBlock = serializerManager.dataSerialize(blockId, countIterator) numRecords = countIterator.count serializedBlock case ByteBufferBlock(byteBuffer) => new ChunkedByteBuffer(byteBuffer.duplicate()) case _ => throw new Exception(s"Could not push $blockId to block manager, unexpected block type") } // Store the block in block manager // 儲存在blockManager的future val storeInBlockManagerFuture = Future { val putSucceeded = blockManager.putBytes( blockId, serializedBlock, effectiveStorageLevel, tellMaster = true) if (!putSucceeded) { throw new SparkException( s"Could not store $blockId to block manager with storage level $storageLevel") } } // Store the block in write ahead log // 儲存到wal的future val storeInWriteAheadLogFuture = Future { // 當該函式該write函式完畢,保障該block一定成功地寫入hdfs writeAheadLog.write(serializedBlock.toByteBuffer, clock.getTimeMillis()) } // Combine the futures, wait for both to complete, and return the write ahead log record handle // 參考, 該方案使用zip,可以並行地完成上述兩者的執行 val combinedFuture = val walRecordHandle = ThreadUtils.awaitResult(combinedFuture, blockStoreTimeout) WriteAheadLogBasedStoreResult(blockId, numRecords, walRecordHandle) }
override def receiveAndReply(context: RpcCallContext): PartialFunction[Any, Unit] = { // Remote messages case RegisterReceiver(streamId, typ, host, executorId, receiverEndpoint) => val successful = registerReceiver(streamId, typ, host, executorId, receiverEndpoint, context.senderAddress) context.reply(successful) case AddBlock(receivedBlockInfo) => if (WriteAheadLogUtils.isBatchingEnabled(ssc.conf, isDriver = true)) { // 呼叫receivedBlockTracker.addBlock實現,具體如下 walBatchingThreadPool.execute(new Runnable { override def run(): Unit = Utils.tryLogNonFatalError { if (active) { context.reply(addBlock(receivedBlockInfo)) } else { throw new IllegalStateException("ReceiverTracker RpcEndpoint shut down.") } } }) } else { context.reply(addBlock(receivedBlockInfo)) } case DeregisterReceiver(streamId, message, error) => deregisterReceiver(streamId, message, error) context.reply(true) // Local messages case AllReceiverIds => context.reply(receiverTrackingInfos.filter(_._2.state != ReceiverState.INACTIVE).keys.toSeq) case GetAllReceiverInfo => context.reply(receiverTrackingInfos.toMap) case StopAllReceivers => assert(isTrackerStopping || isTrackerStopped) stopReceivers() context.reply(true) } /** Add new blocks for the given stream */ private def addBlock(receivedBlockInfo: ReceivedBlockInfo): Boolean = { receivedBlockTracker.addBlock(receivedBlockInfo) } /** Add received block. This event will get written to the write ahead log (if enabled). */ // Driver測處理AddBlock事件 def addBlock(receivedBlockInfo: ReceivedBlockInfo): Boolean = { try { // 儲存blockInfo資訊,writeToLog會判定是否開啟wal, // 此處要注意: blockInfo資訊和在reciever測的block不一樣,一個你可以理解為block的meta資訊,一個則為真實的資料 val writeResult = writeToLog(BlockAdditionEvent(receivedBlockInfo)) if (writeResult) { synchronized { // 同時將該blockInfo寫入blockQueue,供排程使用 getReceivedBlockQueue(receivedBlockInfo.streamId) += receivedBlockInfo } logDebug(s"Stream ${receivedBlockInfo.streamId} received " + s"block ${receivedBlockInfo.blockStoreResult.blockId}") } else { logDebug(s"Failed to acknowledge stream ${receivedBlockInfo.streamId} receiving " + s"block ${receivedBlockInfo.blockStoreResult.blockId} in the Write Ahead Log.") } writeResult } catch { case NonFatal(e) => logError(s"Error adding block $receivedBlockInfo", e) false } }
/** Processes all events */ // JobGenerator啟動時,會啟動一個定時的timer,根據配置的batchDuration,定時地post GenerateJobs事件,觸發生成DStream的邏輯 private val timer = new RecurringTimer(clock, ssc.graph.batchDuration.milliseconds, longTime => Time(longTime))), "JobGenerator") private def processEvent(event: JobGeneratorEvent) { logDebug("Got event " + event) event match { // eventLoop收到GenerateJobs事件 case GenerateJobs(time) => generateJobs(time) case ClearMetadata(time) => clearMetadata(time) case DoCheckpoint(time, clearCheckpointDataLater) => doCheckpoint(time, clearCheckpointDataLater) case ClearCheckpointData(time) => clearCheckpointData(time) } } //可以看做SparkStreaming的核心排程 /** Generate jobs and perform checkpointing for the given `time`. */ private def generateJobs(time: Time) { // Checkpoint all RDDs marked for checkpointing to ensure their lineages are // truncated periodically. Otherwise, we may run into stack overflows (SPARK-6847). ssc.sparkContext.setLocalProperty(RDD.CHECKPOINT_ALL_MARKED_ANCESTORS, "true") Try { // 第一步、分配上述“接受到的block”到該時間點對應的batch;具體實現如下。 jobScheduler.receiverTracker.allocateBlocksToBatch(time) // allocate received blocks to batch // 第二步,等上述分配好allocatedBlocks,呼叫generateJobs生成Spark定義的Job類(帶time引數) graph.generateJobs(time) // generate jobs using allocated block } match { case Success(jobs) => // 第三步、 根據time從inputInfoTracker獲取這次time的metaData(這一步沒弄明白,為什麼不從上述分配好的time->allocatedBlocks開始任務,而要加一個inputInfoTracker),並真正地提交任務,開始計算 val streamIdToInputInfos = jobScheduler.inputInfoTracker.getInfo(time) jobScheduler.submitJobSet(JobSet(time, jobs, streamIdToInputInfos)) case Failure(e) => jobScheduler.reportError("Error generating jobs for time " + time, e) PythonDStream.stopStreamingContextIfPythonProcessIsDead(e) } // 第四步、checkpoint該time至hdfs, clearCheckpointDataLater = false)) } /** Allocate all unallocated blocks to the given batch. */ // receiverTracker.allocateBlocksToBatch()會呼叫receivedBlockTracker類 def allocateBlocksToBatch(batchTime: Time): Unit = { if (receiverInputStreams.nonEmpty) { receivedBlockTracker.allocateBlocksToBatch(batchTime) } } /** * Allocate all unallocated blocks to the given batch. * This event will get written to the write ahead log (if enabled). */ def allocateBlocksToBatch(batchTime: Time): Unit = synchronized { if (lastAllocatedBatchTime == null || batchTime > lastAllocatedBatchTime) { // streamId為Reciever啟動時定義的streamId,呼叫getReceivedBlockQueue().dequeueAll(),將收集到的blockInfo返回,和streamId構成(streamId, blockInfos)的二元組 val streamIdToBlocks = { streamId => (streamId, getReceivedBlockQueue(streamId).dequeueAll(x => true)) }.toMap // 構造成AllocateBlocks物件,方便資料傳輸 val allocatedBlocks = AllocatedBlocks(streamIdToBlocks) // 在真正的任務開始前,將開始處理做的allocatedBlocks寫入wal if (writeToLog(BatchAllocationEvent(batchTime, allocatedBlocks))) { // 如果寫入成果,則開始分配任務,在time->allocatedBlocks新增該相應對,等待generateJob()使用 timeToAllocatedBlocks.put(batchTime, allocatedBlocks) lastAllocatedBatchTime = batchTime } else { // 如果寫入wal失敗,則需要重試 logInfo(s"Possibly processed batch $batchTime needs to be processed again in WAL recovery") } } else { // This situation occurs when: // 1. WAL is ended with BatchAllocationEvent, but without BatchCleanupEvent, // possibly processed batch job or half-processed batch job need to be processed again, // so the batchTime will be equal to lastAllocatedBatchTime. // 2. Slow checkpointing makes recovered batch time older than WAL recovered // lastAllocatedBatchTime. // This situation will only occurs in recovery time. logInfo(s"Possibly processed batch $batchTime needs to be processed again in WAL recovery") } }
從Spark Streaming的定義來講,大家都熟悉Spark Streaming是一個批處理,將流轉換成離散的DStream。
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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