jQuery Gantt如何在Visual Studio中建立一個新的ASP.NET專案
jQuery Gantt Package是一個真正的跨平臺,基於HTML5 / jQuery的本地實現,具有2個不同的gantt小部件,可滿足您所有基於gantt的視覺化需求。還帶有ASP.NET WebControl和MVC擴充套件,可輕鬆整合到現有應用中。
在Visual Studio中建立一個新的ASP.NET專案:
VS 2012 :FILE --> New --> Project --> Installed --> Templates --> Other Language --> TypeScript,建立一個專案。
1) Gantt Widget原始碼JS檔案
然後在專案的解決方案資源管理器中點選 "顯示所有檔案 "工具條項來顯示這個新包含的Src資料夾,並將其包含在專案中。

一些帶有實用功能的JS檔案,可以在網格中進行內嵌編輯等,這些檔案在<install path>/Samples/Scripts資料夾中。將上述安裝路徑中的Scripts資料夾的內容複製到你的專案資料夾中的Scripts資料夾中(當你建立一個新專案時,專案資料夾中會自動建立一個Scripts資料夾)。
3) JSON資料樣本
[{ "Name" : "Task 1", "ID" : 1, "StartTime" : "2012-02-02T00:00:00Z", "Effort" : "8:00:00", "Description" : "Description of Task 1" }, { "Name" : "Task 2", "ID" : 2, "PredecessorIndices" : "1", "StartTime" : "2012-02-03T00:00:00Z", "Effort" : "16:00:00", "Description" : "Description of Task 2" }, { "Name" : "Task 3", "ID" : 3, "StartTime" : "2012-02-02T00:00:00Z", "Effort" : "1.12:30:00", "ProgressPercent" : 90, "Description" : "Description of Task 3" }, { "Name" : "Child Task 1", "ID" : 4, "IndentLevel" : 1, "StartTime" : "2012-02-03T00:00:00Z", "Effort" : "8:00:00", "ProgressPercent" : 75, "Description" : "Description of Task 3/Child Task 1" }, { "Name" : "Child Task 2", "ID" : 5, "IndentLevel" : 1, "PredecessorIndices" : "4+8", "Description" : "Description of Task 3/Child Task 2" }, { "Name" : "Grand Child Task 1", "ID" : 6, "IndentLevel" : 2, "StartTime" : "2012-02-03T00:00:00Z", "Effort" : "8:00:00", "Description" : "Description of Task 3/Child Task 1/Grand Child 1" }, { "Name" : "Grand Child Task 2", "ID" : 7, "IndentLevel" : 2, "StartTime" : "2012-02-03T00:00:00Z", "Effort" : "16:00:00", "Description" : "Description of Task 3/Child Task 1/Grand Child 2" }, { "Name" : "Child Task 3", "ID" : 8, "IndentLevel" : 1, "StartTime" : "2012-02-02T00:00:00Z", "Effort" : "16:00:00", "Description" : "Description of Task 3/Child Task 3" }, { "Name" : "Task 4", "ID" : 9, "StartTime" : "2012-02-02T00:00:00Z", "Effort" : "00:00:00", "ProgressPercent" : 60, "Description" : "Description of Task 4" }, { "Name" : "Task 5", "ID" : 10, "StartTime" : "2012-02-02T00:00:00Z", "Effort" : "8:00:00", "PredecessorIndices" : "3+8", "Description" : "Description of Task 5" }, { "Name" : "Child Task 1", "ID" : 11, "IndentLevel" : 1, "StartTime" : "2012-02-02T00:00:00Z", "Effort" : "16:00:00", "Description" : "Description of Task 5/Child Task 1" }, { "Name" : "Child Task 2", "ID" : 12, "PredecessorIndices" : "11SS", "IndentLevel" : 1, "StartTime" : "2012-02-02T00:00:00Z", "Effort" : "8:00:00", "Description" : "Description of Task 5/Child Task 2" }, { "Name" : "Task 6", "ID" : 13, "StartTime" : "2012-02-02T00:00:00Z", "Effort" : "1.16:00:00", "Description" : "Description of Task 6" }, { "Name" : "Child Task 1", "ID" : 14, "IndentLevel" : 1, "StartTime" : "2012-02-02T00:00:00Z", "Effort" : "1.20:00:00", "Description" : "Description of Task 6/Child Task 1" }, { "Name" : "Grand Child Task 1", "ID" : 15, "StartTime" : "2012-02-04T00:00:00Z", "Effort" : "1.00:00:00", "IndentLevel" : 2, "Description" : "Description of Task 6/Child Task 2" }]
在你的專案中建立一個新的HTML檔案,並引用以下原始檔。記得在下面最後一個引用中連結到正確版本的RadiantQ jQuery Gantt。
<head> <title></title> <link href="Src/Styles/jQuery-ui-themes/smoothness/jquery-ui.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <link href="Src/Styles/radiantq.gantt.default.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <link href="Src/Styles/VW.Grid.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <script src="Src/Scripts/jquery-1.11.2.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="Src/Scripts/jquery-ui-1.11.4/jquery-ui.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="Src/Scripts/jquery.layout-latest.min.js"></script> <script src="Src/Scripts/Utils/date.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="Src/ResourceStrings/en-US.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src='Src/Scripts/VW.Grid.1.min.js' type='text/javascript'></script> <script src='Src/Scripts/RadiantQ-jQuery.gantt.5.0.trial.min.js' type='text/javascript'></script> </head> <body> <div id="pagecontent" style="height: 600px;"> <div id="gantt_container" style="height: 100%;"> </div> </div> </body>
<head> other script fils. <script src=myApp.js type='text/javascript'></script> </head>
$.ajax({ type: "GET", dataType: 'json', url: 'GanttControlSkeleton.json', converters: { "text json": function (data) { //console.log(data); return $.parseJSON(data, true /*converts date strings to date objects*/ , true /*converts ISO dates to local dates*/ ); } }, success: function (data) { loadGantt(data); } }); function loadGantt(datasourcejson) { var columns = [ { field: "Activity_M().ID_M()", title: "ID", width: 20 }, { field: "Activity_M().ActivityName_M()", title: "Activity Name", width: 200, editor: RadiantQ.Default.Template.ProjectGanttExpandableTextboxEditor(), template: RadiantQ.Default.Template.ProjectGanttExpandableTextBlockTemplate() }, { field: "Activity_M().StartTime_M()", title: "StartTime", width: 100, format: "MM/dd/yy", cellalign: "center", editor: "<input data-bind=' ValueBinder.ActivityTimeBinder:Activity_M().StartTime_M' />" }, { field: "Activity_M().EndTime_M()", title: "EndTime", width: 100, format: "MM/dd/yy", cellalign: "center", editor: "<input data-bind='value:Activity_M().EndTime_M' data-getvalueName='getDate' data-setvaluename='setDate' data-valueUpdate='onBlur' data-role=\"DateTimePicker\" />" }, { field: "Activity_M().Effort_M()", title: "Effort", format: "" /*to call the .toString()*/, width: 100, editor: "<input data-bind='value:Activity_M().Effort_M' style='height:18px' data-role=\"DurationPicker\" />" }, { field: "Activity_M().ProgressPercent_M()", title: "ProgressPercent", width: 100, editor: "<input style='height:18px' data-bind='value:Activity_M().ProgressPercent_M' data-role=\"spinner\" data-options='{\"min\":0, \"max\": 100}' />" }, { field: "Activity_M().Assignments_M()", title: "Assignments", iseditable: false, template: '<div> ${ RadiantQ.Gantt.ValueConverters.ConverterUtils.GetResourcesText(data.Activity_M().Assignments_M(), false) } </div>', width: 200 }, { field: "Activity_M().PredecessorIndexString_M()", title: "PredecessorIndex", template: "<div>${data.PredecessorIndexString || '' }</div>", editor: "<input data-bind='value:PredecessorIndexString'/>", width: 150 } ]; var ganttControl: GanttControl; var anchorTime = datasourcejson[0].StartTime["clone"](); var $gantt_container = $('#gantt_container'); $gantt_container.GanttControl({ ProjectStartDate: anchorTime, DataSource: datasourcejson, GanttTableOptions: { columns: columns }, IDBinding: new RadiantQ.BindingOptions("ID"), NameBinding: new RadiantQ.BindingOptions("Name"), IndentLevelBinding: new RadiantQ.BindingOptions("IndentLevel"), StartTimeBinding: new RadiantQ.BindingOptions("StartTime"), EffortBinding: new RadiantQ.BindingOptions("Effort"), PredecessorIndicesBinding: new RadiantQ.BindingOptions("PredecessorIndices"), ProgressPercentBinding: new RadiantQ.BindingOptions("ProgressPercent"), DescriptionBinding: new RadiantQ.BindingOptions("Description"), TimeRangeHighlightBehavior: RadiantQ.Gantt.TimeRangeHighlightBehavior.HighlightInChartOnHeaderMouseHover, GanttChartTemplateApplied: function (sender , args) { ganttControl = <GanttControl>$gantt_container.data("GanttControl"); var $ganttChart = args.element; $ganttChart.GanttChart({ AnchorTime: anchorTime }); } }); };
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/69995027/viewspace-2758749/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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