Shell_NotifyIcon(Message, nid)
Adds, removes or modifies a taskbar icon.
Message : int
One of win32gui.NIM_* flags
nid : Tuple containing NOTIFYICONDATA info
[0] PyHANDLE : hWnd
Handle to window that will process icon's messages
[1] int : ID
Unique id used when hWnd processes messages from more than one icon
[2] int : Flags 大連婦科醫院哪個好
Combination of win32gui.NIF_* flags
[3] int : CallbackMessage
Message id to be pass to hWnd when processing messages
[4] PyHANDLE : hIcon
Handle to the icon to be displayed
[5] str : Tip
Tooltip text (optional)
[6] str : Info
Balloon tooltip text (optional)
[7] int : Timeout
Timeout for balloon tooltip, in milliseconds (optional)
[8] str : InfoTitle
Title for balloon tooltip (optional)
[9] int : InfoFlags
Combination of win32gui.NIIF_* flags (optional)
Tuple containing NOTIFYICONDATA info
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