Oracle GoldenGate 11g官方文件Administrator’s Guide
The complete Oracle GoldenGate documentation set contains the following components:
完整 Oracle GoldenGate文件集包含以下元件:
HP NonStop platforms
HP NonStop 平臺
● Oracle GoldenGate HP NonStop Administrator’s Guide: Explains how to plan for,
configure, and implement the Oracle GoldenGate replication solution on the NonStop
● Oracle GoldenGate HP NonStop 管理員指南:介紹如何在NonStop平臺上規劃,配置和實施Oracle GoldenGate複製解決方案
● Oracle GoldenGate HP NonStop Reference Guide: Contains detailed information about
Oracle GoldenGate parameters, commands, and functions for the NonStop platform.
● Oracle GoldenGate HP NonStop 參考指南:包含關於 Oracle GoldenGate 在 NonStop平臺上的詳細引數,命令,功能
Windows, UNIX, Linux platforms
Windows, UNIX, Linux 平臺
● Installation and Setup guides: There is one such guide for each database that is
supported by Oracle GoldenGate. It contains system requirements, pre-installation
and post-installation procedures, installation instructions, and other system-specific
information for installing the Oracle GoldenGate replication solution.
●安裝和配置指南:對於Oracle GoldenGate支援的每種資料庫都有一個這樣的指南 .它包含系統要求,安裝前和安裝後的步驟,安裝說明以及其他特定系統資訊
● Oracle GoldenGate Windows and UNIX Administrator’s Guide: Explains how to plan
for, configure, and implement the Oracle GoldenGate replication solution on the
Windows and UNIX platforms.
● Oracle GoldenGate 在Windows 和UNIX上的管理指南: 介紹如何在 Windows 和UNIX平臺上規劃,配置和實施Oracle GoldenGate複製解決方案
● Oracle GoldenGate Windows and UNIX Reference Guide: Contains detailed
information about Oracle GoldenGate parameters, commands, and functions for the
Windows and UNIX platforms.
● Oracle GoldenGate 在Windows 和UNIX 的參考指南: 包含關於 Oracle GoldenGate 在 Windows 和UNIX 平臺上的詳細引數,命令,功能
● Oracle GoldenGate Windows and UNIX Troubleshooting and Tuning Guide: Contains
suggestions for improving the performance of the Oracle GoldenGate replication
solution and provides solutions to common problems.
● Oracle GoldenGate 在Windows and UNIX平臺上的故障排除和調優指南:包含關於提高Oracle GoldenGate 複製解決方案效能的建議以及提供常見問題的解決方案
Other Oracle GoldenGate products
其他 Oracle GoldenGate 產品
● Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Administrator’s Guide: Expains how to install, run, and
administer Oracle GoldenGate Monitor for monitoring Oracle GoldenGate replication
● Oracle GoldenGate Monitor管理員指南:介紹如何安裝,執行和管理Oracle GoldenGate Monitor來監視Oracle GoldenGate
● Oracle GoldenGate Director Administrator’s Guide: Expains how to install, run, and
administer Oracle GoldenGate Director for configuring, managing, monitoring, and
reporting on the Oracle GoldenGate replication components.
● Oracle GoldenGate Director 管理員指南:解釋如何安裝,執行和管理Oracle GoldenGate Director,以配置,管理,監視和報告Oracle GoldenGate複製元件
● Oracle GoldenGate Veridata Administrator’s Guide: Explains how to install, run, and
administer the Oracle GoldenGate Veridata data comparison solution.
● Oracle GoldenGate Veridata 管理員指南: 介紹如何安裝,執行和管理Oracle GoldenGate Veridata資料比對解決方案
● Oracle GoldenGate for Java Administrator’s Guide: Explains how to install, configure,
and run Oracle GoldenGate for Java to capture JMS messages to Oracle GoldenGate
trails or deliver captured data to messaging systems or custom APIs.
● Oracle GoldenGate關於 Java 的管理員指南:介紹如何安裝,配置,並執行Oracle GoldenGate for Java以捕獲到 Oracle GoldenGate的JMS訊息線索或者傳送捕獲的資料到訊息傳遞系統或自定義API
Oracle GoldenGate Windows and UNIX Administrator’s Guide
Oracle GoldenGatez在 Windows和UNIX 上的管理員指南
About the Oracle GoldenGate guides
Typographic conventions used in this manual
關於oracle Goldegate指南
● Oracle GoldenGate for Flat File Administrator’s Guide: Explains how to install,
configure, and run Oracle GoldenGate for Flat File to format data captured by Oracle
GoldenGate as batch input to ETL, proprietary or legacy applications.
● Oracle GoldenGate平面檔案管理員指南: 介紹如何安裝,配置和執行Oracle GoldenGate for Flat File,以格式化Oracle GoldenGate捕獲的資料,作為對ETL,專有或舊版應用程式的批次處理輸入
Typographic conventions used in this manual
This manual uses the following style conventions.
● Parameter and command arguments are shown in upper case, for example:
● File names, table names, and other names are shown in lower case unless they are
case-sensitive to the operating system or software application they are associated with,
for example:
● 檔名,表名和其他名稱都以小寫顯示,除非他們是對與之關聯的作業系統或軟體應用程式區分大小寫,
● Variables are shown within < > characters, for example:
<group name>
● When one of multiple mutually-exclusive arguments must be selected, the selection is
enclosed within braces and separated with pipe characters, for example:
VIEW PARAMS {MGR | <group> | <file name>}
● 當必須選擇多個互斥引數之一時,選擇為括在大括號內並用豎線字元分隔,例如:
VIEW PARAMS {MGR | <group> | <file name>}
● Optional arguments are enclosed within brackets, for example:
CLEANUP EXTRACT <group name> [, SAVE <count>]
CLEANUP EXTRACT <group name> [, SAVE <count>]
● When there are numerous multiple optional arguments, a placeholder such as
[<option>] may be used, and the options are listed and described separately, for
● 當存在多個可選引數時,可以使用諸如[<option>]之類的佔位符,並且分別列出和描述這些選項,例如:
● When an argument is accepted more than once, an ellipsis character (...) is used, for
PARAMS ([<requirement rule>] <param spec> [, <param spec>] [, ...])
● 當一個引數多次被接受時,將使用省略號(...),例如:
PARAMS ([<requirement rule>] <param spec> [, <param spec>] [, ...])
● The ampersand ( & ) is used as a continuation character in Oracle GoldenGate
parameter files. It is required to be placed at the end of each line of a parameter
statement that spans multiple lines. Most examples in this documentation show the
ampersand in its proper place; however, some examples of multi-line statements may
omit it to allow for space constraints of the publication format.
● 在Oracle GoldenGate中,與號(&)用作連續字元 引數檔案。它需要放在跨多行的引數語句的每一行的末尾。本文件中
的大多數示例在適當的位置顯示了與號;但是, 多行語句的一些示例可能 省略它以允許釋出格式的空間限制。
Getting more help with Oracle GoldenGate
獲得更多 Oracle GoldenGate幫助
In addition to the Oracle GoldenGate documentation, you can get help for Oracle
GoldenGate in the following ways.
除了Oracle GoldenGate文件之外,您還可以透過以下方式獲得有關Oracle GoldenGate的幫助。
Getting help with the Oracle GoldenGate interface
獲取有關Oracle GoldenGate介面的幫助
Both GGSCI and the Oracle GoldenGate Director applications provide online help.
GGSCI和Oracle GoldenGate Director應用程式都提供線上幫助。
Oracle GoldenGate Windows and UNIX Administrator’s Guide
GGSCI commands
To get help for an Oracle GoldenGate command, use the HELP command in GGSCI. To get
a summary of command categories, issue the HELP command without options. To get help
for a specific command, issue the HELP command with the command name as input.
HELP <command name>
The help file displays the syntax and description of the command.
要獲得有關Oracle GoldenGate命令的幫助,請使用GGSCI中的HELP命令。要獲得命令類別的摘要,請發出不帶選 項的HELP命令。獲得對於特定命令的幫助,請以命令名稱加上help輸入來發出HELP命令。
HELP <command name>
Oracle GoldenGate Director and Oracle GoldenGate Monitor
To get help for the Oracle GoldenGate graphical client interfaces, use the Help menu within
the application.
要獲得有關Oracle GoldenGate圖形客戶端介面的幫助,請使用應用程式中的“幫助”選單
Getting help with questions and problems
For troubleshooting assistance, see Oracle GoldenGate Windows and UNIX
Troubleshooting and Tuning Guide. Additional information can be obtained from the
Knowledge Base on If you cannot find an answer, you can open
a service request from the support site.
有關故障排除的幫助,請參見《 Oracle GoldenGate Windows和UNIX故障排除和調優指南》。可以從 上的知識庫獲取其他資訊。如果找不到答案,則可以從支援網站提交服務請求。
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
- Oracle GoldenGate 11g官方文件Administrator’s Guide續二OracleGoGUIIDE
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