SharePlex跳過歸檔 Here is the procedure to point Capture to the next available archive log 1. Issue "list config" on source sp_ctrl to determine the current activation ID. For example, in the following output, the current activation ID is 10 (the # after conf.) : sp_ctrl (tispadb1:2100)> list config File Name State Datasource -------------------------------------------------- ---------- test_xxx_090820 Active o.ACOSDB Last Modified At: 20-Aug-09 03:58 Size: 335 Internal Name: .conf.10 2. Shutdown source Shareplex and execute the following SQL in the source database: UPDATE shareplex_actid SET seqno = < new log that is present on disk>, offset = 0, log_start_offset=0 WHERE actid = <current activation id > AND instance_name='<appropriate instance name>'; commit; 3. Restart Shareplex and Capture.
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