官方文件是這樣描述的:ASMCMD is a command-line utility that you can use to manage Oracle ASM instances, disk groups, file access control for disk groups, files and directories within disk groups, templates for disk groups, and volumes.意即:ASMCMD是一個命令列實用工具,你可以使用它來管理Oracle ASM例項,磁碟組,磁碟組的檔案訪問控制,磁碟組中的檔案和目錄,磁碟組的模板和卷。



  1. ASMCMD> help
  3.             asmcmd [-V] [-v <errors|warnings|normal|info|debug>] [--privilege ] [-p] [command]
  4. asmcmd_no_conn_str

  5.         Starts asmcmd (if no parameters) or executes the command with given parameters

  6.         asmcmd [-V] [-v <errors|warnings|normal|info|debug>] [--privilege ] [-p] [command]

  7.         Specify the connect string after the -c option to use the listener to
  8.         connect. By default, ASMCMD asks for a password in a non-echoing
  9.         prompt, unless the password is specified as part of the connect string.

  10.         The connect identifier is in the form of "host:port:sid", with the
  11.         host and the port being option. Host defaults to "localhost" and port
  12.         to 1521. If the sid is not specified as a part of the connect
  13.         identifier, then it is read from the environment variable ORACLE_SID.

  14.         If no connect string is used, then environment variables
  15.         ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_SID determine the instance to which the program
  16.         connects, and asmcmd establishes a bequeath connection to the it, in
  17.         the same manner as a SQLPLUS / AS SYSASM. The user must be a member
  18.         of the SYSDBA group to exercise this option.

  19.         Specifying the -V option prints the asmcmd version number and
  20.         exits immediately.

  21.         Specifying the -v option prints extra information that can help
  22.         advanced users diagnose problems.

  23.         Specify the --privilege option to choose the type of connection. There are
  24.         only two possibilities: connecting as SYSASM or as SYSDBA.
  25.         The default value if this option is unspecified is SYSASM:

  26.         Specifying the -p option allows the current directory to be displayed
  27.         in the command prompt, like so:


  29.         The parameter command specifies one of the following commands, along
  30.         with its parameters.

  31.         Type "help [command]" to get help on a specific ASMCMD command.

  32.         commands:
  33.         --------

  34.         md_backup, md_restore

  35.         lsattr, setattr

  36.         cd, cp, du, find, help, ls, lsct, lsdg, lsof, mkalias
  37.         mkdir, pwd, rm, rmalias

  38.         chdg, chkdg, dropdg, iostat, lsdsk, lsod, mkdg, mount
  39.         offline, online, rebal, remap, umount

  40.         dsget, dsset, lsop, shutdown, spbackup, spcopy, spget
  41.         spmove, spset, startup

  42.         chtmpl, lstmpl, mktmpl, rmtmpl

  43.         chgrp, chmod, chown, groups, grpmod, lsgrp, lspwusr, lsusr
  44.         mkgrp, mkusr, orapwusr, passwd, rmgrp, rmusr

  45.         volcreate, voldelete, voldisable, volenable, volinfo
  46.         volresize, volset, volstat

2、如果在伺服器上有多個ASM例項,那麼在進入ASM之前需要用export ORACLE_SID=***,將ORACLE_SID變數設定為你想訪問的ASM例項。

Category Commands







6、fully qualified filename:完全限定的檔名

7、在命令列輸入asmcmd -p,可以進入顯示當前目錄的asmcmd模式,如下圖:

8、在ASMCMD中,檔名對大小寫不敏感,但是是具記憶性的(retentive),ASMCMD中預設檔名和路徑都是大寫,但如果你輸入的路徑和檔名是小寫,也不會影響命令的執行 ,但是這個時候你用ls或pwd等命令檢視檔案或目錄時就會發現路徑及檔名全是你輸入的小寫,而不是系統預設的大小形式。

來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
