rsau/max_diskspace/per_file - Maximum size of one single security audit file
------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Parameter : rsau/max_diskspace/per_file | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Short description : Maximum size of one security audit file | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Parameter description : | | ----------------------- | | The parameter specifies the maximum size of a security audit file. | | This can be used to tailor the file size to the requirements of | | an archiving program, if used. For example, you could restrict | | the size to 650 MB to be able to fit one file on one | | normal-sized CD during archiving. | | When this size is reached, a new file is started. | | The counter in the file name is increased by one. | | | | This parameter must be greater than zero for the system to be able | | to create more than one audit file per day. In this case, the file | | names of the audit files change (see parameter FN_AUDIT) | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Application Area: System | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Unit : | | Whole number without suffix : Unit bytes | | Whole number with suffix "k" or "K": Unit kilobytes | | Whole number with suffix "m" or "M": Unit megabytes | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Default value:0(Only one audit file per day, as prior to 4.6) | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Who is permitted to make changes: the customer | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Limitations for operating systems: None | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Limitations for database systems: None | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Other Parameters Affected or Dependent: | | This parameter is only relevant if: | | - Parameter rsau/enable has value 1 (audit switched on) | | or audit was activated dynamically using Transaction SM19. | | | | If the parameter is greater than zero, the parameter | | FN_AUDIT must be switched to the required file name pattern. | | The parameter rsau/max_diskspace/per_day must also be set to a value | | that is at least three times as large. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Valid Input, Formats, Areas: | | Whole number => Unit bytes | | Whole number with suffix "k" or "K" (no blank) => Unit kilobytes | | Whole number with suffix "m" or "M" (no blank) => Unit megabytes | | | | The maximum size is 2 GB (2,147,483,647 bytes) | | | | The minimum size is 1 MB (1,048,576 Bytes). A smaller value is | | changed to 1 MB by the kernel. | | | | Input in bytes is converted to kilobytes by the system. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Short Description : Maximum size of one single security audit file ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Applications Area : System ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Parameter Type : S ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Changes allowed : X ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Valid for Operating System : * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Dynamic switchable : ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Same on all Servers : ------------------------------------------------------------------------
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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- 2.2.6 Overview of Common Audit ConfigurationsView
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