使用expdp 的NETWORK_LINK引數,實現在客戶端形成匯出檔案時的幾個限制:
Export/Import DataPump Parameter VERSION - Compatibility of Data Pump Between Different Oracle Versions [Video] [ID 553337.1]
1. Tables with a LONG
column are not supported in an Export Data Pump job with NETWORK_LINK
parameter. An ORA-31679 error will be generated and the export will move
on to the next table. See also section 8.11. "ORA-31679 (Table data
object "aaa"."bbb" has long columns, and longs can not be
loaded/unloaded using a network link)" below.
帶有long資料型別的表不能在expdp 加NETWORK_LINK時被匯出。
2. Tables with object_type columns are not supported in an Export Data Pump job with NETWORK_LINK parameter. An ORA-22804 error will be generated and the export will move on to the next table. See also section 8.12. "ORA-22804 (remote operations not permitted on object tables or user-defined type columns)" below.
帶有object_type資料型別的表不能在expdp 加NETWORK_LINK時被匯出。
3. When both the NETWORK_LINK and the TABLES parameters are used, then only whole tables can be exported (not partitions of tables). Trying to export a partition of a table over a database link will fail with ORA-39203 (Partition selection is not supported over a network link) or in older releases with ORA-14100 (partition extended table name cannot refer to a remote object). See also section 8.13. "ORA-39203 (Partition selection is not supported over a network link)" below.在expdp 加NETWORK_LINK時,不能匯出分割槽表中的某個分割槽。
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