APP-OFA-48400: Error: function faxbmt returned failure 的處理
At beginning of Calculate Gain/Loss program
Request ID: 13959178
APP-FND-01388: Cannot read value for profile option FA_NUM_PARALLEL_REQUESTS in routine &ROUTINE.
Error: function faxcds returned failure (called from faxcps)
Error: function faxcps returned failure (called from faxcbs)
Error: function faxcbs returned failure (called from faxbmt)
Error: function faxbmt returned failure (called from FARET)
APP-OFA-48400: Error: function faxbmt returned failure (called from FARET)
Number of successes: 0
Number of failures: 0
Module Calculate Gain/Loss ended with error[@more@]
Request ID: 13959178
APP-FND-01388: Cannot read value for profile option FA_NUM_PARALLEL_REQUESTS in routine &ROUTINE.
Error: function faxcds returned failure (called from faxcps)
Error: function faxcps returned failure (called from faxcbs)
Error: function faxcbs returned failure (called from faxbmt)
Error: function faxbmt returned failure (called from FARET)
APP-OFA-48400: Error: function faxbmt returned failure (called from FARET)
Number of successes: 0
Number of failures: 0
Module Calculate Gain/Loss ended with error[@more@]
Doc ID: | Note:261058.1 |
select * from fa_book_controls
where book_type_code='FA_GUFY'
Update fa_book_controls
set DEPRN_REQUEST_ID =13962658
where book_type_code = 'FA_GUFY';
另還有一種情況,就是.deprn_status 不為'C' 的,也會造成類似的情況.
Update fa_book_controls
where book_type_code = 'FA_GUFY';
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