WAITEVENT: "latch free" Reference Note [ID 34576.1]
Modified 11-NOV-2002 Type REFERENCE Status PUBLISHED
"latch free" Reference Note
This is a reference note for the wait event "latch free" which includes the following subsections:
* Brief definition
* Individual wait details (eg: For waits seen in <
* Systemwide wait details (eg: For waits seen in <
* Reducing waits / wait times
See Note:61998.1 for an introduction to Wait Events.
* Versions:7.0 - 9.2 Documentation: 9.0
* Latches are like short duration locks that protect critical bits of code. This wait indicates that the process is waiting for a latch that is currently busy (held by another process).
Individual Waits:
* P1 = Latch address
* P2 = Latch number
* P3 = Tries
* Latch address
The address of the latch that the process is waiting for. The hexadecimal value of P1 (P1RAW) can be used to determine which latch is waited for thus:
SELECT name, 'Child '||child#, gets, misses, sleeps
FROM v$latch_children
WHERE addr='&P1RAW'
SELECT name, null, gets, misses, sleeps
FROM v$latch
WHERE addr='&P1RAW'
This will show "Child N" in the second column if the latch is a child latch.
* Latch number
This is the latch number that indexes the V$LATCHNAME view:
SELECT * FROM v$latchname
WHERE latch# = &P2
Note that the latch number for a given set of latches can vary between releases / platforms so it is best to avoid hard coding P2 or LATCH# in SQL scripts.
* Tries
This is basically a counter that counts the number of times we tried to get the latch (slow with spinning) and the process had to sleep. See the "Wait Time" notes below.
Wait Time:
When a session waits on latch free it effectively sleeps for a short time then re-tests the latch to see if it is free . If it still cannot be acquired then P3 is incremented and the session waits again. The wait time increases exponentially and does not include spinning on the latch (active waiting). The maximum wait time depends on the number of latches that the process is holding. There is an exponential back off (up to 2 seconds) between each attempt to get the latch.
For certain latches a waiting session may be posted once the latch is free. Oracle9i uses this "latch posting" far more than Oracle8i (and earlier) releases.
The SECONDS_IN_WAIT figure in <
Systemwide Waits:
As a latch wait is typically quite short it is possible to see a large number of latch waits which only account for a small percentage of time.
If the TIME spent waiting for latches is significant then it is best to determine which latches are suffering from contention. Both STATSPACK and Bstat/estat reports include sections which show latch activity in the period sampled. These sections are based on <
SELECT latch#, name, gets, misses, sleeps
FROM v$latch
WHERE sleeps>0
ORDER BY sleeps
Note that this select gives the worst latches at the BOTTOM of the list.
Some lines in this report are actually for multiple latches all of the same type. To determine if the latch activity is concentrated on one particular latch in the set one can query <
SELECT addr, latch#, gets, misses, sleeps
FROM v$latch_children
WHERE sleeps>0
ORDER BY sleeps
This gives the system wide number of waits for each child latch of the type LATCH#. If there are no rows returned then there is only a single latch of the type you are looking at.
If there are multiple rows the important thing to note is whether the SLEEPS are reasonably distributed or if there are one or two child latches responsible for 80% of the SLEEPS. If the contention is focused on one or two child latches make a note of which children are seeing a problem - note the ADDR column. One can also look at:
* Does the same session/s keep appearing in <
* Sessions with high latch waits in <
(Although it is important to note that innocent sessions may show high numbers of waits if some other session is repeatedly holding the latch)
Reducing Waits / Wait times:
There is no general advice to reduce latch waits as the action to take depends heavily on the latch type which is causing the waits. If there is no particular latch and waits occur across all latches then check for CPU starvation or uneven O/S scheduling policies - a CPU bound system will often show numerous latch waits across many types of latch.
The latches most likely to show high sleeps are listed below along with some possible actions:
shared pool latch
Heavy use of literal SQL will stress this latch significantly.
If your online application makes heavy use of literal SQL statements
then converting these to use bind variables will give significant
improvements in latch contention in this area.
See Note:62143.1 for issues affecting the shared pool.
library cache latches
From Oracle 7.2 onwards the library cache latch has child latches .
Problems with these latches are typically due to heavy use of literal
SQL or very poor shared pool configuration.
If your online application makes heavy use of literal SQL statements
then converting these to use bind variables will give significant
improvements in latch contention in this area.
See Note:62143.1 for issues affecting the shared pool.
cache buffers lru chain latch
Setting <
affect this latch - always ensure DB_BLOCK_LRU_STATISTICS is set to FALSE.
From Oracle 7.3 it is possible to have multiple of these latches
by specifying DB_BLOCK_LRU_LATCHES although this really needs multiple
CPU's to be of most benefit.
Heavy contention for this latch is generally due to heavy buffer cache
activity which can be caused, for example, by:
Repeatedly scanning large unselective indexes
Oracle7/8.0 only:
Sorting in buffer cache and not using SORT_DIRECT_WRITES
(From Oracle8i onwards direct writes are always used for sorts)
See Note:62172.1 for things you can do to reduce contention
in the buffer cache.
cache buffers chains latches
Individual block contention can show up as contention for one of these
latches. Each cache buffers chains latch covers a list of buffers in
the buffer cache. If one or two child latches stand out from
In Oracle8:
SELECT File# , dbablk, class, state
FROM x$bh
In Oracle7:
SELECT dbafil FILE# , dbablk, class, state
FROM x$bh
If this list is short (3 to 10 buffers) then one of the buffers in
this list is probably very 'hot' - ie: suffers from lots of concurrent
access attempts. Repeatedly monitoring X$BH for this latch should
show which blocks are always there and which are transient.
In Oracle8i there are often far fewer "cache buffers chains" latches
(especially with large buffer caches) and so there can be many
buffers covered by a single hash latch. There is a touch-count column
in X$BH in Oracle8i (X$BH.TCH) which can be used to see the HOT
buffers. Hot buffers will typically have a high touch count.
There is also a V$LATCH_MISSES view which may be of help to Oracle Support in more obscure cases:
FROM v$latch_misses
This shows where-abouts in the code the latch holder and latch waiters were when the latch was requested but not obtained immediately. In some releases V$LATCH_MISSES does not have the WTR_SLP_COUNT and LONGHOLD_COUNT columns. The view does not exist prior to Oracle7.3.
Tracing User sessions Note:62160.1
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