過程一路順利,啟動crs,所有節點服務也正常起來了,但是遲遲看不到資料庫起來,crs_stat檢查發現所有的例項和service都沒起來。手工是用sqlplus 啟動正常,資料庫也可以開啟。但是使用srvctl啟動就報下面的錯誤:
[oracle@bj15-75 ~]$ srvctl start database -d membj
PRKP-1001 : Error starting instance membj1 on node bj15-74
CRS-0212: Resource 'ora.membj.membj1.inst' is not registered.
PRKP-1001 : Error starting instance membj2 on node bj15-75
CRS-0212: Resource 'ora.membj.membj2.inst' is not registered.
PRKP-1001 : Error starting instance membj3 on node bj15-77
CRS-0212: Resource 'ora.membj.membj3.inst' is not registered.
Applies to:
Oracle Server - Enterprise Edition - Version: to
This problem can occur on any platform.
The database and/or instances is not starting up using the srvctl command, reporting the following errors when invoked, ex:
PRKP-1001: Error starting instance inslo1 on node rias-ins-dba01
CRS-0212: Resource 'ora.inslo.inslo1.inst' is not registered.
The errors seems like the that the clusterware does not know about the resource, because it is not registered in the OCR.
Issue is caused due to the corruption of the database and/or instances entries corruption in the OCR.
The following output shows that the resource is not registered in the clusterware, but at the same time the CRS can get its status using the crs_stat command, so it is discouraging any updating, starting or stopping for this resource.
PRKP-1001: Error starting instance inslo1 on node rias-ins-dba01
CRS-0212: Resource 'ora.inslo.inslo1.inst' is not registered.
Because the of the corruption of this resource entry in the OCR you can simply remove the the resource with all of its corrupted information from the OCR using the "srvctl remove" command for this resource, then proceed with adding the resource again which is going to make it work back again.
1. Removing the resource:
srvctl remove database -d
2. Add the resources again:
srvctl add database -d
srvctl add instance -d
看來只好試試看文件中的辦法了。但是執行完srvctl remove database後,仍然發現crs_stat中還是有原來的資料db資源。嘗試新增新的db資源失敗,報已經存在,看來ocr壞的比較嚴重了,沒法透過常規刪除資訊了。只能試試看dd ocr檔案出來修改。但是條目太多,上次被我僥倖修改成功了,這次卻總是失敗。於是想辦法刪除例項服務試試看,前2個節點都成功了,到最後一個報錯:
[oracle@bj15-74 ~]$ srvctl remove instance -i membj1 -d membj
Remove instance membj1 from the database membj? (y/[n]) y
PRKP-1075 : Instance membj1 is the last preferred instance for service membjapp.
[oracle@bj15-74 ~]$ srvctl remove service -s membjapp -d membj
service membjapp is running
還是失敗- -,可是這個服務明明沒有起來麼。。。。
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