

This view lists session information for each current session.

Column Datatype Description
SADDR RAW(4 | 8) Session address
SID NUMBER Session identifier
SERIAL# NUMBER Session serial number. Used to uniquely identify a session's objects. Guarantees that session-level commands are applied to the correct session objects if the session ends and another session begins with the same session ID.
AUDSID NUMBER Auditing session ID
PADDR RAW(4 | 8) Address of the process that owns the session
USER# NUMBER Oracle user identifier
USERNAME VARCHAR2(30) Oracle username
COMMAND NUMBER Command in progress (last statement parsed); for a list of values, see Table 7-5. These values also appear in the AUDIT_ACTIONS table.
OWNERID NUMBER The column contents are invalid if the value is 2147483644. Otherwise, this column contains the identifier of the user who owns the migratable session.

For operations using Parallel Slaves, interpret this value as a 4-byte value. The low-order 2 bytes of which represent the session number, and the high-order bytes the instance ID of the query coordinator.

TADDR VARCHAR2(8) Address of transaction state object
LOCKWAIT VARCHAR2(8) Address of lock waiting for; null if none
STATUS VARCHAR2(8) Status of the session:
  • ACTIVE - Session currently executing SQL


  • KILLED - Session marked to be killed

  • CACHED - Session temporarily cached for use by Oracle*XA

  • SNIPED - Session inactive, waiting on the client

SCHEMA# NUMBER Schema user identifier
SCHEMANAME VARCHAR2(30) Schema user name
OSUSER VARCHAR2(30) Operating system client user name
PROCESS VARCHAR2(12) Operating system client process ID
MACHINE VARCHAR2(64) Operating system machine name
TERMINAL VARCHAR2(30) Operating system terminal name
PROGRAM VARCHAR2(48) Operating system program name
TYPE VARCHAR2(10) Session type
SQL_ADDRESS RAW(4 | 8) Used with SQL_HASH_VALUE to identify the SQL statement that is currently being executed
SQL_HASH_VALUE NUMBER Used with SQL_ADDRESS to identify the SQL statement that is currently being executed
SQL_ID VARCHAR2(13) SQL identifier of the SQL statement that is currently being executed
SQL_CHILD_NUMBER NUMBER Child number of the SQL statement that is currently being executed
PREV_SQL_ADDR RAW(4 | 8) Used with PREV_HASH_VALUE to identify the last SQL statement executed
PREV_HASH_VALUE NUMBER Used with SQL_HASH_VALUE to identify the last SQL statement executed
PREV_SQL_ID VARCHAR2(13) SQL identifier of the last SQL statement executed
PREV_CHILD_NUMBER NUMBER Child number of the last SQL statement executed
MODULE VARCHAR2(48) Name of the currently executing module as set by calling theDBMS_APPLICATION_INFO.SET_MODULE procedure
MODULE_HASH NUMBER Hash value of the above MODULE
ACTION VARCHAR2(32) Name of the currently executing action as set by calling theDBMS_APPLICATION_INFO.SET_ACTION procedure
ACTION_HASH NUMBER Hash value of the above action name
FIXED_TABLE_SEQUENCE NUMBER This contains a number that increases every time the session completes a call to the database and there has been an intervening select from a dynamic performance table. This column can be used by performance monitors to monitor statistics in the database. Each time the performance monitor looks at the database, it only needs to look at sessions that are currently active or have a higher value in this column than the highest value that the performance monitor saw the last time. All the other sessions have been idle since the last time the performance monitor looked at the database.
ROW_WAIT_OBJ# NUMBER Object ID for the table containing the row specified in ROW_WAIT_ROW#
ROW_WAIT_FILE# NUMBER Identifier for the datafile containing the row specified in ROW_WAIT_ROW#. This column is valid only if the session is currently waiting for another transaction to commit and the value ofROW_WAIT_OBJ# is not -1.
ROW_WAIT_BLOCK# NUMBER Identifier for the block containing the row specified in ROW_WAIT_ROW#. This column is valid only if the session is currently waiting for another transaction to commit and the value ofROW_WAIT_OBJ# is not -1.
ROW_WAIT_ROW# NUMBER Current row being locked. This column is valid only if the session is currently waiting for another transaction to commit and the value of ROW_WAIT_OBJ# is not -1.
LOGON_TIME DATE Time of logon
LAST_CALL_ET NUMBER If the session STATUS is currently ACTIVE, then the value represents the elapsed time in seconds since the session has become active.

If the session STATUS is currently INACTIVE, then the value represents the elapsed time in seconds since the session has become inactive.

PDML_ENABLED VARCHAR2(3) This column has been replaced by column PDML_STATUS
FAILOVER_TYPE VARCHAR2(13) Indicates whether and to what extent transparent application failover (TAF) is enabled for the session:
  • NONE - Failover is disabled for this session

  • SESSION - Client is able to fail over its session following a disconnect

  • SELECT - Client is able to fail over queries in progress as well

v$session  每一個連線到資料庫例項中的session都擁有一條記錄。包括使用者session及後臺程式如DBWR,LGWR,arcchiver等等。

檢視            列                        檢視            列
v$SESSION paddr                 v$process         addr
v$SESSION taddr                 v$transaction     addr
v$SESSION sql_address         v$sql                 address
v$SESSION sql_hash_value    v$sql                 hash_value
v$SESSION sql_id                 v$sql                 address sql_id

來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/28282660/viewspace-1744713/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
