
    V$SQL lists statistics on shared SQL area without the GROUP BY clause and contains one row for each child of the original SQL text entered. Statistics displayed in V$SQL are normally updated at the end of query execution. However, for long running queries, they are updated every 5 seconds. This makes it easy to see the impact of long running SQL statements while they are still in progress.
     簡譯如下:v$sql除了 group by 不顯示,其它皆會顯示(共享sql,說白了就是shared pool 中的library cache);另外:一些長查詢,它是每5秒更新一條統計資訊,其它的查詢sql則是每次查詢執行完就會更新統計資訊了
select sql_text,address,hash_value --檢視正在執行會話對應的sql
from v$sql
where (address,hash_value)
       in (select sql_address,sql_hash_value from v$session where sid=976 and  username='PD')
SQL_TEXT                                                                                             ADDRESS  HASH_VALUE
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- ----------
update t1 set a=2 --這是等待鎖的會話對應的sql                                                        32D4D31C 3205622493 --sql地址及hash_value
SQL> select sql_text,address,hash_value from v$sql where (address,hash_value) in (select prev_sql_addr,prev_hash_value from v$session where username='PD');
SQL_TEXT                                                                                             ADDRESS  HASH_VALUE
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- ----------
select distinct sid from v$mystat                                                                    32D4D020 2171660009
select count(*) from c_chapter_info                                                                  35589288  962805696
update t1 set a=1    --這不把持鎖會話(剛執行過的會話的sql)                                          32D39BF0 3163124029

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