H.264介紹(從Stack Overflow答案翻譯)



  1. VTDemo

  2. -VideoToolboxDemo


// -VideoTolbox 尋找H.264開始碼

- (void) iOS8HWDecode
    // 1. get SPS,PPS form stream data, and create CMFormatDescription 和 VTDecompressionSession
    if (spsData == nil && ppsData == nil) {
        uint8_t *data = pCodecCtx -> extradata;
        int size = pCodecCtx -> extradata_size;
        NSString *tmp3 = [NSString new];
        for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            NSString *str = [NSString stringWithFormat:@" %.2X",data[i]];
            tmp3 = [tmp3 stringByAppendingString:str];

        int startCodeSPSIndex = 0;
        int startCodePPSIndex = 0;
        int spsLength = 0;
        int ppsLength = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            if (i >= 3) {
                if (data[i] == 0x01 && data[i-1] == 0x00 && data[i-2] == 0x00 && data[i-3] == 0x00) {
                    if (startCodeSPSIndex == 0) {
                        startCodeSPSIndex = i;
                    if (i > startCodeSPSIndex) {
                        startCodePPSIndex = i;

        spsLength = startCodePPSIndex - startCodeSPSIndex - 4;
        ppsLength = size - (startCodePPSIndex + 1);

        int nalu_type;
        nalu_type = ((uint8_t) data[startCodeSPSIndex + 1] & 0x1F);
//        NSLog(@"NALU with Type \"%@\" received.", naluTypesStrings[nalu_type]);
        if (nalu_type == 7) {
            spsData = [NSData dataWithBytes:&(data[startCodeSPSIndex + 1]) length: spsLength];

        nalu_type = ((uint8_t) data[startCodePPSIndex + 1] & 0x1F);
//        NSLog(@"NALU with Type \"%@\" received.", naluTypesStrings[nalu_type]);
        if (nalu_type == 8) {
            ppsData = [NSData dataWithBytes:&(data[startCodePPSIndex + 1]) length: ppsLength];

        // 2. create  CMFormatDescription
        if (spsData != nil && ppsData != nil) {
            const uint8_t* const parameterSetPointers[2] = { (const uint8_t*)[spsData bytes], (const uint8_t*)[ppsData bytes] };
            const size_t parameterSetSizes[2] = { [spsData length], [ppsData length] };
            status = CMVideoFormatDescriptionCreateFromH264ParameterSets(kCFAllocatorDefault, 2, parameterSetPointers, parameterSetSizes, 4, &videoFormatDescr);
//            NSLog(@"Found all data for CMVideoFormatDescription. Creation: %@.", (status == noErr) ? @"successfully." : @"failed.");

        // 3. create VTDecompressionSession
        VTDecompressionOutputCallbackRecord callback;
        callback.decompressionOutputCallback = didDecompress;
        callback.decompressionOutputRefCon = (__bridge void *)self;
          NSDictionary *destinationImageBufferAttributes =[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:[NSNumber numberWithBool:NO],(id)kCVPixelBufferOpenGLESCompatibilityKey,[NSNumber numberWithInt:kCVPixelFormatType_32BGRA],(id)kCVPixelBufferPixelFormatTypeKey,nil];
//        NSDictionary *destinationImageBufferAttributes =[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:[NSNumber numberWithBool:NO],(id)kCVPixelBufferOpenGLESCompatibilityKey,nil];
//        NSDictionary *destinationImageBufferAttributes = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject: [NSNumber numberWithInt:kCVPixelFormatType_32BGRA] forKey: (id)kCVPixelBufferPixelFormatTypeKey];
        status = VTDecompressionSessionCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, videoFormatDescr, NULL, (CFDictionaryRef)destinationImageBufferAttributes, &callback, &session);
//        status = VTDecompressionSessionCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, videoFormatDescr, NULL, NULL, &callback, &session);
//        NSLog(@"Creating Video Decompression Session: %@.", (status == noErr) ? @"successfully." : @"failed.");

        int32_t timeSpan = 90000;
        CMSampleTimingInfo timingInfo;
        timingInfo.presentationTimeStamp = CMTimeMake(0, timeSpan);
        timingInfo.duration =  CMTimeMake(3000, timeSpan);
        timingInfo.decodeTimeStamp = kCMTimeInvalid;

    int startCodeIndex = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
        if (packet.data[i] == 0x01) {
            startCodeIndex = i;
    int nalu_type = ((uint8_t)packet.data[startCodeIndex + 1] & 0x1F);
//    NSLog(@"NALU with Type \"%@\" received.", naluTypesStrings[nalu_type]);

    if (nalu_type == 1 || nalu_type == 5) {
        // 4. get NALUnit payload into a CMBlockBuffer,
        CMBlockBufferRef videoBlock = NULL;
        status = CMBlockBufferCreateWithMemoryBlock(NULL, packet.data, packet.size, kCFAllocatorNull, NULL, 0, packet.size, 0, &videoBlock);
//        NSLog(@"BlockBufferCreation: %@", (status == kCMBlockBufferNoErr) ? @"successfully." : @"failed.");

        // 5.  making sure to replace the separator code with a 4 byte length code (the length of the NalUnit including the unit code)
        int reomveHeaderSize = packet.size - 4;
        const uint8_t sourceBytes[] = {(uint8_t)(reomveHeaderSize >> 24), (uint8_t)(reomveHeaderSize >> 16), (uint8_t)(reomveHeaderSize >> 8), (uint8_t)reomveHeaderSize};
        status = CMBlockBufferReplaceDataBytes(sourceBytes, videoBlock, 0, 4);
//        NSLog(@"BlockBufferReplace: %@", (status == kCMBlockBufferNoErr) ? @"successfully." : @"failed.");

        NSString *tmp3 = [NSString new];
        for(int i = 0; i < sizeof(sourceBytes); i++) {
            NSString *str = [NSString stringWithFormat:@" %.2X",sourceBytes[i]];
            tmp3 = [tmp3 stringByAppendingString:str];
//        NSLog(@"size = %i , 16Byte = %@",reomveHeaderSize,tmp3);

        // 6. create a CMSampleBuffer.
        CMSampleBufferRef sbRef = NULL;
        const size_t sampleSizeArray[] = {packet.size};
//        status = CMSampleBufferCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, videoBlock, true, NULL, NULL, videoFormatDescr, 1, 1, &timingInfo, 1, sampleSizeArray, &sbRef);
        status = CMSampleBufferCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, videoBlock, true, NULL, NULL, videoFormatDescr, 1, 0, NULL, 1, sampleSizeArray, &sbRef);

//        NSLog(@"SampleBufferCreate: %@", (status == noErr) ? @"successfully." : @"failed.");

        // 7. use VTDecompressionSessionDecodeFrame
        VTDecodeFrameFlags flags = kVTDecodeFrame_EnableAsynchronousDecompression;
        VTDecodeInfoFlags flagOut;
        status = VTDecompressionSessionDecodeFrame(session, sbRef, flags, &sbRef, &flagOut);
//        NSLog(@"VTDecompressionSessionDecodeFrame: %@", (status == noErr) ? @"successfully." : @"failed.");

        [self.delegate startDecodeData];
// VTDemo 尋找H.264
    while (av_read_frame(pFormatCtx, &packet)>= 0) {
        if (packet.stream_index == streamNo) {
            [_h264Decoder decodeFrame:packet.data withSize:packet.size];

-(void) decodeFrame:(uint8_t *)frame withSize:(uint32_t)frameSize
    OSStatus status;

    uint8_t *data = NULL;
    uint8_t *pps = NULL;
    uint8_t *sps = NULL;

    int startCodeIndex = 0;
    int secondStartCodeIndex = 0;
    int thirdStartCodeIndex = 0;

    long blockLength = 0;

    CMSampleBufferRef sampleBuffer = NULL;
    CMBlockBufferRef blockBuffer = NULL;

    int nalu_type = (frame[startCodeIndex + 4] & 0x1F);

    if (nalu_type != 7 && _formatDesc == NULL)
        NSLog(@"Video error: Frame is not an I Frame and format description is null");

    if (nalu_type == 7)
        // 去掉起始頭0x00 00 00 01   有的為0x00 00 01
        for (int i = startCodeIndex + 4; i < startCodeIndex + 44; i++)
            if (frame[i] == 0x00 && frame[i+1] == 0x00 && frame[i+2] == 0x00 && frame[i+3] == 0x01)
                secondStartCodeIndex = i;
                _spsSize = secondStartCodeIndex;

        nalu_type = (frame[secondStartCodeIndex + 4] & 0x1F);

    if(nalu_type == 8)
        for (int i = _spsSize + 4; i < _spsSize + 60; i++)
            if (frame[i] == 0x00 && frame[i+1] == 0x00 && frame[i+2] == 0x00 && frame[i+3] == 0x01)
                thirdStartCodeIndex = i;
                _ppsSize = thirdStartCodeIndex - _spsSize;

        sps = malloc(_spsSize - 4);
        pps = malloc(_ppsSize - 4);

        memcpy (sps, &frame[4], _spsSize-4);
        memcpy (pps, &frame[_spsSize+4], _ppsSize-4);

        uint8_t*  parameterSetPointers[2] = {sps, pps};
        size_t parameterSetSizes[2] = {_spsSize-4, _ppsSize-4};

        status = CMVideoFormatDescriptionCreateFromH264ParameterSets(kCFAllocatorDefault, 2,
                                                                     (const uint8_t *const*)parameterSetPointers,
                                                                     parameterSetSizes, 4,

        nalu_type = (frame[thirdStartCodeIndex + 4] & 0x1F);

    if((status == noErr) && (_decompressionSession == NULL))
        [self createDecompSession];

    if(nalu_type == 5)

        int offset = _spsSize + _ppsSize;
        blockLength = frameSize - offset;
        data = malloc(blockLength);
        data = memcpy(data, &frame[offset], blockLength);

        uint32_t dataLength32 = htonl (blockLength - 4);
        memcpy (data, &dataLength32, sizeof (uint32_t));

        status = CMBlockBufferCreateWithMemoryBlock(NULL, data,
                                                    kCFAllocatorNull, NULL,
                                                    0, &blockBuffer);

        NSLog(@"\t\t BlockBufferCreation: \t %@", (status == kCMBlockBufferNoErr) ? @"successful!" : @"failed...");

    if (nalu_type == 1)
        blockLength = frameSize;
        data = malloc(blockLength);
        data = memcpy(data, &frame[0], blockLength);

        uint32_t dataLength32 = htonl (blockLength - 4);
        memcpy (data, &dataLength32, sizeof (uint32_t));

        status = CMBlockBufferCreateWithMemoryBlock(NULL, data,
                                                    kCFAllocatorNull, NULL,
                                                    0, &blockBuffer);

    if(status == noErr)
        const size_t sampleSize = blockLength;
        status = CMSampleBufferCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault,
                                      blockBuffer, true, NULL, NULL,
                                      _formatDesc, 1, 0, NULL, 1,
                                      &sampleSize, &sampleBuffer);

        NSLog(@"\t\t SampleBufferCreate: \t %@", (status == noErr) ? @"successful!" : @"failed...");

    if(status == noErr)
        CFArrayRef attachments = CMSampleBufferGetSampleAttachmentsArray(sampleBuffer, YES);
        CFMutableDictionaryRef dict = (CFMutableDictionaryRef)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(attachments, 0);
        CFDictionarySetValue(dict, kCMSampleAttachmentKey_DisplayImmediately, kCFBooleanTrue);

        [self render:sampleBuffer];

    if (NULL != blockBuffer) {
        blockBuffer = NULL;

    [self relaseData:data];
    [self relaseData:pps];
    [self relaseData:sps];

    [self.delegate startDecodeData];

從程式碼段中我們能看到,思路都是一樣的,但是,其中-VideoToolboxDemo尋找開始碼使用的資料是_pCodeCtx->data,而VTDemo使用的資料卻是packet.data。然而我試了這兩種方法之後,都沒能獲取到正確的結果。花了很多時間之後,只能上Stack Overflow上提問:




首先,我們需要知道的一點就是沒有一個統一標準的H.264基本碼流格式。其規格文件中規定了Annex,尤其是Annex B這種非實際需求的格式。這種標準描述了視訊編碼到每個獨立的packet,並且這些packet儲存和傳輸的方式。

Annex B

Network Abstraction Layer Units

Network Abstraction Layer Units,簡稱為NALU,用於每個packet的解析和處理。每個NALU的首個位元組的第3-7bit代表了NALU的型別(第0bit十關閉的,1-2bit表明NALU是否和另一個NALU相關)

NALU可以分為兩大類VCL和non-VCL, 共19種型別

Order Type VCL or Non-VCL
0 Unspecified non-VCL
1 Coded slice of a non-IDR picture VCL
2 Coded slice data partition A VCL
3 Coded slice data partition B VCL
4 Coded slice data partition C VCL
5 Coded slice of an IDR picture VCL
6 Supplemental enhancement information (SEI) non-VCL
7 Sequence parameter set non-VCL
8 Picture parameter set non-VCL
9 Access unit delimiter non-VCL
10 End of sequence non-VCL
11 End of stream non-VCL
12 Filler data non-VCL
13 Sequence parameter set extension non-VCL
14 Prefix NAL unit non-VCL
15 Subset sequence parameter set non-VCL
16 Depth parameter set non-VCL
17..18 Reserved non-VCL
19 Coded slice of an auxiliary coded picture without partitioning non-VCL
20 Coded slice extension non-VCL
21 Coded slice extension for depth view components non-VCL
22..23 Reserved non-VCL
24..31 Unspecified non-VCL

Sequence Parameter Set(SPS). 這個non-VCL NALU包含了配置解碼器的所需要的配置檔案,解析度,幀率等資訊。

Picture Parameter Set(PPS)跟SPS類似,包含了熵編碼模式,片段組,運動預測和解封濾波器的資訊。

Instantaneous Decoder Refresh (IDR). 這個VCL NALU是一個自包含影象片。也就是IDR可以解碼和播放,而不需要通過PPS和SPS。

Access Unit Delimiter(AUD)是可選的NALU用於在基礎碼流中劃分幀。

NALU Start Codes


Annex B的規格文件通過在每個NALU前新增開始碼來解決這個問題。開始碼是2-3個0x00位元組,加上一個0x01位元組組成的。比方說0x000001或者是0x00000001.

除此以外,開始碼還有一個4個位元組的變種,適合在串聯連線中進行傳輸。比方說,如果下一個bit是0,那麼就是一個NALU的起始位置。這種變種通常只用在信令流中的隨機接入點,比方說SPS PPS AUD和IDR等這些用在其他地方的,以便節省空間。

Emulation Prevention Bytes

之所以需要開始碼的原因是因為0x000000, 0x000001, 0x000002, 0x000003在non-RBSP NALU中是沒辦法使用的。所以在建立NALU的時候,需要注意避免這些值對開始碼造成的影響。

在解碼的時候,尋找並且忽略這些位元組是比較關鍵的一步。因為這些位元組可以出現在NALU的任何地方。通常較為方便的做法是假定這些位元組已經被移除了。去掉這些位元組之後的序列稱之為Raw Byte Sequence Payload(RBSP)


0x0000 | 00 00 00 01 67 64 00 0A AC 72 84 44 26 84 00 00 0x0010 | 03 00 04 00 00 03 00 CA 3C 48 96 11 80 00 00 00 0x0020 | 01 68 E8 43 8F 13 21 30 00 00 01 65 88 81 00 05 0x0030 | 4E 7F 87 DF 61 A5 8B 95 EE A4 E9 38 B7 6A 30 6A 0x0040 | 71 B9 55 60 0B 76 2E B5 0E E4 80 59 27 B8 67 A9 0x0050 | 63 37 5E 82 20 55 FB E4 6A E9 37 35 72 E2 22 91 0x0060 | 9E 4D FF 60 86 CE 7E 42 B7 95 CE 2A E1 26 BE 87 0x0070 | 73 84 26 BA 16 36 F4 E6 9F 17 DA D8 64 75 54 B1 0x0080 | F3 45 0C 0B 3C 74 B3 9D BC EB 53 73 87 C3 0E 62 0x0090 | 47 48 62 CA 59 EB 86 3F 3A FA 86 B5 BF A8 6D 06 0x00A0 | 16 50 82 C4 CE 62 9E 4E E6 4C C7 30 3E DE A1 0B 0x00B0 | D8 83 0B B6 B8 28 BC A9 EB 77 43 FC 7A 17 94 85 0x00C0 | 21 CA 37 6B 30 95 B5 46 77 30 60 B7 12 D6 8C C5 0x00D0 | 54 85 29 D8 69 A9 6F 12 4E 71 DF E3 E2 B1 6B 6B 0x00E0 | BF 9F FB 2E 57 30 A9 69 76 C4 46 A2 DF FA 91 D9 0x00F0 | 50 74 55 1D 49 04 5A 1C D6 86 68 7C B6 61 48 6C 0x0100 | 96 E6 12 4C 27 AD BA C7 51 99 8E D0 F0 ED 8E F6 0x0110 | 65 79 79 A6 12 A1 95 DB C8 AE E3 B6 35 E6 8D BC 0x0120 | 48 A3 7F AF 4A 28 8A 53 E2 7E 68 08 9F 67 77 98 0x0130 | 52 DB 50 84 D6 5E 25 E1 4A 99 58 34 C7 11 D6 43 0x0140 | FF C4 FD 9A 44 16 D1 B2 FB 02 DB A1 89 69 34 C2 0x0150 | 32 55 98 F9 9B B2 31 3F 49 59 0C 06 8C DB A5 B2 0x0160 | 9D 7E 12 2F D0 87 94 44 E4 0A 76 EF 99 2D 91 18 0x0170 | 39 50 3B 29 3B F5 2C 97 73 48 91 83 B0 A6 F3 4B 0x0180 | 70 2F 1C 8F 3B 78 23 C6 AA 86 46 43 1D D7 2A 23 0x0190 | 5E 2C D9 48 0A F5 F5 2C D1 FB 3F F0 4B 78 37 E9 0x01A0 | 45 DD 72 CF 80 35 C3 95 07 F3 D9 06 E5 4A 58 76 0x01B0 | 03 6C 81 20 62 45 65 44 73 BC FE C1 9F 31 E5 DB 0x01C0 | 89 5C 6B 79 D8 68 90 D7 26 A8 A1 88 86 81 DC 9A 0x01D0 | 4F 40 A5 23 C7 DE BE 6F 76 AB 79 16 51 21 67 83 0x01E0 | 2E F3 D6 27 1A 42 C2 94 D1 5D 6C DB 4A 7A E2 CB 0x01F0 | 0B B0 68 0B BE 19 59 00 50 FC C0 BD 9D F5 F5 F8 0x0200 | A8 17 19 D6 B3 E9 74 BA 50 E5 2C 45 7B F9 93 EA 0x0210 | 5A F9 A9 30 B1 6F 5B 36 24 1E 8D 55 57 F4 CC 67 0x0220 | B2 65 6A A9 36 26 D0 06 B8 E2 E3 73 8B D1 C0 1C 0x0230 | 52 15 CA B5 AC 60 3E 36 42 F1 2C BD 99 77 AB A8 0x0240 | A9 A4 8E 9C 8B 84 DE 73 F0 91 29 97 AE DB AF D6 0x0250 | F8 5E 9B 86 B3 B3 03 B3 AC 75 6F A6 11 69 2F 3D 0x0260 | 3A CE FA 53 86 60 95 6C BB C5 4E F3

這是一個完整的包含了3個NALUs的AU。正如你能看到的,SPS(67)是以開始碼打頭開始。在SPS中,你可以看到兩個Emulation Prevention bytes.然後PPS(68)也是以開始碼開始的,最後一個開始碼出現在IDR片段之前。這是一個完整的H.264碼流。

Annex B一般用於Live和流格式的傳輸。這些格式會週期性地重複SPS和PPS


另外一種常用的儲存H.264流的格式是AVCC。這種格式中,每個NALU前都是其長度。這種方法的話比較容易解析,但是你會丟失Annex B的位元組對齊配置。可以使用1,2或者4個位元組的長度進行編碼。這個值儲存於一個header物件中。該物件稱為'extradata'或者'sqquence header'。基礎格式如下:

8 version ( always 0x01 ) 8 avc profile ( sps[0][1] ) 8 avc compatibility ( sps[0][2] ) 8 avc level ( sps[0][3] ) 6 reserved ( all bits on ) 2 NALULengthSizeMinusOne 3 reserved ( all bits on ) 5 number of SPS NALUs (usually 1) repeated once per SPS: 16 SPS size variable SPS NALU data 8 number of PPS NALUs (usually 1) repeated once per PPS 16 PPS size variable PPS NALU data


0x0000 | 01 64 00 0A FF E1 00 19 67 64 00 0A AC 72 84 44 0x0010 | 26 84 00 00 03 00 04 00 00 03 00 CA 3C 48 96 11 0x0020 | 80 01 00 07 68 E8 43 8F 13 21 30

第一位元組0x01表示的是版本, 0x64 00 0A則是SPS的前三位,而0xFF的前6bit是保留用,後兩位表示NALULengthSizeMinusOne,0xE1前3bit為保留位,後5位是SPS NALUs的個數,這通常為1. 0x19代表的是SPS的長度,0x67~80就是SPS的資料內容,一直到0x07,代表PPS的長度,0x68開始到結尾就是PPS的內容。

你會發現SPS和PPS被儲存在帶外。這是因為已經從基礎流資料中分離了出來。儲存和傳輸這個資料是檔案容器的工作。雖然在這裡並沒有使用開始碼,但是emulation prevention bytes仍然被插入在PPS和SPS資料中。




0x0000 | 00 00 02 41 65 88 81 00 05 4E 7F 87 DF 61 A5 8B
0x0010 | 95 EE A4 E9 38 B7 6A 30 6A 71 B9 55 60 0B 76 2E
0x0020 | B5 0E E4 80 59 27 B8 67 A9 63 37 5E 82 20 55 FB
0x0030 | E4 6A E9 37 35 72 E2 22 91 9E 4D FF 60 86 CE 7E
0x0040 | 42 B7 95 CE 2A E1 26 BE 87 73 84 26 BA 16 36 F4
0x0050 | E6 9F 17 DA D8 64 75 54 B1 F3 45 0C 0B 3C 74 B3
0x0060 | 9D BC EB 53 73 87 C3 0E 62 47 48 62 CA 59 EB 86
0x0070 | 3F 3A FA 86 B5 BF A8 6D 06 16 50 82 C4 CE 62 9E
0x0080 | 4E E6 4C C7 30 3E DE A1 0B D8 83 0B B6 B8 28 BC
0x0090 | A9 EB 77 43 FC 7A 17 94 85 21 CA 37 6B 30 95 B5
0x00A0 | 46 77 30 60 B7 12 D6 8C C5 54 85 29 D8 69 A9 6F
0x00B0 | 12 4E 71 DF E3 E2 B1 6B 6B BF 9F FB 2E 57 30 A9
0x00C0 | 69 76 C4 46 A2 DF FA 91 D9 50 74 55 1D 49 04 5A
0x00D0 | 1C D6 86 68 7C B6 61 48 6C 96 E6 12 4C 27 AD BA
0x00E0 | C7 51 99 8E D0 F0 ED 8E F6 65 79 79 A6 12 A1 95
0x00F0 | DB C8 AE E3 B6 35 E6 8D BC 48 A3 7F AF 4A 28 8A
0x0100 | 53 E2 7E 68 08 9F 67 77 98 52 DB 50 84 D6 5E 25
0x0110 | E1 4A 99 58 34 C7 11 D6 43 FF C4 FD 9A 44 16 D1
0x0120 | B2 FB 02 DB A1 89 69 34 C2 32 55 98 F9 9B B2 31
0x0130 | 3F 49 59 0C 06 8C DB A5 B2 9D 7E 12 2F D0 87 94
0x0140 | 44 E4 0A 76 EF 99 2D 91 18 39 50 3B 29 3B F5 2C
0x0150 | 97 73 48 91 83 B0 A6 F3 4B 70 2F 1C 8F 3B 78 23
0x0160 | C6 AA 86 46 43 1D D7 2A 23 5E 2C D9 48 0A F5 F5
0x0170 | 2C D1 FB 3F F0 4B 78 37 E9 45 DD 72 CF 80 35 C3
0x0180 | 95 07 F3 D9 06 E5 4A 58 76 03 6C 81 20 62 45 65
0x0190 | 44 73 BC FE C1 9F 31 E5 DB 89 5C 6B 79 D8 68 90
0x01A0 | D7 26 A8 A1 88 86 81 DC 9A 4F 40 A5 23 C7 DE BE
0x01B0 | 6F 76 AB 79 16 51 21 67 83 2E F3 D6 27 1A 42 C2
0x01C0 | 94 D1 5D 6C DB 4A 7A E2 CB 0B B0 68 0B BE 19 59
0x01D0 | 00 50 FC C0 BD 9D F5 F5 F8 A8 17 19 D6 B3 E9 74
0x01E0 | BA 50 E5 2C 45 7B F9 93 EA 5A F9 A9 30 B1 6F 5B
0x01F0 | 36 24 1E 8D 55 57 F4 CC 67 B2 65 6A A9 36 26 D0
0x0200 | 06 B8 E2 E3 73 8B D1 C0 1C 52 15 CA B5 AC 60 3E
0x0210 | 36 42 F1 2C BD 99 77 AB A8 A9 A4 8E 9C 8B 84 DE
0x0220 | 73 F0 91 29 97 AE DB AF D6 F8 5E 9B 86 B3 B3 03
0x0230 | B3 AC 75 6F A6 11 69 2F 3D 3A CE FA 53 86 60 95
0x0240 | 6C BB C5 4E F3

比方說上面這段data中,0x00 00 02 41只是用來表面NALU的長度,真正的SPS資料是從65開始的,所以在處理資料的時候,需要移除掉前四位

int startIndex = 4;
  int nalu_type = ((uint8_t)frame[startIndex] & 0x1F);
  if (nalu_type == 1) {
    CMBlockBufferRef videoBlock = NULL;
    _status = CMBlockBufferCreateWithMemoryBlock(NULL, frame, size, kCFAllocatorNull, NULL, 0, size, 0, &videoBlock);
    //        NSLog(@"BlockBufferCreation: %@", (status == kCMBlockBufferNoErr) ? @"successfully." : @"failed.");

    // 5.  making sure to replace the separator code with a 4 byte length code (the length of the NalUnit including the unit code)
    int reomveHeaderSize = size - 4;
    const uint8_t sourceBytes[] = {(uint8_t)(reomveHeaderSize >> 24), (uint8_t)(reomveHeaderSize >> 16), (uint8_t)(reomveHeaderSize >> 8), (uint8_t)reomveHeaderSize};
    _status = CMBlockBufferReplaceDataBytes(sourceBytes, videoBlock, 0, 4);

