FreeMarker Eclipse Plugin的安裝!
如果使用的是Eclipse2.x, 安裝方法如下:
- Open the Window menu, then Open Perspective -> Install/Update
- Click with the right mouse button on the Feature Updates view, then select New -> Site Bookmark
- In the displayed dialog box, type "FreeMarker" for Name and " for URL. Leave the "Bookmark type" radio buttons on "Eclipse update site".
- Click Finish
- Open the tree node under the newly created update site named "FreeMarker", select the "FreeMarker X.Y.Z" feature, and install it using the Install now button in the preview pane.
- Help -> Software updates -> Find and install....
- Choose "Search for new features to install".
- Click Add Update Site..., and type "FreeMarker" for Name and " for URL.
- Check the box of the "FreeMarker" feature.
- "Next"-s until it is installed...
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