aspx頁面中動態建立控制元件 (轉)
< namespace="System.Data"%>
< namespace="System.Data.Ole"%>
< namespace="System.Text"%>
Hashtable hashProductName = new Hashtable();
Hashtable hashProductDesc = new Hashtable();
public void page_load( obj,EventArgs e)
hashProductName[0] = "Jalapeno Dip" ;
hashProductName[1] = "Smoked Sausage" ;
hashProductName[2] = "Shrimp Fiesta" ;
hashProductName[3] = "Jerk Chicken" ;
hashProductName[4] = "Beer-Battered Fish" ;
hashProductName[5] = "Bacon Burger" ;
hashProductName[6] = "Sirloin Tip" ;
hashProductName[7] = "Baked Alaska" ;
hashProductName[8] = "Fried Chicken" ;
hashProductName[9] = "Fresh Garden Salad" ;
hashProductName[10] = "One Pea" ;
hashProductDesc[0] = "Simmered in mayonaise and wine, this Jalapeno Dwill make your eyes water" ;
hashProductDesc[1] = "Mouth watering and delicious sausage" ;
hashProductDesc[2] = "East Coast's finest shrimp" ;
hashProductDesc[3] = "A real island experience you will not forget" ;
hashProductDesc[4] = "Pabst Blue Ribbon and Fish. Wow!" ;
hashProductDesc[5] = "Big, juicy, and bursting with flavor" ;
hashProductDesc[6] = "Delicate cuts with no " ;
hashProductDesc[7] = "Fine dessert comprised of sponge cake topped with ice cream and covered with meringue. " ;
hashProductDesc[8] = "Country cookin'" ;
hashProductDesc[9] = "Crispy iceberg lettuce and a garden of vegtables" ;
hashProductDesc[10] = "A single green pea that will leave you craving more" ;
for (int i=0; i<=10; i++)
LinkButton LB5= new LinkButton();
LB5.Text = hashProductName[i].ToString();
LB5.CommandName = "Products";
LB5.CssClass = "ProductLinks";
LB5.CommandArgument = i.ToString() ;
LB5.Command += new System..UI.WebControls.CommandEventHandler(OnLinkClick);
LinkList.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("
private void OnLinkClick(object O, System.Web.UI.WebControls.CommandEventArgs E)
int RecordId = Int32.Parse(E.CommandArgument.ToString());
<:Table CellPadding=6 CellSpacing=2 BorderColor="#DDDDDD" BorderStyle=Solid BorderWidth=2 Runat=server>
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