(譯)win32asm例項-1 (轉)
1.0 - New project新的工程
Create a new folder named 'mosaic' in your asm projects folder (it is adviceable to create this folder on the same drive as the MASM package so you can use the relative lib/include paths in the examples.
this Zfile and extract it's contents in your 'mosaic' folder: ?file=mosaic.mosaic_lesson_files">mosaic lesson files.zip:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas--com::office" />
這個zip檔案並把它的內容解到你的“mosaic”目錄中:mosaic lesson files.zip
1.1 - Basic files基本檔案
The contains the basic (almost empty) files for your project. Here's a short description of the files:
; Mosaic.asm
.model flat, stdcall
option casemap: none
includelib masm32libkernel32.lib
includelib masm32libuser32.lib
includelib masm32libgdi32.lib
includelib masm32libcomctl32.lib
includelib masm32libcomdlg32.lib
include masm32includekernel32.inc
include masm32includecomctl32.inc
include masm32includecomdlg32.inc
include masm32includeuser32.inc
include masm32includegdi32.inc
include masm32include.inc
include mosaic.inc
end start
This file contains the for a asm file.
.486: indicates to use the 486+ assembly instructions
.model flat, stdcall: defines the memory model (flat) and the calling convention (stdcall)
includelib / include: These include the libraries and include files for the windows functions needed. The windows.inc includes basic windows constants. The mosaic.inc contains your own constants.
.code: code segment
start: just a label, could be anything
end start: indicates that the entry point of your program is at a label called start.
.486: 說明用486及以上的指令。
.model flat, stdcall:定義(flat)和習慣(stdcall)
includelib / include: 這些包含Windows所需要的庫和包含檔案。Windows.inc中有基本的windows常量。Mosaic.inc包含你自有的常量。
.code: 選擇程式碼段
start: 只是一個標籤,可以為任何東西
end start:表明你的的入口點是位於一個名為start的標籤.
;---- msgbox macro: usage MSGBOX "string to display" -------
LOCAL @msg
@msg msg, 0
invoke MessageBox, NULL, ADDR @msg, ADDR AppName, MB_OK
In mosaic.inc there is a little macro to simplify the use of MessageBoxes. A macro is a piece of code that can contain variables (here msg for example), which you can then use in your code and will be replaced by the macro code when assembling. I don't go into details about macro's right now, just remember you can show a msgbox in your program by using:
msgbox "Your string to display"
@echo off
ml /c /coff mosaic.asm
rc -r mosaic.rc
link /subsystem:windows mosaic.obj mosaic.res
Use this batch file to assemble and link your program. The rc command will compile your resources.
This folder contains some bitmaps and icons we will use in our program:
Big icon
Small icon
Toolbar buttons
Demo game picture
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/10752043/viewspace-991725/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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