Tablespace Repository (60)
A tablespace repository is a collection of tablespace sets. Tablespace repositories are
built on file group repositories, but tablespace repositories only contain the files
required to move or copy tablespaces between databases. Different tablespace sets
may be stored in a tablespace repository, and different versions of a particular
tablespace set also may be stored. A version of a tablespace set in a tablespace
repository consists of the following files:
■ The Data Pump export dump file for the tablespace set
■ The Data Pump log file for the export
■ The datafiles that comprise the tablespace set[@more@]
built on file group repositories, but tablespace repositories only contain the files
required to move or copy tablespaces between databases. Different tablespace sets
may be stored in a tablespace repository, and different versions of a particular
tablespace set also may be stored. A version of a tablespace set in a tablespace
repository consists of the following files:
■ The Data Pump export dump file for the tablespace set
■ The Data Pump log file for the export
■ The datafiles that comprise the tablespace set[@more@]
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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- Oracle OCP(48):UNDO TABLESPACEOracle
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- 60
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