// This code was generated by a SAP. NET Connector Proxy Generator Version 1.0
// Created at 06.10.2003
// Created from Windows 2000
// Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if
// the code is regenerated.
using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Xml.Serialization;
using System.Web.Services;
using System.Web.Services.Description;
using System.Web.Services.Protocols;
using SAP.Connector;
namespace SAPReader.SAPKernel
public class TAB512Table : SAPTable
public static Type GetElementType()
return (typeof(TAB512));
public override object CreateNewRow()
return new TAB512();
public TAB512 this[int index]
return ((TAB512)(List[index]));
List[index] = value;
public int Add(TAB512 value)
return List.Add(value);
public void Insert(int index, TAB512 value)
List.Insert(index, value);
public int IndexOf(TAB512 value)
return List.IndexOf(value);
public bool Contains(TAB512 value)
return List.Contains(value);
public void Remove(TAB512 value)
public void CopyTo(TAB512[] array, int index)
List.CopyTo(array, index);
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/232040/viewspace-969014/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。