在winnt/win9x下用blat發email的示例(轉)[@more@]## 步驟:## A.安裝blat.# 1.下載blat .( )# 2. 解壓到一個目錄,如 e:usrbinblat## B.除錯本程式.# ### 配置信件內容 ##$blat_prog="e:usrinlatlat.exe"; #指定blat.exe路徑$server="smtp.263.net";$from="sirbowl@263.net";$to="sirbo@263.net";$subject="hi,this is sent from blat.exe !";$body="this is body!!!!";###### 配置完成 ########$file=""; #一般為空$temp_files_path="."; #一般為空##############($errcode,$output) = &mail_blat($blat_prog, $server, $from, $to, $subject, $file, $body, $temp_files_path);&htmlhead;print " errcode is $errcodeoutput is $output";exit;#########################sub htmlhead{local($temp1)=$_[0];if($has_send != 1){if($temp1 eq "admin"){print "Content-type: text/htmln";print "Pragma:no-cachenn";}else{print "Content-type: text/htmlnn";}$has_send=1;}}######### 以下一段是庫檔案的函式說明#=====================================================================## Sending mail with Blat (Win 95/NT)## Blat home page: ## Can send file or text or file+text (if both $file and $body ne "")## Call as:# ($errcode,$output)=# &mail_blat($blat_prog, $server, $from, $to,# $subject, $file, $body, $temp_files_path);## Returns error-code(correct in Blat 1.5 only) and Blat-output## Author : Mike Blazer blazer@mail.nevalink.ru# Version: 1.4 Last Modified: Jan 7, 1998# Tested : on ActiveWare's Perl port, build 110; Win'95, Win NT+IIS 3.0#=====================================================================sub mail_blat {local ($blat_prog, $SMTP_host, $from, $to, $subj,$file, $body, $temp_files_path) = @_;local ($temp_file, $out, $filebody);if (!$body){return 4,"Both body/file sources are empty in " .__FILE__." at line ".__LINE__."n" if !$file;$temp_file=$file;}else { # create temp-file's nameBEGIN{ srand $$.time }do {$temp_file = "$temp_files_path/".int (rand(1000000)).".file"} until (!-e $temp_file);# file+body requestif ($file) {open (IN,"$file") ||return 1,"Can not read file $file in " .__FILE__." at line ".__LINE__."n";$filebody = join "",;close IN;}# write message's body to temp-fileopen (TEMP, ">$temp_file") ||return 2,"Can not write temp-file $file in " .__FILE__." at line ".__LINE__."n";print TEMP "$filebodyn$body";close TEMP;} # end of else$out=`$blat_prog $temp_file -s "$subj" -f $from -t $to -server$SMTP_host`;# remove temp-fileunlink $temp_file if ($temp_file ne $file);# workaround syntax error that returns 0$? = 3 if(!$? && $out=~/nsyntax:n/);# return error-code and Blat-outputreturn $?,$out;}
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/8225414/viewspace-942997/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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